How Much Do You Owe?

How Much Do You Owe   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Deep In Debt

Romans 1:14–16 KJV
14 I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. 15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Luke 7:40–50 TPT
40 Jesus said, “Simon, I have a word for you.” “Go ahead, Teacher. I want to hear it,” he answered. 41 “It’s a story about two men who were deeply in debt. One owed the bank one hundred thousand dollars, and the other only owed ten thousand dollars. 42 When it was obvious that neither of them would be able to repay their debts, the kind banker graciously wrote off the debts and forgave them all that they owed. Tell me, Simon, which of the two debtors would be the most thankful? Which one would love the banker most?” 43 Simon answered, “I suppose it would be the one with the greatest debt forgiven.” “You’re right,” Jesus agreed. 44 Then he spoke to Simon about the woman still weeping at his feet. “Don’t you see this woman kneeling here? She is doing for me what you didn’t bother to do. When I entered your home as your guest, you didn’t think about offering me water to wash the dust off my feet. Yet she came into your home and washed my feet with her many tears and then dried my feet with her hair. 45 You didn’t even welcome me into your home with the customary kiss of greeting, but from the moment I came in she has not stopped kissing my feet. 46 You didn’t take the time to anoint my head with fragrant oil, but she anointed my head and feet with the finest perfume. 47 She has been forgiven of all her many sins. This is why she has shown me such extravagant love. But those who assume they have very little to be forgiven will love me very little.” 48 Then Jesus said to the woman at his feet, “All your sins are forgiven.” 49 All the dinner guests said among themselves, “Who is the one who can even forgive sins?” 50 Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith in me has given you life. Now you may leave and walk in the ways of peace.”
I believe one of the most important lessons I was taught as a young christian man was the power of loyalty. It’s been a painful lesson that i am still trying to master.
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When you look over your life, is there a lot of people that contributed to your success today?
When look over your life are there any that tried to stop your Success?
You Owe them both........How Much do you owe?
Luke An Exemplary Sinner (7:36–50)

In an account unique to Luke, a sinful woman visits Jesus and anoints him. She says nothing, but her actions speak a thousand words. The problem is that her intimacy with Jesus produces an array of opinion. Her action forces Jesus to explain how he responds to others, especially sinners. In the response he reveals both his philosophy of dealing with people and his authority.

Luke An Exemplary Sinner (7:36–50)

During a meal at the home of a Pharisee, a well-known sinful woman enters to anoint Jesus’ feet. We are not told what her sin has been. Traditionally she has been called a prostitute, but the text is not so specific.

Luke An Exemplary Sinner (7:36–50)

Whatever her sin, her reputation precedes her.

Luke An Exemplary Sinner (7:36–50)

It may seem odd that she is able to “crash the party” and approach Jesus, but in the ancient world it apparently was common to allow access to a meal in honor of a major teaching figure

Luke An Exemplary Sinner (7:36–50)

Here no one expresses shock that the woman is present; the scandal is that she has drawn close to Jesus and he has let her approach him. As long as she sat in the bleachers, everything was fine, but when she steps onto the playing field, people become upset. They don’t think a spectator should become a key player.

Luke An Exemplary Sinner (7:36–50)

The woman’s actions reflect great cost, care and emotion. The perfume she uses is both precious and expensive

Luke An Exemplary Sinner (7:36–50)

If this perfume is nard, it would have cost three hundred denarii, or about a year’s salary, per pound!

Approaching a reclining Jesus, she anoints his feet as tears of joy and appreciation pour out upon him. The undoing of her hair is culturally shocking. Her kissing of Jesus’ feet also expresses an intimacy shunned in this culture. Everything about her action is offensive, except for the attitude that fed it, an attitude Jesus exposes in his parable in verses 41–44.

Luke An Exemplary Sinner (7:36–50)

Imagine the nerve of the woman, who surely realizes how others are viewing her. The strength of her love has caused her to be bold in expressing appreciation to Jesus.

The Question: Which One Will Love Me The Most?
The answer: the one with the greatest debt
2. In Romans 1:14 Paul States: “I am A debtor” What he literally is saying. I have an obligation.
Romans 1:14 NLT
14 For I have a great sense of obligation to people in both the civilized world and the rest of the world, to the educated and uneducated alike.
3. Your Faith In Jesus Christ is what gives you LIFE.
Luke 7:50 TPT
50 Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith in me has given you life. Now you may leave and walk in the ways of peace.”
You can always tell where a person is deficit Spiritually and Naturally by the Faith the have in God concerning certain things.
Lets talk naturally first. As a single man or women i would be weary of marrying someone that doesn’t honor there parents. IF you struggle with forgiveness to the person thats given you life.. You prob going to have issue with forgiving me and our kids..
If you struggle with allowing the Lord to lead you, you lack the faith in knowing him as Jehovah-Rohi: The Lord My Shepard
If you struggle with Tithes & Offerings, you lack the faith of knowing his as Jehovah- Jireh: The Lord Shall Provide
If you struggle with believing God can heal you, you lack the faith of knowing him as Jehovah-Rapha: The Lord That Heals
If you struggle with the Lord fighting your battles, you lack the faith of knowing him s Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord Is My Banner
If you struggle with living holy, You lack the faith of knowing him as Jehovah-M’Kaddesh: The Lord who Sanctifies
If you struggle with the spirit of fear, you may lack the faith of knowing him as Jehovah-Shalom: The Lord of Peace
If Just struggle with Jesus existence, you lack the faith to know him as Jejovah-Tsidkenu: The Lord who is Rightoues
If you keep telling yourself I don’t feel God when i pray, you might lack the faith to believe him as Jehovah-Shammah: The Lord Who Is There.
When i was A YOUNG MAN in Rehoboth we would sing..
Jesus I’ll Never forget what you done for me....
People in debt never forget!!
and we ready to get Rome
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