The Subtlety of Deception
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· 7 viewsIn this message we will explore the nature of Satanic deception and Paul's worry for the Corinthian church that they had succumbed to it.
Wednesday evening, I read a brief article to those who were able to attend about a recent proposal, expressed in Time magazine, to turn Earth Day into a religious holiday.
This would be a time of worship and reverence for the Earth as lifegiver.
The authors proposed, even, the development of new religious texts.
Recently, we have also studied together about the nature of deception.
It is not obvious such as in the form of wizards and witches.
Satan’s deceptions, his lies, are harder to detect.
Paul reminded the Corinthians that he was part of a spiritual battle.
We are not engaged in a physical battle.
We do not fight in the flesh.
We must make sure we know the truth so we can distinguish between truth and error as the lines between the two become blurred to the minds of most.
This requires knowledge of the truth.
It requires self-examination in light of the truth (see 2 Cor. 13).
Purity in Truth and in Christ
Purity in Truth and in Christ
Paul engages in sarcastic statements expressing his wish for the Corinthians to give him an audience they would otherwise give to someone not teaching the truth.
Lies and deception are not just the domain of human beings. They are the work of humanity, in some cases, as part of the broader spiritual conflict taking place in the world between God and Satan. Jesus once observed that there is a whole category of people who never hear his word.
In the case of the Corinthians, they have become so confused, through giving audience to false teachers, they no longer can recognize the signs of a true apostle nor the genuine honest behavior Paul has shown toward them.
He has been accused of not loving them:
He wasn’t a burden to them.
He did not verbally castigate them.
He knew, however, that he had joined the Corinthians, like a pure virgin to her betrothed, future husband so that he might present them to Christ.
As a side note, this is a goal Paul states consistently (Col. 1:22).
True believers and true churches can only exist where there is the truth from the outset.
Potential for Complete Deception
Potential for Complete Deception
Paul told the Corinthians of his fear about them (2 Cor. 11:3).
Notice what he places in comparison with one another:
“Somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve in his trickery/cunning”
YOUR MINDS might be corrupted/ruined/destroyed from the genuineness (purity) and holiness which (is) in the Messiah.”
What happened to Eve was a distortion of reality.
Her thoughts were destroyed.
This can happen to churches.
Paul worried the Corinthians’ minds/foundations of thought might be destroyed.
Note 2 Cor. 11:12-15.
He states they would endure well such an individual who came preaching the opposite of the truth.
Paul plays on those initial verbs.
The next section makes it clear the Corinthians have developed a distorted view of apostleship.
Read the Satan Club Flyer and Tell the Backstory
Read the Satan Club Flyer and Tell the Backstory