Gal 6.11-18
From Grace to Grace
Here, “the Galatians are reminded as to what is at stake in this controversy” (Schreiner, Galatians, 373). Indeed, Galatians is about a controversy. (Interestingly, virtually every letter in the NT is written because of a controversy!) The controversy in Galatians is about the nature of salvation. Paul is making one final plea that “Jesus paid it all.”
Walk Humbly In Grace
Treasure Christ Above All Else
If we boast in ourselves and in our ability to save ourselves, we shall never boast in the cross and in the ability of Christ crucified to save us. We have to choose. Only if we have humbled ourselves as hell-deserving sinners shall we give up boasting of ourselves, fly to the cross for salvation and spend the rest of our days glorying in the cross.
Value Spiritual Transformation Not External Ritual
Just because a person was a natural-born descendant of Abraham did not make one an Israelite indeed. A personal experience with God is what made one a true Israelite, just as it took an encounter with God to change Jacob into Israel.