Telling the Story of The Bible

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Good Morning Church! How is everyone doing this morning?
Would you Join me in a word of prayer?
Rhetorical questions: How do you share the story of the Bible? How do we talk about the Bible to people who have never read it?
Questions with response: When someone asks you about what the Bible is, What do you say?
Transition: This morning we are going to go through the entire bible together. My goal is to share my understanding of the metanarrative of the Bible in such a way that makes the bible accessible for anyone. By the end of the sermon, I hope we can share the story of the Bible into 3 sentences.

Key Points in the Bible

In the Garden (Slide)

God created his people to live with him in a flourishing world. What God made was good and very Good.

The Fall-

God created people with the ability to chose. To trust what God has for us or Trust our own definition of Good and Evil.
In the Garden Adam and Eve chose to define good and evil on their own terms.
Through that choice brokenness in trust, in relationships, and in sin came into the world.
Over time as the population of Earth Grew so did the definitions of Good and Evil and the consequences of Sin as well.

The Patriarchs

Yet, God wanted to be in relationship with his people so he chose abraham. Abraham and his sons would follow Yahweh, but like adam and eve would often trust their own sense of good and evil. The people of God ended up in Egypt not the promised land.
The Egyptains defined slavery of God’s people as something that was “good”.

The Exodus

In slavery, the people cried out to God and once again God chose one human: Moses.
Through mighty acts God brought his people out of Slavery.

The Law

God gave His people the law to show his people how to live in right relationship with him and each other.
God once again would give the people a land of milk and honey to live in. But the people did not follow the law. They did evil in the sight of Yahweh.

Judges and Kings-

God sent leaders to lead the people out of the messes and consequences of their sin, yet the people, even their leaders refused to repent and turn back from their own ways.
The Prophets
God chose the prophets to speak to the people and call them to repentence. Prophets were God’s mouthpiece.
The prophets warned the people that their choices would lead to slavery not just by sin but foreign nations.
They also told of a day where a person from within Israel would lead the people out of Slavery. A servant of God who would live the life he called his people to from the Beginning.

The Exile

As the Prophets foretold- Assyria invaded the north. Bablyon invaded the south and the people were enslaved. For generations they were enslaved by foreign empire after foreign empire.
For 400 years, God seemed silent. That is the time between testaments.

The Gospel

God came in the Flesh during Israel’s enslavement to Rome. The people were expecting Jesus to free them from Rome.
Jesus told them they were enslaved to a greater power: Sin.
Jesus came with a message of not of rebellion and conquest but of forgiveness.
Jesus battled not Rome, but sin and Evil through healing, Deliverance, and Transformation.
On the Sermon on the mount Jesus gave the law once again- revealing God’s heart for humanity.

The Crucifixion-

The people once again chose their own way that would lead to death. Not their own this time, but God’s on a cross.
We often view the cross as God’s death for humanity, but it was also God’s execution by humanity.

The Resurrection

But Death was not final for God. In death, Jesus battled sin, evil, and death. He took on himself the full consequences of humanities sin.
In his resurrection, He offers new life to anyone that would follow the Jesus way of life.

The Spirit

God doesnt just give his people eternal life but the Holy Spirit to empower this new way of Life and a mission.
The Spirit forms the Church.

The Church

The church is a community of Spirit Lead Jesus followers called to share the message and ministry of Reconciliation.
Jesus commands the church to be fruitful and making disciples of all nations.

The Letters-

Paul and other church leaders wrote letters to address the early church on problems doctrine and other things.

In the End-

The end of the Biblical story we see God’s plan fully worked out. Ironically the end looks very much like the beginning.
God’s people are with Him once again in the Garden. The Tree of Life is in the midst. Every tear is wiped dry and death is defeated. God and Humanity live in freedom, together once again for all of eternity.

The Summary

The Bible is the story of God and Humanity.
Human’s over and over again chose their own way that leads to slavery and death.
But, God offers forgiveness and freedom through Jesus; inviting everyone into an eternal relationship with HIm.
That is the Bible in 3 Sentences.

The Sending

We have heard the story of the Bible. We have lived the story. Now is the time to share the story with others!
Id like to invite the worship team up to Singing the Song God whose Grace redeems our story!
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