Introduction to Proverbs Prov. 1:1-7
What is a Proverbs?
Proverbs is a book primarily known as the book of wisdom.
The word proverb means: A short sentence often repeated, expressing a well known truth or common fact, ascertained by experience or observation; a maxim of wisdom.
Who wrote Proverbs?
Proverbs was written by Solomon, who was the Son of David and a king of Israel.
The Bible tells us in 1 Kings 4:32 that Solomon spoke 3000 Proverbs.
Where did Solomon get the wisdom to write a book like this?
1 Kings 3:1-15 - Turn
This passage tells us the story of Solomon obtaining the wisdom he used to write a book like Proverbs.
Notice that the reason Solomon asked for wisdom is because he knew that He didn’t have it all figured out. May I remind you tonight that its okay to ask for help, it is much wiser to ask for help than to just fail.
The Purpose of the Proverbs vs. 2-4
The Purpose of the Proverbs vs. 2-4
To know wisdom and instruction vs 2a
Wisdom- wisdom is the quality of discerning what is true, what is ethically right, and what should be done in different situations.
I think we can agree that all of us need wisdom.
We need wisdom in every area of our life, and the book of proverbs will help us with that.
Instruction - this refers to corrective action or discipline.
All of us need some discipline in our lives. The Bible tells us wise if we listen to instructions, but it also tells us we are fools if we don’t listen.
To perceive the words of understanding vs. 2b
Perceive- Refers to perception via sight, sound, or touch as well as cognitive understanding and the ability to discern the best choice among options.
I heard a preacher saying choosing the high road is not choosing between good and bad, but rather choosing between whats good and best.
This is the discernment the word perceive is talking about.
The words of understanding.
Prov. 15:32 “He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: But he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.”
The word understanding here means insight or discernment.
It describes ones ability to wisely cogitate data that has been received: It moves beyond simply gathering information into the activity of discerning and judging its importance
The book of proverbs wasn’t just written for us to gather information, but rather to give us the ability to discern the knowledge we receive.
To receive the instruction of:
Justice - someone or something that is right or just
Judgement - passing down judgement
Equity - is the impartial distribution of justice, or the doing that to another which the laws of God and man, and of reason, give him a right to claim. It is the treating of a person according to justice and reason.
The reason for this is so that whoever is passing down the judgement distributes it impartially.
To give subtilty to the simple
Subtilty - to refine
The book of proverbs is for the simple minded as much as it is for the smartest person
The Bible has a lot to say about the simple but look what it has to say about the word of God to the simple
Ps 119:130 “The entrance of thy words giveth light; It giveth understanding unto the simple.”
I’m thankful that Gods word gives understanding to the simple
To the young man knowledge and discretion
discretion- Prudence, or knowledge and prudence; that discernment which enables a person to judge critically of what is correct and proper, united with caution; nice discernment and judgment, directed by circumspection, and primarily regarding ones own conduct.
How to react to wisdom vs. 5-6
How to react to wisdom vs. 5-6
A wise man will hear and increase learning
When a wise man hears theses proverbs he is going to hear them. But as we know it is one thing to hear something and another thing to HEAR something.
Guy’s I am going to tell on us a little bit tonight, sometimes our wives talk to us, we are doing something else while she is talking. We know she is talking but we have no idea what she is saying. Sometimes we agree to things without having any idea what we just agreed to because we heard her but we didn’t HEAR her.
When a wise man hears something he truly hears it and because of that he increases in learning.
The word learning means Gaining knowledge by instruction or reading, by study, by experience or observation; acquiring skill by practice.
When we listen to instruction we should increase in learning.
A man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel.
The smartest people I know are surrounded by people who are smarter than them.
Why is that? Prov. 11:14 “Where no counsel is, the people fall: But in the multitude of counsellers there is safety.”
If you want to get smarter, talk to people who are smarter than you.
I’m thankful for the young preachers who are out there staying by the stuff, but I can learn a whole lot more by the preachers who have stayed by the stuff longer than I have.
To understand a proverb and the interpretation
Proverbs can be like parables
We need to understand the proverb and how it applies to us.
Interpretation means The act of expounding or unfolding what is not understood or not obvious
to understand the words of the wise and their dark sayings
Dark sayings is talking about riddles, in those days they spoke a lot in riddles and they would need an interpreter of the riddle.
A key example of this is in the book of Judges, Samson spoke in riddles.
Where does wisdom start vs. 7
Where does wisdom start vs. 7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge
Ps. 111:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: A good understanding have all they that do his commandments: His praise endureth for ever.”
If you want knowledge or wisdom, it starts by having a reverential awe of God.
Job 28:28 “And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; And to depart from evil is understanding.”
Prov. 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: And the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”
Over and over in the Bible it tells us that wisdom begins when we have a reverential awe of who God is. God is the granter of wisdom.
But fools despise wisdom and instruction
The foolish man hates wisdom, and hates corrective action or discipline
Job 5:17 “Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: Therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty:”
There are two ways of learning, you can learn from the mistakes you make or you can learn from those who have Gone before you.
It is foolish to not learn from others mistakes.
Every word, every jot, every tittle in the Bible is inspired by God. God inspired Solomon to write the book of Proverbs for our learning and our admonition and we would be foolish to not get wisdom and knowledge from the book.