Ps. 4: A Song about Anger

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Review from last week:
When was the last time you got angry, and I mean good and angry?
what where the circumstances
What about the circumstances had you so fired up? What were you against? What was wrong or who was wronged?
What did you do? What did you say...
When you are provoked to anger, to do blow up or clam up?
Eg. Sports- that wasn’t the right call, he or she got away with a foul,
a post online- wow, is that really what they believe, wow, I cannot believe that, I would never wear that…thumbs up emoji
Parenting- My child has just disobeyed me for the 10 time, I backed up in the kitchen and knocking over the water on the floor, while I am trying to get lunch ready...
What would a godly response of anger look/sound like? Is it that we would never get angry at anything, no, that would indicate we just don’t care! Do we take on every situation like it is ours to correct, well no, we are not God.
This Psalm is widely regarded to be closely connected with Psalm 3 and David’s circumstances with Absalom.
Circumstances: “Relief when I was Distressed” (vs. 1-3)
Heart Ponderings: “Put Your Trust in the LORD” (vs. 4-5)
God is Peace: “Make me Dwell in Safety” (vs. 6-8)
Illustration: When was the last time your got good and angry, Reading chapter 2 in “Good and Angry”, three “0 0 0” of life

Circumstances: “Relief when I was Distressed” (vs. 1-3)

To the Choirmaster-
with stringed instruments- title also used in Ps 61, Hab. 3:19
a Psalm of David- David is the attributed author of this Psalm
O God- Vertical (v. 1)
Answer me- imperative,
when I call
O God of my righteousness! being in the right, having right character.
You have given me relief- perfect, he reflects on the past when God did this.
when I was in distress- physical, mental, social, or economic adversity. The word gives the idea of being in a “tight corner”
Be gracious to me- imperative,
and hear my prayer!- imperative,
O men- Horizontal (v. 2)
O men- different address than before, O men of rank
how long (self-reflective)
shall my honor be turned into shame (insult)?
Maybe there was murmuring among the men about David and his character and choices. David is not perfect
Mabye he is putting it out there because he needs the response of others? He needs encouragment
How long (confrontation)
will you love vain(empty, void) words- imperfect, flirt with
and seek after lies- God hates lies- imperfect, discover, request, to try to get or reach something one desires (Ps. 5:6)
Absalom is spreading lies about about David to the people that are gathering to him.
Selah- Remember, pause, don’t say anything, retune your heartstrings to what you just heard.
Cry out to God- who He is and what He has done
Confront your circumstances- how long
Response/conclusion (vs. 3)
But know- imperative, command
that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself- for a relationship, not for office what they can do...
Set apart- perfect
Exodus 11:7 “But not a dog shall growl against any of the people of Israel, either man or beast, that you may know that the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.’”
from the nations, by their food, clothing, how they cut their hair, circumcision, feasts, etc
David “set apart” as king, the anointed king.
For Fellowship
The LORD hears when I call to Him- imperfect, to listen or pay close attention to.
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
David takes comfort in the conclusion that he has been set aside by the LORD and that the LORD hears when he call to Him. Is that your comfort today? Is that the conclusion that has been getting you through the week?
What do “vain words” or “lies” sound like in your circumstances? Which ones have you been falling prey to this week?
What do you need to call to the LORD who hears about today?
Enlist the Body (Words, actions, emotions):
In light of the fact that God hears the godly when they call, what will it sound like to call out to him this week?
In light of the fact that God gives relief in distress, those in a “tight corner”, what will it look/sound like to confront your cirucumstances this week?
If you need some good examples, look at the life of Jesus! He is continually calling out to His heavenly father! If you want to study the prayer life of Jesus and prayers throughout the NT come to our prayer growth group on Wednesdays at lunch! That could be your homework this week.
Transitional phrase: These verses address calling out to God and confronting circumstances and the people of those circumstances. So what is the most common emotion that accompanies those actions or is the provoker...

Heart Ponderings: “Put Your Trust in the LORD” (vs. 4-5)

Anger (v. 4)
Be angry- imperative, command, agitated, this is a given, it is going to happen. there are things in life that we are against, that we do not like, that go agasint what we want, that displeases me
“Its the dark, turbulent emotion of destruction” (Anger, 3)
“Anger is the ‘hot’ emotion by which we vent our displeasure” (Anger, 12)
The ancient Romans had a saying, translated “Anger is a brief maddnes” (Anger, 21).
David is expressing that there are some things in life that should make us angry! What things you might ask? Well, for him, the fact that his son was seeking to take the throne in an ungodly fashion.
and do not sin- don’t miss the mark, stay on target.
Ephesians 4:26 “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,”
PIC, Good and Angry: Redeeming Anger, Irritation, Complaining, and Bitterness” David Powlison, maybe a gift fro Christmas? Just be careful who you give it to!
“A whole body response to a percieved injustice”
ponder- imperative, command, the think- don’t speak
in your own hearts
on your beds-
Psalm 42:8 “By day the Lord commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life.”
and be silent- Imperative, to wail or mourn, to express grief by making sounds of wailing or mourning.
James 1:19–20 “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”
Selah- Remember, pause, don’t say anything, retune your heartstrings to what you just heard.
Be angry and don’t sin- unrighteousness does not give you an excuse to be unrighteous!
What am I so upset about (circumstances)? What is wrong? Where is it missing the mark of what it should be?
Ponder in your own heart- not on line, to your spouse/friends/co-workers
What am I wanting that is not happening? What morality has been broken?
Be silent- Proverbs 29:11 “A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.” Why, because usually what comes out of us first is not righteous nor helpful to the situation. You might say, well Pastor Jeremy, how long do I have to sit on my bed and do nothing, I have to do something or I will go crazy...”
Response/Conclusion (v. 5)
Offer- imperative, to make a sacrifice
right sacrifices- do what you know is right. During this time, Absalom was offering sacrifices as well (2 Samuel 15:12 “And while Absalom was offering the sacrifices, he sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David’s counselor, from his city Giloh. And the conspiracy grew strong, and the people with Absalom kept increasing.”
and put your trust- imperative, to believe (trust)
in the LORD- Yhwh,
All of us make sacrifices when we are angry, the question is are they the right ones that showcase a trust in the LORD.
What will it look/sound like to do what is right and put my trust in God for the results?
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
In what ways do anger, pondering, being silent, offering right sacrifices, and putting you trust in the LORD go together?
“Just anger is supposed to motivate fair-minded, constructive, and energetic problem-solving” (Powlison, Anger, 20)
David is instructing the men around him and those that would hear this song about how to deal with anger! Quite practically I might add. Sometimes the hardest thing to do in the moment is entrust yourself to the one you cannot see.
Enlist the Body (Words, actions, emotions):
3 questions: what do you perceive as wrong? How do you feel? What do you do?
Some might me thinking, “Well Pastor Jeremy, that is great, but what about when my toddler is disobeying, someone is being bullied, or someone is being abused?” Am I supposed to run home to my bed and be quite. Well no, there are times where unrighteousness needs to be addressed in the moment. But it will be very difficult to offer the right sacrifice in that moment is there is not a trust that has been built in your Saviour.
Transitional phrase: Alright, David commands those that are listening to his album to be angry, ponder in my heart, and do what is right. After all, God hears me and God is righteous. So, what is the final outcome, what does this look like?

Joyful and Peaceful Responses: “Make Me Dwell in Safety” (vs. 6-8)

Light of your Face (v. 6)
There are many who say- sounds like the 3 manys in chapter 3
who will show us some good?- who really acts this way? Come on David, how many are really going to live like this?
Lift up- imperative,
the light of your face- bestow favour
upon us
O LORD!- David knows it takes the light of something far greater than ourselves to change our heart’s response.
Joy in my heart (v. 7)
You have put (perfect)
more joy in my heart- emotion
than they have when their
and wine abound- having a party is fun, but the circumstances of a party have nothing on the effect of the heart.
Peace to lie down and sleep (v. 8)
In peace
I will both
lie down- imperfect
and sleep- imperfect
For you alone
Make me dwell in safety- imperfect
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
What objections do you have to living this way? What is the chorus around you singing this week?
Do you really believe that God can put more joy in your heart than a change of your circumstances? God is great, but it would be nice if He...
Where else are you tempted to look for peace and safety? David is pretty exclusive here? Is there a different set of circumstances that you have been pondering about that you are seeking to give you safety and peace? God is helpful, but …would provide a little more safety and peacee in my life.
Enlist the Body (Words, actions, emotions):
“000” diagram illustration
Transitional phrase:
Discussion Starters:
What am I so upset about (circumstances)? What is wrong? Where is it missing the mark of what it should be?
What am I wanting that is not happening? What/whose morality has been broken?
What will it look/sound like to do what is right and put my trust in God for the results?
Benediction/Looking ahead: INVITE PEOPLE TO THE CAFE
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