Do the Loose Ends Matter?

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Matthew 17:11 KJV 1900
11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.
Revelation 10:7 KJV 1900
7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
God sent a prophet in our day to tie up the loose ends.
“Loose ends” is a naval expression all ropes on the ship had to be tied down before sailors could depart.
That’s what this angel is supposed to do, take them mysteries, them loose ends that people run out on. 62-1230E - "Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?"
But this seventh angel don’t compromise on nothing. He gathers up all the loose ends, gathers them all up. And at his sounding, “All the mystery of God should be finished.” 62-1230E - "Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?"
And we’re looking forward to the time that when…all the loose ends of these great revivals that’s come across the world in the last few centuries, well, since the falling away of the church, and then the dark age.
And then these great warriors came forth, for Truth, and they would live long enough to get it kind of halfway established, and then little loose ends would run out.
We’re told, in Revelation 10, that there’ll be a messenger in the last day, will gather up these little ends and will bring them together. And then the mystery of God would be finished, at the sounding of this angel, which was a messenger of the earth.
Then One came down from Heaven, with His hands up, rainbow over His head, and swore that there would be time no more; an Angel taking an oath. And when we see this thing is materializing, oh, how sincere we should be. 63-0112 - "Influence"
The power of God, the end-time is here. The angel has gathered up the loose ends and we’re here. Amen. “He was about to write those thunders, and He said, ‘Don’t write them. Seal them up.’”
“And at that day of the sounding of this last, seventh angel,” seventh church age, the Laodicean church age, “the mystery of God,” all about God, how that God is not a big bunch of gods, but one God, “and all these other things should all be finished in that time.”
The great battles, back before, had got the loose ends hanging out. It ought to be all wrapped up together, in this last age. Said, “Then when that sounds, an Angel come down and said, ‘Time shall be no more. I’ll swear by Him that lives forever and ever, time shall be no more.’”
Oh, we are here, brother, sister. We’re at the time. Let’s let the Holy Spirit influence us to the Word of God. Let’s let God do the influencing in our hearts, and not be influenced by others. 63-0112 - "Influence"
But at the end, when the seventh angel begins to sound his mystery, he winds up all of the loose ends that these fellows probed at.
And the mysteries comes down from God, as the Word of God, and reveals the entire revelation of God, then the Godhead and everything else is settled. All the mysteries, serpent’s seed, and whatever more, is to be revealed. 63-0317E - "The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals"
It’s little, loose ends that…These great warriors has come on the scene, such as Irenaeus, and Martin, Saint Martin, and Polycarp, and the different ones, and Luther, and Wesley, and all of these.
As how they have come and just lived long enough to kind of bring a light and shine it, but they left many things in darkness. Along come the Pentecostal Age, like the Lutheran Age, and they run out on limbs.
But still, all right, don’t say they wasn’t right. They were. But there is loose ends left, that can’t be explained. But then in…Why? The Seals hasn’t been broke, to thoroughly reveal what these things are.
But then, in the last age, all these mysteries are to be solved and handed out. And the Seals are to be opened by the Lamb, and revealed to the Church, and then time is no more. 63-0317E - "The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals"
And at the end of the Pentecostal age, we are supposed to receive, according to the Word, as God help me tonight to show you, through here, that we are to see, receive a messenger that will take all those loose ends out there and reveal the whole secret of God, for the rapturing of the Church. 63-0318 - "The First Seal"
What are some of these loose ends that have been taught by different men in different ways? Perhaps some of them we take for granted, but they are almost exclusive to the Message of the Hour.
Communion and Foot-washing
1 Corinthians 11 and John 13
Church Order
1 Cor 14
Holiness Standards
1 Cor 11 and 1 Pet 3 and 2 Tim 2
Order of the Home
1 Pet 3, etc
Dating and Courtship
Jesus and Mary Matt 1
Operation of ministry gifts
eph 4:11
Mal 3
There are many more.
These loose ends mattered.
We could not be a Word Bride without knowing and doing these things.
There are those who add to these things and build traditions around them. We have been strictly commanded not to do that.
Galatians 1:8 KJV 1900
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
12 Forgive me if I try to take the place of a boss; I’m no boss. But I feel to you like Paul said back there about his congregation once, “You’re the stars in my crown.” When I cross over the land over on the other side yonder, and meet you in that glorified condition, I want you to stand there to shine like the stars in my crown. See? And I want you to be there, I want to be there.
13 And I remember in my vision when I seen the Presence of the Lord, or His people in that glorious Land yonder, I looked around, I told them…And they told me He would judge me first by the Gospel that I preach. I said, “Just exactly the way Paul preached It!”
14 And them millions of people screamed out, “We’re resting on that!” See? See. Now, I want it to be so. And we are going to meet there someday. 61-0108 - "Revelation, Chapter Four Part III"
(Speaking about those not going to church and calling Him the Messiah)
270. Now, Brother Branham, are we missing out on something? These people claim to believe every word that you say to be true. (But they don’t! They don’t believe it. Their own actions prove that they don’t.) 64-0823M - "Questions And Answers #1"
On the other hand, there are those who say, “it doesn’t matter”. “It’s just Bro. Branham’s opinion”. “Just let me believe what the Bible says about it”.
Most of us know about the 200 million demons released from the Euphrates river under the sixth trumpet:
Revelation 9:13 KJV 1900
13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
Revelation 9:14 KJV 1900
14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
Revelation 9:15 KJV 1900
15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
Revelation 9:16 KJV 1900
16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.
Revelation 9:17 KJV 1900
17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.
Revelation 9:18 KJV 1900
18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.
Revelation 9:19 KJV 1900
19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.
Revelation 9:20 KJV 1900
20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
Revelation 9:21 KJV 1900
21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
Bro. Branham deals with this in the Feast of the Trumpets:
159 Note, in Revelation the 9th chapter and the 13th verse, now notice real close, under the Sixth Trumpet. Revelation 9:13, under the Sixth Trumpet, note, there was two hundred thousand horsemen that had been bound in the river of Euphrates, was turned loose under the Sixth Trumpet.
They wasn’t natural horses. They breathed fire, and they had breastplates of jasper, and they had tails. And the end of the tail looked like a serpent, a snake’s head on the end of it, stinging. See? It was spiritual horses, spiritual devils, chargers, that had been bound in Euphrates all these years, supernatural devils.
What was it? The old Roman Empire being revived; the persecution of the Jews. They had been bound for nearly two thousand years, at the river Euphrates, can’t cross to the promise; a religious sect that was trying to get to the other side. Euphrates, you know, come through Eden. But they were bound there, two hundred thousand devils of persecution.
And notice what happens under that Sixth Trumpet. They were turned loose on the Jews; the persecution of the Jews. Supernatural devils, nearly two thousand years, then loosed by Stalin, Hitler, upon the Jews.
You say, “Well, that isn’t Roman.” It’s the same spirit. They done the same things they did to the Christians, in the old pagan Roman days. Now watch the natural Israel, and the spiritual Church now, as we separate it here. Turned loose on the Jews.
(Fifth seal)
(Roman Traditions)
Still the same ungodly, pagan spirit! And that spirit caught into the nations of the world, according to the prophecies of Ezekiel and the rest of the them.
And they were loosed upon the Jew, who knowed nothing of the Spirit. There is your mysteries that’s hid under that Seal there. See? Notice it. We went through it. And I’ll show you this Trumpet here, this last Trumpet, what takes place.
There they are. These Trumpets are let loose on the Jews, (don’t you see?) not on the Gentiles. The Gentile, when them Seals was opened, is sealed away; time is ended; the Church is called.
Now, now he loosed, upon, under that Sixth Seal, these two hundred thousand spiritual demons, started in Rome, Germany, Hitler.
Notice, we find now that that natural power under the natural, to a natural nation, Israel, was loosed there. And what did it? It went and made war, and how it murdered and persecuted.
(He moves to the ecclesiastical realm)
Now the ecclesiastical realm has been opened, from the natural revival of the old pagan Rome, went forth on those Jews, which has always been their enemy. The lion, with teeth and everything, it stomped down and broke out the people.
Rome, always been God’s enemy! And it was turned loose in the same spirit, by the dictators of the world, because the religious system was still holding. Now it’s been loosed.
What has it done? In the “cunningness,” as He said, he come in like flatteries. And what has he done? He is bringing the Protestant Ecumenical Council of the World Churches, the spirit of antichrist upon both of them, bringing them to the slaughter, just like they did the other, in the hour to call the Bride.
How? Loosed in the ecclesiastical church spirit. Loosed upon what? Not upon the denominations; upon the Bride! But here you’ll get it, the Bride will not go through that time. The Bible says not. The church will, but not the Bride. Can’t you see? Ministers, can’t you see that, brethren?
You say, “The Church has to go through the persecution, for the perfection of It.” The Blood of Jesus Christ perfects the Bride.
A man who chooses a wife don’t put her through a lot of punishment; he’s already found grace, too, with her; she has found grace with him. He engages to her. And, if there is anything, he’ll keep her from every place to turn her hand. His grace is so great upon them.
And so will it be upon the Bride, and so is it on the Bride. We unworthy creatures, deserving of hell, but His grace holds us through it. Look at how many lost and blind!
How many, how many sinners was there in the world, the hour I got saved! God saved me for a purpose; and I’m determined, by His will, to do that purpose. I don’t care what anything else goes; I want to do it.
And in the hour when I see all the churches, their great glamour, “and rich, and have need of nothing,” they say; and see them, miserable, wretched, blind; then patting you on the shoulders, want you to compromise with them. I was born for a purpose, that’s to condemn that thing and to call out. This I do.
(The elected will hear it)
Notice the loosing of this ecclesiastical spirit. Now twenty years later, after that war, we see the loosing of the ecclesiastical spirit. What under? The Seventh Seal; the Seventh Trumpet to the Jew.
Look at the moon darkening out. Where under? See it drawn out, the Son of man being drove from the church.
What is it? Joining in with the ecclesiastical bunch. The ecumenical move, and with the World Council of Churches, has drove every man…What does that thing stand for? Why, you have to surrender all your evangelical teachings and things.
“How can two walk together ’less they be agreed?” They can’t. Jesus said they can’t. And how can a church, the Methodist and Baptists walk together? How can the Church of Christ walk with the Presbyterians? How can the Catholic walk with the Protestant? How can Protestant walk with Protestant?
But the Bride can walk with the Word, which is Christ. It must be in agreement. Not the ecclesiastical system; but the Word. You have to agree with the Word, to walk with the Word. Jesus said so. That makes it right.
Notice, there she is. Now, she’s loosed, to call all these little loose ends, “Oh, well, don’t make any difference, anyhow.”
That’s what Satan said to Eve, “Don’t make any difference. It’s all right. Surely, God is a good God. He loves us all.” He doesn’t.
You hear so much about It being a good God. He is a good God, but, being good, He has to be just. There is no goodness without justice. There is no justice without no law, without punishment, penalty. So we’re in that hour, that we’re living. 64-0719M - "The Feast Of The Trumpets"
Do the Loose ends matter? Maybe these demons have been loosed to say they don’t, but there is something in the Bride calling them to that Message.
Not only have these demons been released but the Holy Spirit has been released. What is the evidence of the Holy Ghost?
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