John 4 Crossreferenced - The Samaritans

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Why are we looking into the Samaritans
Who were the samaritans
We learned of the Samaritans in this mornings sermon
How Jesus crossed barriers just to minister with them
But where did the this animosity come from
And how did Jesus use their example
This text explains where things really went sideways with the samaritans
Some other places we see them are in Nehimiah when they got in the way, kinda, of the rebuilding of the wall. But we can get into that some other time
For now, lets look at this passage
Then we will dive briefly into the Samaritans
2 Kings 17 24-28
The Samaritans were a group of people that believed they were the true descendants of Israel
Why exactly its hard to say seeing how they adopted their beliefs as a mixture of pagan and Jewish religions
First, lets discuss where exactly Samaria is how it came to be
Samaria is just as much a region as it is a city
There is actually a city named Samaria
But eventually the area that it was in ended being called that
In Hebrew, Samaria actually means “watch mountain”
Because, it pretty mountainous and very hilly
So, again, how did it get its borders and region
Well, it was actually part of the Northern Kingdom
As the Israelites were dividing up tribes
The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh were given this area
About 6 Kings into Israels history we see
how the capitol was established and named Samaria
in 1 Kings 16:23–24 “In the thirty-first year of Judah’s King Asa, Omri became king over Israel, and he reigned twelve years. He reigned six years in Tirzah, then he bought the hill of Samaria from Shemer for 150 pounds of silver, and he built up the hill. He named the city he built Samaria based on the name Shemer, the owner of the hill.”
This capitol city of Samaria is located about 30 miles north of Jerusalem
This city was actually once a pretty large
and thriving city
So much so that
Eventually the name of the capitol city was given to the entire region
Within this region
is the city of Sychar
Sychar is also called Shechem
That may actually sound more familiar
But in this same little area of Jacobs well
Abraham built an alter after God promised him the land of the Canaanites
Jacob also built an alter there after he purchased the land
I haven’t mentioned it yet, but the Samaritans only adopted the Pentateuch from the scriptures
So theses patriarchs meant a lot to them
That was the location of our sermon this morning
That is where Jacobs well is located
Hence why the samaritan woman this morning referred to Jacob
Now, This city of Sychar I just mentioned
was the location of our sermon this morning
That is where Jacobs well is located
Now, why the animosity that we see
As we just read in 2 Kings
It was a weird arrangement
Well, when the 10 northern tribes were taken into Assyrian Captivity
The King of Assyria sent people from several other regions down there
Pagan regions,
They are named in our in verses 29-33 I believe
and their names don’t really matter right now
The point is that King sent these foreigners into this land
And these foreigners intermarried with the remaining Israelite population that was still there
Their kiddos or off spring became known as the “Samaritans”
At first these “Samaritans” worshiped the idols and “gods” that were introduced when the pagans foreigners came
That why v 25 says
2 Kings 17:25 “When they first lived there, they did not fear the Lord.
Just a side shoot but one of these pagan rituals that they performed included the burning of their children in order to honor their god
So, these weren’t exactly good moral folks
But they also did this in the name of religion
Anyway, God was not happy about this going on in
so V 25 continues with 2 Kings 17:25 . So the Lord sent lions among them, which killed some of them.”
So, these samaritans, after being bothered by these lions figured it was because they had not
honored the God of that territory
So, the king of Assyrian sent a Jewish priest there to help them get back on track for the religion that was supposed to be practiced in the region
They were pretty much only instructed on the books of Moses
as we mentioned earlier
Unfortunately, they also kept a lot of their idolatrous customs
So things finally settled in what became a mixture of Judaism and Idolatry
This is why the Jews despised them
Because they twisted compromised their religion
Here are a few more reasons fuel was added to the fire
1. (Nehemiah 6:1-14). The Jews, after their return from Babylon, began rebuilding their temple.
While Nehemiah was engaged in building the walls of Jerusalem,
the Samaritans vigorously attempted to halt the undertaking.
2. As was referred to this morning.
The Samaritans built a temple for themselves on “Mount Gerizim,” which the Samaritans insisted was designated by Moses as the place where the nation should worship.
The leader of the Samaritans, established his son-in-law, Manasses, as high priest.
Having their own place to worship just further continued their idolatrous ways
3. Samaria became a place of refuge for all the outlaws of Judea (Joshua 20:6-7; 21:21).
Remember a few weeks ago when we talked about an eye for an eye and the cities of refuge
They were in this area
The Samaritans willingly received Jewish criminals and refugees from justice.
The violators of the Jewish laws, and those who had been excommunicated, found safety for themselves in Samaria,
greatly increasing the hatred which existed between the two nations.
4. The Samaritans received only the five books of Moses and rejected the writings of the prophets and all the Jewish traditions.
Most of what we know about the Samaritans is written or recored by Josephus
Josephus was a jew hired by the romans to record the history
To say he was a little biased is an under statement
But, I am sure there was truth to what he said because
Well that was his job
Next week in our evening service we will most likely cover the parable of the Good Samaritan. Just to shine some light on this.
The interesting thing is that the overwhelming majority of the time that Jesus refers to the Samaritans,
It is in a positive light
Most likely this was to put the Pharisees in thier place,
but none the less
There is something to see in that
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