The Fulfilled Promise; Galatians 3:1-26
We are sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ and this has always been God’s plans.
The Unprovoked Promise
The Revealing Law
The Loving Messiah
Discussion Questions
Why is it important for Christians to study the Old Testament? What are some of the dangers of ignoring the Old Testament?
2. How did God’s promise to Abraham highlight the need for faith?
3. What is the relationship between faith and obedience?
4. Read James 2:14–26. How do you reconcile Paul’s words about justification by faith with James’ words about faith and works?
5. How does the law help us see our sin? How does the law prepare us for grace?
6. What are some ways we look to the law to produce the obedience that only the gospel can bring about?
7. How does the Mosaic covenant complement the Abrahamic covenant?
8. In your own words, explain what it means that Jesus fulfilled the law of Moses.
9. How does God’s promise in the Abrahamic covenant to bless all nations relate to Jesus?
10. How might Jesus’ relationship to these covenants affect the way you read the Old Testament?