Love Is Permanent

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1 Corinthians 13:8–10 “8 Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part; 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.”
Love stands in contrast, then, to spiritual gifts, which are temporary. Love never ends

His point is that neither prophecy nor knowledge is exhaustive (cf. Job 11:7–8). The knowledge believers enjoy is true but not comprehensive. In the age to come there will be no need for such gifts since what is partial and incomplete will pass away.

The verb makes clear that these gifts do not flow into something new, like a ramp feeding onto a superhighway; they reach a dead end. Garland, David E.. 1 Corinthians (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament), Baker Academic, 2003. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from tms on 2024-02-14 20:06:45.
Paul’s discussion of love is not intended to persuade the Corinthians to abandon their prized spiritual gifts but is meant to convince them to employ the gifts with love. Unless they are governed by love, Garland, David E.. 1 Corinthians (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament), Baker Academic, 2003. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from tms on 2024-02-14 20:09:38.
1 Corinthians (3) Love’s Permanence (13:8–13)

In other words, if the Corinthians want to truly lay hold of the “perfection” of the future in the here and now, then they must pursue love, for it has genuine abiding value. To say it another way, “the perfect” is the consummation of all things of which love holds a prominent place. When perfection arrives, love will be present but the gifts will not. The true indicator of maturity/spirituality is love, not the exercise of the temporal gifts.

10. The ‘perfect’ (teleion, CSB; or, as the NIV says, completeness) is coming, and when it arrives gifts like prophecy and knowledge ‘will come to an end’ (NRSV). The Corinthians’ penchant for exalting spiritual gifts is punctured. As wonderful as gifts are, they are provisional and partial. When perfection arrives, they will be left behind for ever. What is the ‘perfect’ here? Some have suggested that it is the New Testament canon. Once the New Testament canon was completed and established, spiritual gifts were no longer needed, or at least (according to this reading) the more dramatic spiritual gifts were dispensed with. Others have suggested that the ‘perfect’ here refers to spiritual maturity and not to the close of the canon. Still, it is suggested that when the canon of Scripture was completed believers attained spiritual maturity; thus dramatic gifts like prophecy and tongues were dispensable.

Both of these interpretations are unconvincing, especially as the interpretation of the ‘perfect’ is tied up with how we understand verse 12 (see below). I will argue in verse 12 that Paul refers to Christ’s future coming and thus to the end of present history. The ‘perfect’ then refers to the arrival of the eschaton, when all God’s purposes for human beings will be realized and fulfilled. A reference to the completion of the New Testament canon should be rejected, for even though Paul knew his words and writings were authoritative, he had no conception that they would be collected and included in the New Testament for hundreds and thousands of years. Paul expected Jesus to return soon; this is not to say he was mistaken since he did not set an exact date. The spiritual maturity view is also unpersuasive since it is scarcely evident that believers today are more spiritually mature now that the canon has been completed than believers were in the New Testament era. Once again, the argument assumes that Paul was aware that a New Testament canon would be developed and, even more improbable, that the Corinthians would understand this. There is no textual or historical reason to think the Corinthians would grasp that Paul was writing about the New Testament canon, and it is quite improbable that Paul would write about something that he knew the Corinthians would not and could not understand.




1 Corinthians 13:8 “8 Love never fails;
Do you believe this?
Romeo & Juliet - love results in suicide
La La land - ryan gosling & emma stone don’t end up together
Titanic - Love didn’t give Leo enough room on the door
Notebook - they die
But would your advice to a friend in a difficult relationship - be a reminder that LOVE NEVER FAILS?
It probably depends on what “never fails” means.
Does it mean
Love never falls apart - relationships will always hold together if you just love
Love never fails to bring about the desired result - love is irresitable and people will always respond positively
Love never fails to be enough - “all you need is love”
Well the greek word translated “fails” is piptei which really means to FALL or COLLAPSE
It is synonymous with the words “done away” & “Cease”
Paul means to contrast the PERMANENCE of LOVE with the TEMPORALNESS of SPIRITUAL GIFTS
CONTEXT: You may remember that the both the previous and following chapters ARE A DISCUSSION on spirtual gifts in the church. Paul pauses in the midst of that discussion to EMPHASIZE THE ABSOLUTE NECESSITY of Love within the church.
Before you preach, pray, set up, tear down, fellowship, take communion - YOU MUST HAVE LOVE!
So in v.1-3 PAUL explains that NO MATTER HOW AMAZINGLY GIFTED and “useful” you seem to be - without love YOU ARE NOTHING
v. 4-7 - PAUL defines love not by virtue or feeling BUT by action - so he lists 15 verbs that define true biblical love
NOW he highlights the PERMANENCE OF LOVE
It nevers fails, falls - IT NEVER ENDS
John Macarthur highlights the distinction between love never ending and love always succeding.
Meaning that Love does not always bring about SUCCESS in your life. Just because you SHOW LOVE does not mean it will be reciprocated by others. Love does not get you what you want.
Jesus is the primary example of this as He was LOVE INCARNATE - He loved EVERYONE and yet WHILE HE LOVED THEM - they HATED and KILLED HIM.
Romans 5:8 “8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
So love doesn’t always bring about success BUT RATHER it never ends, it is eternal because God is eternal and 1 John 4:8 “God is love.”
APP: So what does this mean for us?
IF THE GOAL of the Christian LIFE is to be LIKE GOD - then IT IS TO PIMARILY BE LOVING. Coritnhians - your focus should NOT be on having these SUPER AWESOME and SHOWY but incomplete spiritual gifts - IT SHOULD BE ON LOVE.
What do you want to do in your life? What do you want to accomplish? Where do you hope to be in 10 years, 20 years, 50 years?
Your answer likely is something like; college garduate, married w/ kids, in a good career, at a position of influence - GOOD THINGS but the question I have is WHY?
The answer should not be BECAUSE that would make me happy, or comfortable, or content BUT because YOU WANT TO LOVE GOD and OTHERS THROUGH those things.
Because EVEN if you make 1 million dollars a year, youre a sigma, youre fire, you slay - periodt. SORRY or you have a great family, youre a leader in the church. WHATVER - if you didn’t do it out of LOVE - you are nothing, it will all PASS AWAY.
LOVE is bringing a shadow of heaven to earth
Love is eternal Macarthur says “love is the air of heaven”
Hate, division, selfishness and pride is the air of our world.
We know very little about God. He cannot be exhausted, trying to understand HIM is like taking a teaspoon to the ocean and trying to get all the water out.
BUT WHAT WE DO KNOW to some small extent IS THAT GOD IS LOVE, HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN LOVE AND HE WILL ALWAYS BE LOVE - and one thing you can’t count on experiencing in heaven is the COMPLETE & PERFECTION of love.
and just like you taste the frozen yogurt flavor BEFORE YOU OVERFLOW YOUR BOWL - we must get a little taste of the LOVE that we will have in abundance in HEAVEN
That is done by experiencing the LOVE of God in the gospel and communion with him daily
& by displaying love to others in every interaction - THATS WHAT YOU WILL BE DOING IN HEAVEN - loving God and loving others and not loving yourself
YOU WILL NOT LIKE HEAVEN - if you love yourself

2. GIFTS ARE NOT v.8b-10

1 Corinthians 13:8–10 “8 if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part; 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.”
Paul here CONTRASTS the enduring nature of love with the temporal nature of spiritual gifts.
and here is the main point he is making
THE CORINTHIAN CHURCH was a very blessed church that had EVERY SPIRITUAL GIFT - and as a result of that they became PRIDEFUL. They assumed that because they had all of the spiritual gifts, they had reached SPIRITUAL COMPLETION. They were measuring their spirituality off of their giftedness.
Pauls says - all your gifts will come to and end. All of your gifts are incomplete and imperfect BUT perfection is coming and will take place of all the imperfection. So live for eternity by LOVING now.
Isn’t it true that when God blesses us we can quickly BECOME prideful - its the danger of wealth & success
This church figured - because we have been so blessed were nearing or at perfection/ completeness or at the very least approval by God
To base your spirituality off of anything except God standards is like playing a game by your own rules
ILLUS: Brooke and I have been playing scrabble - scrabble has rules
no proper nouns
no hyphens
no slang
must be in the dictionary
Brooke took 10 min to put the word “lab” down but in another turn - agaisnt ALL RULES - she put “ULINE”
and expected that all 24 points from “ULINE” should be counted to her score.
BUT there is a rule book - there are guildines and expectations that govern what is and isn’t accepted.
“ULINE” - doesn’t make the cut.
BUT when you DECIDE - your “spiritual score” deserves some points for anything but love - you’ve tried to re-write God’s guidelines and expectations and in the END it will not be accepted.
What do you base spirtuality off of?
others perceptions
self made rules
how much you serve
how useful you are
TRUE CHRISTIANITY - is marked by LOVE - want to know how spiritual you are - look at how you love.
Now thats pauls major point but with the remaining time I’d like to look at the nitty gritty
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