Do We Agree | Holy Spirit | Session 2
Do We Agree? "Conversations Leading to Truth " On your journey of discipleship, have you encountered turbulence when navigating conversations around Biblical Truth? Does it sometimes feel like everyone in the conversation is yelling their interpretations so loud that no one is being heard? There are spectrums of belief around many core Christian tenants, and everyone is at a different place on their journey. Our vision for this virtual platform is to have doctrinal and theological conversations that lead people to the truth of Christ. Class Overview: I have discovered that one of the greatest joys of a person’s discipleship journey with Christ is their introduction and lifelong fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, many have never had the proper understanding of what was meant when Jesus said in John 16:7 that it was better that He go away so that He could send us the Holy Spirit. Some have created a new trinity, God the Father, Son, and Holy Bible, and have replaced or minimized the role of the Holy Spirit. In this class, we want to take a serious look at scripture and address many of the common arguments for and against the Holy Spirit's role in church today. The Sola Scriptura will be the loudest voice in this study. This 24-session teaching series will be broken up into 3-8 session modules. • Module one will focus on the person of the Holy Spirit. This will include a deep dive into His role in the early church and in today's church as we study two schools of thought: cessationism and continuationism. • Module two will focus on the gifts of the spirit and their operation within the local church. • Module three will focus on the proper ministry expression within the Body of Christ and the church governance role to ensure healthy understanding and accountability. As God reveals more of Himself to you through the Holy Spirit, His specific Kingdom purpose for your life, and what gifts He has given you, there is a sacred responsibility to allow Him to be the one who enables you in them. This is a journey that includes discovery and obedience. I pray this season increases the hunger and desire for more of what God has for you.