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the scripture reading for today is taken from Exodus 12 verses 1 through 13.
the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt this month is to be for you the first
month first month of your year tell the whole community of Israel that
on the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb for his family one for
each household if any household is too small for a whole lamb they must share one with their nearest neighbor
having taken into account the number of people there are you are to determine the amount of lamb
needed in accordance with what each person will eat the animals you choose must be year-old
males without defect and you may take them from the sheep or the goats
take care of them until the 14th day of the month when all the people of the community of Israel must slaughter them
at Twilight then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the
door frames of the houses where they eat the Lambs that same night they are to eat the meat
roasted over the fire along with bitter herbs and bread made without yeast do
not eat the meat raw or cooked in water but roasted over the fire
head legs and inner parts do not leave any of it till morning if some is left
till morning you must burn it this is how you are to eat it
with your cloak tucked into your belt your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand eat it in haste
it is the Lord's Passover on that same night I will pass through
Egypt and strike down every firstborn both men and animals and I will bring
judgment on all the gods of Egypt I am the Lord
the blood will be a sign for you on the houses Where You Are
and when I see the blood I will pass over you
no destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt
is the word of the Lord now we're looking at the life of Moses
in the book of Exodus and we saw last week that at one point Pharaoh the king of Egypt asks
uh the question who is the Lord that I should obey him and what he's
asking is this he's saying look everybody has their own religion everyone has their own Gods everyone has
their own faith who is your god uh what is so unique about your God he's asking what is so
unique about your faith that I should embrace it that's what he's saying to Moses
and there's probably no better answer to that question what is so unique about this God what is so unique about his
ways and his faith then this passage this famous passage the Passover
because those faiths that accept the biblical
vision of ultimate spiritual reality Judaism and Christianity
this is the center of it for Jews the Passover meal is the
central thing that makes them who they are and for Christians a revised Passover
meal the Lord's Supper is the central Act of Christian worship
in other words when pharah asks the questions what is so what makes this Faith so unique what makes this God so
unique here it is but look at what is at the center of it look at what this is at the center of
this thing the bloody death of a helpless victim there's no other religion like that
at the very center of the center of biblical faith of the biblical vision
of ultimate spiritual spiritual reality is the bloody death
of a helpless victim now why what why and what does it mean and now
here's the answer we need to look at this passage which tells us about the offering up of the
Lamb but in order to understand the passage the account we have to put it into the
context of the story of the Lamb which is a Bible long story that goes from the very beginning to the very end it was
matter of fact as I want to show you the story of the Bible actually the narrative plotline of the Bible essentially is the narrative the story
of the Lamb so we want to understand the account of the offering of the Lamb first then we need to put it in the
context of the story the whole story of the Lamb and then lastly we need to take
some time to do which on the Baptist said which is Behold the Lamb so let's look at the offering of the
Lamb the story of the Lamb and the beholding of the Lamb now first of all the offering of the
Lamb what do we see in the passage and here's what we see first of all God has called
Pharaoh the king of Egypt over and over again to release the Hebrews from their
grinding poverty and slavery into which the Egyptians had put them and he and he
calls pharaoh to let them go and Pharaoh refuses and a series of plagues have come which we looked at last week
finally the final stroke and what is the final stroke it's right here in verse 12
on that night God says I will pass through Egypt and strike down every
firstborn now what's interesting is there's
another reference it's not in this passage that we printed for you it's over in verse 23 and in 20 verse 23 it's
Moses speaking to the Israelites about the Passover night and he says this but Moses said the Lord will not let the
Destroyer enter your house and strike you down the Destroyer
last week we at Great length and therefore I cannot recapitulate
at Great length we talked about a simple uh you might say fact or even law of the
universe and that is that when you violate God's design for creation or a design for your body or designed for
relationships when you when you violate God's design you unleash forces of disintegration and chaos
we said this is this is always true and it even happens now even at even at this
level if you overwork if you make your career an idol
there's breakdown right there's eventually there'll be physical breakdown and emotional breakdown and
spiritual breakdown and relational family breakdown and all that sort of thing if you just hold a grudge if you
just refuse to forgive somebody and you hold a grudge doctors and counselors and Common Sense
tells you those breakdown there's disintegration you know social and spiritual and emotional and physical and
so on but when God says that night
the Destroyer will come what he is saying is I have as it were
scrolled ahead in time and for one night in one on one night in
one place Eternal Divine Judgment Day Justice is
coming down there's going to be a temporal temporary preliminary
but devastating Judgment Day not just the forces of Destruction disintegration
and Chaos that are out there in general that whenever you disobey that the design leads to disintegration and chaos
but for that one night down will come the Destroyer
wow a preliminary temporary Judgment Day and the second thing that God says is he
speaks to the Israelites and he says this now think about this he says I'm about to unleash the most inexorable
irresistible Unstoppable Force in the universe the Destroyer
it is going to go through the greatest military and political power that the world has ever seen Egypt
it's going to go right through it like a knife through hot butter
and there's only one thing that will protect you there's only one way you can face this the ultimate force of the
universe a lamb a lamb
I'm going to be protected by the Ultimate Force in the universe by fluffy and Muffy the weakest meekest mildest kind of
creature possible and God says yes the only way you're going to be able to face this Ultimate Force in the universe is I
want you to kill a lamb eat it with your family and put the blood on the doorposts
and that's the Passover now obviously
this is at very best confounding and at very worst deeply offensive to the
average modern person and the only way that it will become less confounding hopefully uh certainly
and less offensive hopefully is if you put it in the context of what
I already referred to as the Bible long story of the lamb in other words this particular passage that we read as
famous as it is will make no sense unless you put it into the context because the story of the Lamb is a is an
enormously long and astounding story with many chapters now what do I mean by
that well let's let's let me go back and show you what the chapters are at least some of them first of all the very first chapter in the story of the lamb in the
Bible is the story of Abraham and Isaac Genesis 22. I Abraham has a son he loves Isaac and
in Genesis 22 God he hears God speak to him and God says offer up
your only son as a sacrifice to me and modern people believe that Abraham
must have felt obviously anguish and it's clear from the story he feels anguished but modern people say oh I
know why he's so anguished modern people say he must have thought that was a monstrous command
he must have thought that was an insane command and the answer is no if you believe that
it's because you don't understand the historical and cultural context of Abraham there's a man named John
Levinson who's a Jewish scholar teaches at Harvard has written a book called the death and resurrection of the Beloved
son that does a wonderful job in a very scholarly way of putting it into context and so we actually have a pretty good
idea of what Abraham was thinking and it's not that see here's the context ancient people
in ancient cultures you did not have aspirations for individual
prominence individual Prosperity individual success that's not what you hope for that's not what you aspire to
you aspired for the success and the prominence and the prosperity of your
family you didn't think in such individualistic terms
in ancient cultures you wanted your family to succeed and secondly in
ancient cultures if some member of the family failed or act in a very shameful way the entire family was responsible
if one person acted shamefully that shame belonged to everyone now see modern Americans and espec
Western people and especially Americans probably even more than Europeans we are the most radically individualistic
people this is the most radically individualistic culture ever what we feel like is if some member of
my family acts in a shameful way that's them that's not me I'm my own person I'm setting my own course for life and I
don't want to be held responsible for what they have done I'm not responsible for what they have done I am my own person I am deciding
what who I want to be now now I think it's going to become clear and
I'm sure a lot of you already have recognized this that this is an unbalanced position
our radically individualistic American Western culture is unbalanced about this
uh as you get older one of the most disconcerting sort of things is you come
to realize you are much much much more inescapably much more of a product of your family
than you thought what you are both good and bad
is not as attributable completely to you much of it is attributable good and bad
to your family to what they did and what they didn't do in you with you beside
you you know uh after the Columbine atrocity
even in the most radically individualistic culture in history it was virtually un impossible not
to look at the families of the two guys who did all the atrocities and say there's responsibility there either
active or what they did with the kids or at least passive for their neglect I mean it was Universal was unavoidable
they felt it everybody else felt it in other words the idea that you're an individual and there's no relationship
between you and the rest of your family is probably unbalanced most cultures most centuries have had a more balanced understanding of individual and
Collective responsibility having said that
let's go back in ancient cultures who didn't think of themselves as
individuals but as families and at a time in which the firstborn got
the whole estate God sent a message that was unmistakably clear to
them but it's opaque to us in the book of Exodus verse 20 chapter 22 in the Book of Numbers Chapter 3 and
8 there was a message that God sent which was opaque to us and here's what it is he said over and over again in the
Mosaic legislation the life of every firstborn is mine
the life of every firstborn is mine unless you redeem so every year they had to put up so many
shekels there was a Redemption price on the head of the firstborn of every family
now their lives are forfeit unless they're redeemed that's what that's what the law
of Moses said now to us that's completely opaque but it was an unmistakable message to ancient
people who immediately understood because see the fir in the firstborn all their hopes were embodied all their
hopes for themselves for their family was embodied in the firstborn and so God was sending an unmistakable message and
that is that there is a debt over every family on the face of the
Earth there is a debt of sin there's a debt that is owed God on every
family on the face of the Earth your firstborn are liable for the way in which you're living and their lives are
forfeit unless they're redeemed no that doesn't make any sense to individuals like Americans when you begin to
understand and what that means and it's very very important to understand is that when God said to Abram offer up
your firstborn as an offering to me if God has said Abraham if Abram had heard the words go into the tent and
kill Sarah Abraham rightly so would have said I'm having a hallucination or that's a demon
because God would not call me to do something absolutely at variance with
his righteousness and with his word and his will but when God said offer up your
firstborn Abraham did not say what a monster Abraham realized that God
was calling in the Dead the guy was doing something like I had a right to do
that Isaac was about to die for Abram's sins oh Abram struggled of course but he
didn't say how can you be so unjust what Abraham was saying in his heart was how can you be both just which you have
a right to be you're a just God but I can be both just and still a god of Grace because you've promised great
things to happen through me and my son in you in the world how can you be both just and justifier of those who believe
how can you be both just and a gracious God how can you be a god of both of justice and of the god of the promise
how can you do it and you see as he was walking up the mountain the emotional
hot peak of the account of Abram and Isaac
in Genesis 22 comes at verse 7 and 8 where Isaac looks down and says father
the wood the fire the knife
but where's the lamb where's the lamb for the sacrifice and
Abram looks at his son and says God will provide a lamb my son and what
Abraham is saying is I hope with all my being that you will not have to die for my
sins though there's though that is just
I with all my being hope that God will provide a lamb so my little lamb won't have to die
now a lot of people say I really object to this
I don't believe this now by the way that's primitive and obscene I've had people tell me
and uh pardon me but calling an idea name doesn't disprove it
what are the objections to it and I think there's two objections this whole idea that there's a debt of sin and that
we all deserve judgment there's two objections let me give you the two of them the first objection goes
like this they say well I don't really believe I think you're extreme when you say that every single family everybody
on the face of the Earth is cannot pass judgment
that that every single person on the face of the Earth has this debt and and is not living right I don't believe that
and a lot of people say I believe that I'm supposed to find my own standards and that I have the right to determine
what's right or wrong for me okay let's be post-modern for a moment okay let's say there are no Transcendent
moral absolutes that everybody else that everybody has to be judged according to whether you believe them or not let's
just let's not say anything about that let's be post-modern and let's just say that around your neck
there's an invisible tape recorder and the only thing that tape recorder
ever picks up are things you say other people ought to do
it only picks up standards that you call people
to ascribe to in other words it only picks up your moral standards
if at the end of your life we were to take that tape recorder off and say let's evaluate your life there's not a
person on the face of the earth that could live up even to that let's not go to the Ten Commandments let's not go to the Golden Rule let's just go to your
own standards that you have chosen there is no one on the face of the Earth
that can face an evaluation of how they've lived their lives
no one has lived properly no one no one can pass any kind of moral evaluation of
any sort okay well some people say all right all right okay but here's the thing I don't understand this idea of a debt
a debt that has to be paid for surely if there is a God
goes the objection God can just forgive it surely if there is a God God can forgive he can just forgive candy
listen carefully the answer is no what I mean is no he can't just forgive
without payment and I beg you to think about this with me for a minute this is very important understanding this whole
thing first of all let me ask you psychologically if someone really really wrongs you really wrongs you
what happens I would suggest and I think you unavoidably there's a debt there's
something between you and the person who is seriously wronged you and it can't be wished away it can't be
ignored it's I'm gonna it's a debt and I'll show you what I mean there's only two things
you can do with the debt the only way to get rid of the barrier on the one hand you can make them pay it down
in other words you can hurt them you can berate them you can find ways of making them suffer you can exclude them there's
all sorts of things and as you see them paying it you sense the debt being paid down at a certain point it's gone
now by the way the Bible says if you do it that way if that's how you do it you make people pay
for what they have done it'll turn you into a hard person it'll dehumanize you but that's not our subject today
nevertheless if you you can make them pay it or the other thing to do is you say well why don't you just forgive okay that's
that's the right thing to do but let me tell you what forgiveness is made of to forgive them means that when I want
to hurt them I don't when I want to slice up their reputation
and talking to other people I don't when I want to just think hateful
thoughts and about how they have done these awful things and what awful people they are I don't
and if I do that if I refuse to do that if I do
that you'll find as time goes on your anger slowly subsides why because you're paying the debt down yourself
you are paying it down it's costly it's difficult but the fact of the matter it doesn't go away there is no way
emotionally psychologically when a real wrong is done they can just be forgiven somebody has to pay the debt they have
to pay it you have to pay it somebody must pay it or the barrier is there okay let's think about it sociologically
instead of psychologically let's just say we find a man definitely he has done it and he's guilty of some
horrible crime rape murder serial rape and murder
and what if a judge says well he's sorry for it I don't let's let him go free
right away the reason there would be outrage is this if he doesn't pay
Society will pay right so to let him go free means number one the victim's lives are devalued in
other words there's no payment it means that their lives the things they've lost are worthless number two Society if he
goes free Society will pay because this will just go on it'll just go on there's no deterrence that's personal go on
perhaps doing it or other people go on doing it because it wasn't punished in other words either he pays or we pay
ah psychologically sociologically there's no such thing as a real serious
wrong that can be forgiven without payment somebody has to pay it somebody has to
experience the pain somebody has to Bear the price somebody and if it's true that
even we in spite of our rhetoric we cannot avoid that there's never there's no such thing as a wrong that
can just be forgiven without somebody paying if even we with our imperfect and fuzzy
moral senses if we sense that how much more would God sense that at the cosmic level
and therefore what this means is Abraham knows this
Abraham is not a modern American individualist he knows this he's not naive about these things he knows that
God created us God sustained us and therefore number one we owe it to him to live
for him completely but we don't secondly we owe it to our neighbor to treat them the way we want to be treated ourselves
but we know we don't even come close and as a result none of us have lived the way we should these are serious wrongs we've done against God and our neighbor
and as a result there's a debt and God has the right to call for it but at the last minute God says Abraham
don't do it and yet the lamb never shows up
the chapter Abraham's chapter ends and we say well this is makes us feel good but wait a minute there's a there's a
few unanswered questions there's a debt but the land never shows up there's a ram who gets caught in the thicket
and the ram is sacrificed but more as a thank offering because the fact of the matter is
there's a debt God has the right to the payment but it doesn't get made
so where's the lamb chapter 2 Moses
again God claims the life of the firstborn now you begin to understand it
can you get out of your own culture and historical moment enough to understand it he claims the right of the first board
again and again he says the only hope is a lamb but now in the Passover chapter
of this story we see two extremely interesting principles played out and the two principles are I'll call it the
spiritual the principle of spiritual egalitarianism and the principle of spiritual substitutionism
egalitarianism and substitution and they're astounding number one egalitarianism not in this passage but
over a little later in chapter 12 verse 22 God says to the Israelites after you've
put the blood on your door not one of you shall go out of your house until the
morning do you know what that means it you know if you're reading this chapter it goes right by and you and you don't even
think about it you know what this means it's astounding thing what he is trying to say is the Destroyer is not coming
just for Egyptians the Destroyer is no respecter of persons and this is what's amazing he says look
Israelites you are the oppressed they are the oppressor
you worship the true God they worship idols and yet in yourself
if you were to meet judgment tonight you would find whether it's on the Ten
Commandments whether it's by the Golden Rule whether it's by the tape recorder standard you would be lost tonight in yourself you are absolutely no better
than the Egyptians in the final spiritual analysis
the the the the most the morally ethical the biblically righteous the uh you know
the doctrinally proper he says if you go out tonight and you try to meet judgment
on your own and you do not sit under the blood if you go out there on your own your race your pedigree your ethnicity
your your religion your beliefs your Doctrine your ethical Behavior none of
that will help you you will be as lost as the people in the world that you
disdain the most the Egyptians and that is an amazing statement so there's the principle of spiritual
egalitarianism secondly there's a principle of spiritual substitutionism what is the Hope listen in every single house in Egypt
that night I hate to say it this way but I've got to do it just to be Vivid here
there was either a dead son or a dead lamb was one or the other
in other words the lamb got what the son deserved
the lamb was a substitute the lamb paid the debt so this the
firstborn did not have to pay the debt for the for the family and every firstborn son
in every Hebrew Home looked at the table and saw the lamb and said the only
reason I'm not dead is because that is now
there are people today that don't say that the whole principle of substitution
is not credible to them but I would just beg you hopefully I've done this well enough I've created the context for this
this urge this appeal I would appeal to you to consider whether it is not your
your ethnocentrism your cultural narrowness you're feeling like the American
understanding of legal responsibility is the only one the radical individualism of the culture
in which I live is obviously the right one I would like you to try to get out of
yourself for a moment we've already talked about the fact that our culture is actually kind of uh you know unbalanced in this way
the simple fact is we know there's a debt emotionally psychologically socially
there's a debt we have not been living as we should
and just as the guilt of some you know can be
transferred to one in a family that one can pay the price for the family the
principal substitution is not credible to us largely because our American individualism kind of blinds us to it
but would you recognize ins would you would you for a moment say maybe what
most cultures and most centuries have understood and what the Bible says maybe it's true
that it is possible that rather than me paying my debt someone in solidarity with me pays it
for me I mean it makes sense it's a beautiful thing and most people most places can
understand it Americans have a lot of trouble doing it would you just try to get out of your culture for a moment and recognize the fact
that this is what the claim is when you put the spiritual of when you
put egalitarianism and substitutionarism together you have an amazing statement and that's what this is you know what the statement is this passage is saying
this is not the last chapter you know why yes the Israelites are politically
and uh economically the victims and yet When God says but if you go out from
underneath the blood of the lamb and face judgment on your own you will be smitten tonight when God says that what
he's actually trying what is actually saying to them is even though I'm delivering you tonight it's not the
ultimate Deliverance you need you are still in a debt of sin you need a deeper Deliverance than the one tonight as important as the one is tonight
as incredible as this one is you need another one as important as this lamb is you need
another lamb as important as this Deliverance is you need a deeper one a more radical salvation because you have
a bigger debt you have a bigger problem you have a different a bigger and deeper
kind of spiritual bondage scroll forward to chapter three
Jesus Christ on the night in which he was betrayed
celebrates the Passover meal he asks his disciples to come together and say let's celebrate the Passover
tonight so they all get together the Passover and when Jesus Christ stands up there are two enormous shocks
shock number one when Jesus Christ stands up to begin to speak everybody said okay he is in the place of the father and the Passover meal there's a
presider and the presider's job is to stand up and explain the meal
if you go through the rest of chapter 12 and 13 it actually gives the presider uh Exodus 12 and 13 it gives the presider
some ideas on this he's supposed to get up and he's supposed to uh explain the meal so Jesus Christ gets up and what did we
expect to hear him say what did the disciples expect they expect to hear him say this is the bread of our affliction
this is the bread of affliction our ancestors suffered in the wilderness
so that we could be free but instead he gets up and says this is
my body this bread is my body and what he's saying is this is the bread of my
affliction that I am going to suffer to give you the ultimate freedom
Freedom not just from physical and political and economic bondage but from sin and death itself and that's the
first shock because when he says this is my body in the place of the presider at the Passover meal he is saying now it's my
suffering that's going to be the ultimate Liberation for you and here's the second
shock when he stood up disciples looked down there's three things you have at a passive meal you have the unleavened
bread and there's Jesus breaking the bread and you have the four cups of wine and there's Jesus Christ pouring out the cup
obviously and then there's the lamb
there's no reference to a lamb there's no lamb what kind of Passover
meal is this says the disciples there's no Lamb on the table there's no Lamb on the table you know why because the lamb
was at the table the lamb was deliberately removed from
the Passover meal because Jesus Christ is saying tonight I am the lamb my death he's saying is
the central event to which all of the history of God's relationship to the world has been moving
tonight I'm giving you that ultimate salvation that even Moses understood
that that Passover was pointing to when God said I'll take you out politically but if you
get out from under the blood of the Lamb you still have a debt of sin on you I'm removing it tonight
in other words he says this night is really
a night unlike all other nights and this is the reason why John the
Baptist looked at Jesus one day and by the inspiration holy spirit says Behold the
Lamb of God who take away the sin of the world in other words John the Baptist was saying I get it I get it our
firstborn Sons were not saved because of the death of some woolly little quadrupeds no matter how cute
our firstborn were saved because God has given up his firstborn
see that's the answer to Abram God was saying Abram
I'm going to walk up my a mountain with my son and I'm going to lay the wood on him
and nobody will be able to say stop and I have a Abram the reason that you're
only beloved Son won't have to die is because mine did
and one commentator puts it this way when the ultimate beloved child cried my God my God why has Thou forsaken me the
father paid the price in his silence
behold the perfect lamb John 19 33 pointed out that Jesus bones were not
broken why because it had to be a lamb without spot and blemish Matthew 27 pointed out that Jesus died
just at Twilight why because the lamb was to be slain of Twilight
the chapter of the Lamb Abraham's first chapter of the Lamb said there's a debt
Moses chapter the lamb said but a subsequent pay for it and Jesus chapter said it's me it's God's only son
and of course there's one more chapter you know go to the Book of Revelation where the land is on the throne now
let's close like this remember when John the Baptist says Behold the Lamb of God do you know what
that means behold in the Lamb of God means don't he doesn't just mean there's the Lamb of God you know Behold the Lamb
of God means think realize it take it in look look look look see no he's not just
saying oh there's the Lamb of God he says think about it realize it grasp it do you
if you are exploring Christianity if you're one if you're somebody who's sort of looking into Christianity the one
question I get over the years in New Yorkers and it's an absolutely natural question for people who are explaining I do not understand why Jesus had to die
I do not understand why Jesus it doesn't make any sense to me Behold the Lamb of God in three ways
here's the answers number one do not let your American individualism
obscure what the Bible says and what most cultures believe and that is because you have wronged God and your
neighbor there is a debt that must be paid
don't let any don't let that be obscured there's a debt that must be paid and
when the ultimate beloved Son cried my God my God why I saw forsaken me
the father paid the debt in his silence
that's the first reason just had this secondly if G Jesus had to die if you don't see that Jesus had to die it makes
no sense of the accounts of his life look at the gospels and you'll see in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus crying
out almost losing it look at Jesus look at the gospel accounts Jesus Christ on the cross crying at my God my God why
has Thou forsaken me and you know what you see here's what you see if you were making up a faith if you were making up a religion and you were
just fabricating stories about the founder of your religion about his life you would never in a million years put
those things in never you'd never have him crying out never saying oh Lord can I get off the hook in the gardening Gethsemane never you'd never make that
up thousands of people men and women have faced executions better than that
so since you would never make those up they must have happened and since they must have happened or
they never would have been written there's no other way to account for them he must have been forsaken
God must have forsaken him but since he was Forsaken and he was by all accounts the most wonderful man who
ever lived his life was so wonderful why would have been forsaken he must have been in our place you get that he he
must have suffered and cried out
and therefore he must have been forsaken and therefore he must have been your substitute and if you don't believe
that Jesus Christ had to die for you if you say like a lot of people in New York say I believe in a God who just loves us
I don't believe in a god of wrath who Jesus Christ had to assuage through his propitiatory death I don't believe I
just believe in a God who loves ironically with all due respect a god of more wrath than yours is
necessarily a god of more love than yours it's one thing to have somebody say I love you it's another thing to really show it
I have never felt more loved in my life a lot of people said they love me I got sick
and now all kinds of people my family you church I've never
been more loved in my life you know why because I never had more people doing things for me a God who says I love you but you don't
have Jesus you don't have the cross who just says I love you it's not never going to Electrify you it's never going to change you you're never going to be
transformed by that you have to have a God who shows and therefore ironically the god of the
Bible the god of more wrath than your generic God is a god of more love
why did Jesus have to die it's the only way to make sense of the historical accounts the only way buy
only number two the only way to be transformed and the only way to deal with the debt and some of you say well I
am a Christian and if you are a Christian then here's what it means to Behold the Lamb of God real quickly Behold the Lamb of God if
you look at what he's done it'll transform your attitude toward other people Hebrew is no better than Egyptian if you
buy this understanding of the Passover God the god of the Cross you realize that
you are no better than anyone else it totally transforms your view of others I've had people say well if you think
you have the truth that's going to make you an oppressive religion it all depends on what you think the truth is
what is the truth the truth is the cross the lamb the truth is Jesus Christ dying
for people who didn't believe in him and if you see that it makes you it makes you know that you
are no better than the people that you disdain only in him are you loved you think about that so if
you take the cross in and the Passover in you'll radically transform your way of looking at others it'll radically transform your way of looking at glory
and achievement huh in New York glory and achievement is a is acquiring
the cross says glory and achievement is serving is giving is giving away radically changes your whole
understanding of life thirdly it radically changes the view of suffering because the the most undeserved
suffering in the history of the world the most apparently senseless suffering in the history of the world worked out
to the most good and that's going to completely change your attitude toward your own suffering it's not some of you say
okay if I really beheld the Lamb of God my attitude toward others would be
totally different my attitude toward my life would be totally different my suffering be totally different and you say but it's not well just remember one
more thing you should eat the Lamb with others Fellowship groups
you eat the Lamb with others Christianity is an eternal Passover meal in which you get together with other
Christians other people who have had the same experience and you say why did this happen what does it mean
and you Behold the Lamb of God together until it sinks in and you're transformed do you know if you'd stopped an
Israelite in the desert of Sinai and you said what are you guys and who what are you doing and you know what they would
have said I said well I was an alien in a foreign land under penalty of death but I took shelter under the blood of
the Lamb and even though uh uh morally
and racially and ethically I could not save myself I was saved
and now I've been brought out and God is in our midst and even though I know looking
around here this is a desert in the wilderness he's on he's taking me to the promised land and do you realize that that's exactly
what a Christian says exactly because everything in the history of the world everything in the history of the Bible
all climaxed on the day that Jesus Christ became the Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world let's pray father we ask that you would
help us to understand why Jesus died to understand why Jesus had to die and we
thank you that because we Behold Him as a lamb we are new people utterly new
our attitude toward others our attitude toward ourselves our attitude and our
relationship to the world our suffering the circumstances of our life everything is radically transformed but
we have to admit as Christian friends and brothers and sisters here this morning we have to admit that we don't
live in accordance with that because we don't behold it deeply enough and we pray that he would teach us how to eat
the meal as it were together in community telling each other what this means until we are transformed into the
likeness of your son in whose name we pray amen for more of this series and other
resources from Timothy Keller and Redeemer Presbyterian Church please visit www.gospelinlife.com
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