새 설교 (17)

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No saint on earth can be fully perfect and pure.
마틴 루터
No man is born pure: purity is the outcome of conflict. The pure man is not the man who has never been tried, but the man who knows what evil is and has overcome it.
오스왈드 챔버 스
There have been false teachers in the past who have said that some of these natural instincts are sinful. There have been those who have regarded the sex instinct, for instance, as inherently and essentially sinful. It is not so. It is God who put it in us as a vital part of the body. There is nothing wrong in sex. Wrong comes in when sex dominates the whole person, instead of being kept in its right position, and put to its right use.
The New Man, 75
데이비드 마틴 로이드존스
No one has ever been cured of immorality by reading books on the control of sex—never has been, never will.
God’s Way Not Ours, 68
데이비드 마틴 로이드존스
If you are not pure, some things which are good in themselves may be harmful. That is why I never believe in giving sex-morality teaching to children in schools. You are introducing them to sin.
Sermon on the Mount, 240
데이비드 마틴 로이드존스
I have made a strong statement; but I am ready to assert that the Victorian attitude towards sex, in actual practice, was more successful than the present-day method. I am not concerned to defend Victorianism, but to expound the Scriptures; and the Scripture says that moral teaching in and of itself can be dangerous.
The Law: Its Functions and Limits, 81
데이비드 마틴 로이드존스
The battle of life will probably not rise above the sex battle.
E. 스탠리 존스
All healthy men, ancient and modern, Eastern and Western, know that there is a certain fury in sex that we cannot afford to inflame, and that a certain mystery and awe must ever surround it if we are to remain sane.
G. K. 체스터턴
For the past twenty years you and I have been fed all day long on good solid lies about sex.
C. S. 루이스
See also: Adultery; Love; Sexuality
Nowhere does the Bible teach that sex in itself is a sin, although many interpreters of the Bible would try to make it appear so. The Bible teaches that the wrong use of sex is sinful. For sex, the act by which all life on this earth is created, should be a wonderful, meaningful, and satisfying human experience.
빌리 그레이엄 (Billy Graham)
For aught that I could ever read, / Could ever hear by tale or history, / The course of true love never did run smooth.
윌리엄 셰익스피어
However, the equality of the sexes does not negate the distinctives of the sexes.
Thomas D. Lea; Hayne P. Griffin Jr.
For in the same way as the strength of the mind surpasses that of the body, in the same way the sufferings of the mind are more severe than the pains of the body.
M. Tullius Cicero
“Only a change of mind”; but what a change! A change of mind with regard to everything! Instead of saying, “It is only a change of mind,” it seems to me more truthful to say it is a great and deep change—even a change of the mind itself. The Soul Winner, Page 31
찰스 스펄전
His mind penetrated to the immortal gods, though far remote in heaven, and what nature denied to his visual orbs, he was able to overtake by his mind’s eye in the depth of his breast.
오비디우스 (로마 시인)
A Christian mind is a mind which thinks Christianly about everything.
존 스토트(John Stott)
Pure thoughts cannot produce evil deeds.
히포의 어거스틴
The necessity of Christ’s satisfaction to divine justice is, as it were, the center and hinge of all doctrines of pure revelation. Other doctrines are of little importance comparatively except as they have respect to this.
조나단 에드워즈
A pure, simple, and steadfast spirit is not distracted by the number of things to be done, because it performs them all to the honor of God, and endeavors to be at rest from self-seeking.
토마스 아 켐피스
The spiritual virtue of the sacrament is like the light: by those who are to be enlightened it is received pure, and if it passes through the impure it is not stained.
히포의 어거스틴
Jesus’ cleansing of the temple testifies to his concern for pure worship, a right relationship with God at the place supremely designated to serve as the focal point of the relationship between God and man.
D. A. 카슨 (D. A. Carson)
Access to God lies open to none but his pure worshippers.
존 칼빈
The Word of God is perfect; it is precious and pure; it is truth itself.
마틴 루터
Power is not alluring to pure minds.
토마스 제퍼슨
God’s Word is pure and sure, in spite of the devil, in spite of your fear, in spite of everything.
르우벤 아처 토레이(Reuben Archer Torrey)
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