Example VS Expectation-Camp Themed

Camp 2024  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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1 Timothy 4:12
Well, Mrs. Brielle and I were talking about the youth rally, talking about last year and it brought up a memory from the night after the youth rally when I went and got supper at Panera. I put in a mobile order for 6 or 7 and I go there and told them I had a mobile order and so they asked me to pull to the second window. When I got up there they said it would be just a minute. Just a minute turned to 10 minutes, then they asked me to go park in a spot. 30 minutes later I called and they said they forgot about me and they would have my order tight out. 15 minutes after that, here comes my food… They said it had been sitting on the drive-thru counter the whole time and proceeded to hand me a warmed up sandwich and soup and 45 minute watered down Dr Peppers… Needless to say I was frustrated… How could Panera get it so badly wrong?! Then I remembered, Panera is still fast-food, that’s kind of just how it is…
But, you probably know what is coming… There is one fast-food restaurant that stands out above most other fast-food joints, and that is CFA. CFA stands out because of the speed of it’s drive through, the quality of it’s food, the cleanliness of the store, the friendliness of the staff, the good looking assistant director that’s sitting on the third pew, the values which it represents, and a lot of other things. CFA stands out from the fast-food industry because it exceeds people’s expectations of fast-food. People have certain expectations of fast-food and when a restaurant exceeds those expectations people take notice. That’s the point I want to make to you, When you live above the level of expectation, people notice, they notice that something is different about you.
Our culture has set the level of expectation pretty low for the average teen. When a teenager does something dumb or immature they will shrug their shoulders and say “oh, he or she is just a teenager, that’s what they are going to do. Teens will be teens.” And sadly I believe that that has creeped into church’s expectation of teens as well. When you act immature or you do something wrong or you aren’t spiritually mature and don’t take the things of God seriously we just say “oh, he or she is just a teenager, that’s what they are going to do. Teens will be teens.” And that is not God’s desire for His young people. I don’t believe that is the case for Eastside all the time but it can be the case for you as a teen. That you can sometimes give yourself a license to do what you want and say, oh I am just a teen, that’s what teens do so it’s okay… But that is not the desire God has for you as a young person.
That’s what Paul is trying to get across to this young pastor named Timothy. He said don’t let anyone despise thy youth, meaning, don’t give anyone an opportunity to think of you badly, don’t give anyone a reason not to take you seriously, don’t give anyone an excuse to discount your message. In that day Timothy would have been considered young to be a pastor. You would not typically gain respect until later on in life or until you had reached a certain age. People would probably expect Timothy to make mistakes, to say something that wasn’t wise, or to make poor choices because of his age. So, to gain respect, Paul is telling Timothy to pay attention to some pretty key areas. Paul wanted Timothy to know that though people may expect him to act a certain way, that God expects something different. God’s standard for the young is no different than it is for the old. Timothy needed to rise above the expectations of youth and be an example of the believers.
Transition: CFA stands out among fast-food restaurants because they almost always exceed people’s normal expectations for fast-food. When a young person is an example it carries more weight than when an older person is an example because people don’t expect young people to be examples.
Think about the difference that you can make when you are an example of the believer as opposed to the adults in the other room being examples. If I am an example people don’t really think much about it because that’s what they expect from an adult, that’s what they expect from a youth pastor.
I think of when we go to fast-food restaurants and how from the beginning I have tried to instill in you all to let people go in front of us because of the size of our group. It is one thing when we tell them to go ahead but now, you guys do it on your own and it makes big statement to those people! There have been quite a few times when someone comes to me or Mrs. Brielle and compliments you all because of how you deferred to them. That makes a big statement because that is not what people expect out of teenagers.
You can make an impact, a difference for God by the way that you live, more than others simply because of your age. Your age is an advantage and you have great potential to point people to God as a young person if you will choose to be an example rather than fall to people’s expectations.
Young person are you going to choose to live down to the culture’s expectation of you or are you going to live to be an example of the believer?
Transition- Paul lists some areas here in our verse of ways that we can rise above the expectations of the world and be an example. The first area is WORD.
Our culture expects teenagers to not have control of their tongue, to say things that are not very wise, to talk back to their parents. If you were to turn on the Disney channel right now you would most likely find some teen actor talking down to their parents and the parents being portrayed as dumb. That’s what the culture expects of teenagers! They expect them to say bad things about others, always gossiping behind one another’s backs. Culture expect teens to say crude things, to cuss like all the people do on tv, like the pop stars sing in their music, if you don’t cuss then you use as many euphemisms as you can and get as close as possible to cussing as you can.
The culture expects teenagers to talk about immoral things, use language that is inappropriate for any age person. Teenagers, you don’t have to stoop that low, you don’t have to go through some phase, no where in the Bible does it say that you have to fall to the cultures expectation of your speech, you can be an example of the believer.
I can’t help but think about camp being only 3 weeks away. There are going to be many opportunities to either settle for the expectation or be the example in the words you use at camp.
-On the trip there, you will have 15 to 17 hours to use your words. There have been times where some of you have used that time in a bad way, talking about things you shouldn’t joking about things that you shouldn’t, laughing at things you shouldn’t. When you act that way, you know whose expectation you are living down to? The worlds. You are no different than how some lost teenager, who doesn't know the Lord is acting. One of the biggest ways you can dishonor the Lord is instead of acting like the saved child of God that you are, you model your words and actions off the children of the devil. I know that sounds harsh but when you talk about inappropriate things, you are mean to the younger boys or girls, you are acting like a lost person should, not the way a child of God should.
-When we get to camp, there will be opportunities to lose your cool and say something you shouldn’t. A call doesn’t go your way in sports, you don’t get to go in the game when you want to, you are told by an adult to move seats, you are asked to do something you don’t like, the temptation is to talk back. That’s what the culture expects you to do, when you talk back, you immediately lose your testimony and your influence. That is ultimately what Paul is talking to Timothy about. If you don’t use your words in a wise, you will no longer be able to influence the others around you and you will cause people to look down on you, your authorities, and your God.
You older kids, when you use your words to disrespect an authority or even to bad mouth some rule that we have set, you set an example to the younger kids in the youth group of how an older teenager acts. You will either cause them to do wrong themselves or you will lose any opportunity you have to influence them in the future.
-Be the example all the time but especially at camp, be the example by no matter what is going on around you, be positive with the words you use. If someone is annoying, which is bound to happen on the bus, keep your cool and either ask them kindly to stop, ignore it, or come talk to one of us instead of using your words to put them down. Look, it is a 17 hour bus ride, the expectation is that everyone gets cranky and they start snapping at each other, be the example and just sleep or be careful and positive with your words, ESPECIALLY when you are tired.
-When we go somewhere for lunch that you don’t like, be the example and be positive in your words.
-When the food at camp isn’t to your level of expectation, be the example in your words and maybe not say anything, be the one that is going to be positive.
-When you don’t like a rule, be the example and don’t complain.
-When you don’t like another person, be the example and be kind and positive and love them like Jesus would.
-Let’s be the example this year in the sports, myself included. When you make a bad play, or a teammate makes a bad play, be positive, be encouraging. Don’t slam your hands in to the ground, just accept that it was a mistake and move on. If a bad call gets made by the refs, let’s not mutter under breaths or shrug our shoulders, let’s just “it’s okay” and be positive about it. Let’s be the youth group that sets the example in the way we use our words with each other, with our authorities, with the refs, and with other youth groups.
Let’s be the example and not settle for the expectation in the way that we talk, at camp as well as in our daily lives.
This isn’t referring to talking to people, this is referring to your actions, how you live you everyday life. The expectation is that teenagers are just going to act dumb, take on every internet challenge they see, though sometimes humorous can actually be pretty dangerous… the culture expects teens to be weird, reckless, crazy, to be self absorbed, to be lazy, to act immature, to spend hours and hours playing video games and in front of the tv, to have a bad work ethic. That’s what the culture expects, they say “teens will be teens, they are just young. Teenagers you do not have to live that way. You don’t have to be lazy, you don’t have to act weird and crazy, you don’t have to be self absorbed or immature. You can be an example of the believer in your conversation not by patterning your life after what the culture says but by patterning it after God’s standard for you, holiness! 1 Peter 1:15-16 “but as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.”
Your standard for your actions is not what you see on tik-tok, on YouTube, or tv, it is the standard that God has set in His Word and it is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was not lazy, Jesus Christ was not immature, Jesus Christ was not self absorbed He was the opposite of those things. Don’t base your behavior and your actions based on your friends and on the culture, no base it on God’s standard and be an example of the believer!
It is really easy for us to look at people who don’t know Christ and say, well I am not as bad as them so I am okay where I am at. But like we said earlier, one of the worst things you can do as a Christian teenager is base your actions off of what an unsaved person is doing, based off of what the culture is doing, not what your Heavenly Father would expect you to do.
-At camp there will be people who do things that are different from us. There may be guys that don’t have to tuck their shirts in, you know what? They aren’t the standard. We are doing what we believe we are supposed to do.
-There will be kids who have an awful attitude towards the refs or even towards their coach or youth pastor but you know what? That doesn’t give you license to then talk back, no, they are not your example or standard, Jesus Christ is.
-This is a big one. Younger ones, just because an older teenager is doing something dumb or saying something they shouldn’t, doesn’t mean that you need to that or that gives you a license. Ultimately you answer to God, not them.
-Just because another person broke a rule or complains about something or does something they shouldn’t, does not mean that you have an automatic pass to do the same thing.
-Be an example, and let your standard be the Lord in your behavior, not the culture or other teens around you.
This is referring to your love. Love is doing what is best for others no matter what. People expect teenagers to act out of selfishness, to act in their own self interest, they expect teens to make decisions based on what they want and how they feel. People expect teenagers to just act based on their love for themselves. The expectation is that teens don’t give of their time for others, they don’t give to the Lord. The expectation is a teen will always do what they want to the exclusion of all else. Listen teens that does not have to be the case! Instead of living down to the cultures expectations, live up to be an example in how you treat and care for others.
This is a little sneak peak into our theme for the year, but surrender your own feelings, put your own thoughts and desires to the side and think about others. Be the teen that is a help and a blessing to others.
Be the teenager that when there is work to be done be the first one that gets up and helps. Teen guys, when it’s time to clean up for Men’s Prayer meeting don’t just go do what you want to do, stay and help clean up. Girls and boys alike, when your mom or dad needs help with something at home, the culture expects you to go to your room or the living room and play video games, do your own thing, don’t live that way, get up and help your parents, don’t be self absorbed, be a help and a blessing to others!
Be the teen that invests in others. Be the teen who reaches out to those with physical needs but also spiritual needs. Most people don’t expect teens to have a desire to see people won to the Lord, be a teen that is an example in soul winning. Come to outreach on Saturdays wether or not we have sports practice. Part of loving others is loving them enough to help them change. If you know your friends are doing wrong or they are not living how they ought to be and you don’t say anything to them, that is selfish, that is not being an example in charity.
-When we load the trailer, be a young person that is more concerned about others than yourself and just get involved and help load the trailer. It’s even harder when we get back, but guys no matter what trip we are on, be the first one off the bus and help others unload their things before your own.
-At camp, when we are on the road, instead of pushing to have your way and sit where you want, be willing to surrender your own desires for the good of someone else. Younger ones, you probably won’t get to sit where you want, and that’s okay, be an example in your love for others and defer, God will bless you for it.
-Be an example in your love for others when it comes time for cabin clean up. Instead of pushing to get your bed done and then get out of the cabin, and help clean, help someone else do their bunk, even though it’s gross and your least favorite thing, clean a toilet because it’s not about you, it’s about your love for others and being a blessing to them. Like our theme last year, it’s not about me. It’s not about you, make the week about loving others.
-When it comes time for the preaching, put your love for others above yourself and pay attention. Don’t write notes to each other, don’t talk to one another, just pay attention and encourage one another to pay attention.
-When it comes time for the invitation the tendency is to be concerned only for yourself and not want to move and just make a decision in your pew but it’s not always about you. There may be someone wanting to respond but is waiting for you to respond too. Maybe you know God is speaking to your friend or even a younger one in the youth group, prove your love for others and ask if they want to go up and respond with you.
-Younger teens, I would love to see y’all respond at invitation. I think right now the habit is that the older kids respond and the younger kids stay back and stand there but listen it doesn’t have to be that way. Older ones, be an example in your love for them and respond with them.
-We will get to more of these next week most likely talking about your spirit, faith, and purity. But I wanted to take time today and apply these to camp especially with it coming up.
Conclusion- I want to finish with this. I am very thankful for the way you showed your love for others yesterday at the youth rally. On Friday we had several girls come and give of their Friday night to help with decorations and balloons, they could have done all kinds of other things, but I am thankful for you girls’s help.
Yesterday when I asked for volunteers to clean, to help move stuff, to get involved, you all were quick to help and even do things that make you uncomfortable. That sets an example to the other teens when you serve in that way. Many of you could have been hanging out and doing something other than helping, but I am thankful that your love for others won out.
During the game part of the rally, some of you didn’t get picked intentionally because you are from Eastside, I can’t control all of those things, I wasn’t the one picking everyone but yesterday was an opportunity to invest in others outside of our church and if that means we don’t get to play as many games, that’s okay. I am very thankful for your spirit and the love that you showed to others in that way.
And also for all those that stayed way after time to help clean up, I cannot tell you how helpful that was to me and Mrs. Brielle, that you would give of your time after already being at the church for so long, spoke volumes. I am thankful to have a youth group and pastor a youth group that are servants, that are examples in their love for others. I think the Lord has blessed that and allowed us to have a great youth rally. We wouldn’t be able to host a youth rally like we did yesterday without you all and the love for others and lack of concern for your own desires that you showed. We will continue to be able to host things like that only if you younger ones catch the same servant spirit and love for others that many of these older teens have. I just want to say that I am thankful for you all and I am one blessed youth pastor.
Let’s make sure that we are a youth group that is an example of the believer in the things we say, the things we do, and the love we have for others.
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