Upside Down Kingdom
Why so much evil in our world?
Why so much evil in our world?
We like to ask this question, and sometimes we must. Even this day we have at least two full scale wars going on, a potential for at least a 3rd, and may other calamities. We have children suffering the effects of not having food and many more homeless in many ways.
Why do we have any goodness in the world?
Why do we have any goodness in the world?
Sometimes I think this is a better question to ask. Where have you experienced something good this past week?
Goodness comes ultimately from God.
Goodness comes ultimately from God.
Jesus in confronting the man was pressing him to realize where the source of all goodness is. Matthew 5.16 talks about us doing good works so God will be glorified. When we think only about the suffering we can either forget God’s goodness or focus too much on us as humans.
Jesus looks at us with love.
Jesus looks at us with love.
Please see this verse. Jesus did not nor does He ever respond without eyes of love.
Mark 10:21 (NIV)
Jesus looked at him and loved him.
The demands of Jesus are made out of love for us.
The demands of Jesus are made out of love for us.
The demand that is made is not one of someone trying to “get us” in a negative way but out of love. Jesus knows what is best for us. He knows us better than we know ourselves.
The one thing we lack…
The one thing we lack…
For the rich man it was his wealth. For the disciples it was their quest for power, prestige and status. What is is for us. We cannot dumb down the sayings of Jesus just to fit out way of thinking. Mark Twain is credited as saying, “it is the not the parts of the Bible I don’t understand that bothers me, it is the parts I do understand.”
For us=wealth, materialistic items, sexuality, relationships, comfort, power what is it?
Jesus turns most things upside down.
Jesus turns most things upside down.
Power=service. Glory in suffering. Gains because of persecution.