How to have joy

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Read Philippians 1:15–18 “Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from goodwill: The former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.”
Joy has gone missing
in our world today.
We see this
in the increase
of mental health issues
A recent poll
50 percent of teens
with statements
‘I can’t do anything right’
‘I don’t enjoy life’
and ‘my life is not useful’.
This is double
compared to a decade ago.
And it’s because
people are empty.
They lack fulfillment.
They lack joy.
So today
I want to show you
how you can have joy.
Because God
does not want
to have a meaningless
and joyless life.

1. Know that God uses ____ for good (v.12-17)

1. Know that God uses evil for good (v.12-17)

And we see this
in the life of Paul
in v.12,’but I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me
We learned previously
that Philippians
is all about humility
and joy.
But we also learned
that Paul
was in prison in Rome
he wrote this letter.
And that’s
what happened
to Paul!
That’s the thing
that happened to Paul!
As we see in the later verses
Paul talks about his chains
just to make clear.
Now usually
when you find out
that someone
is in jail
that’s bad news.
When you hear about a thief
or murderer
going to jail
you’re happy!
‘We caught the school shooter!’
And you think
thank God!’
But if you heard
that your friend
or your sibling
went to jail
you’d be worried.
‘Did he do something bad?’
‘When is he gonna get out?’
There’s been people
who were innocent
that have been imprisoned.
Even people
who were put on death row
and put to death
who were later
to be innocent.
What if that happened to you
or your friend
or family?
What happens
when an innocent person
goes to jail?
We worry right?
But here
Paul’s imprisonment
is good!
He writes, ‘have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel
How could
the imprisonment
of one of 12
God’s most used people
help the gospel?
He’s stuck
in a room all day!
Isn’t the gospel
supposed to be spread
all over the world?
How are you
supposed to go out
and preach the gospel
when you are confined
to a room
and tied
to a chain
like a beast? (prisoner pic)
But somehow
his isolation
helped the gospel.
And not only help
but further the gospel!
The word further
really means advance.
It’s this militaristic image.
A forward march
of an unstoppable army.
Breaking through
unbreakable gates
and storming though. (roman legion pic)
But how?
How exactly
can putting the apostle
in jail
make the gospel
an unstoppable force?
Paul tells us in v.13, ‘so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ
Paul is saying
that his imprisonment
furthered the gospel
by giving him the opportunity
to share it
with the whole palace guard. (Repeat)
when you have jail guards
a prisoner
they tend to be skeptical.
you are a jail guard
and you have a new prisoner
Don’t you think
is up to no good?
would you be
on the side of a prisoner?
Especially Ryan?
But Paul said
it has become evident’.
In other words
it has been made clear
a shadow of a doubt
Paul is in prison.
That he is innocent
he’s not a criminal.
But most importantly
he’s in prison
for Jesus.
Paul calls it, ‘my chains are in Christ.’
Paul followed Jesus
no matter what.
He took up the cross
even if it led him
to prison
to chains.
And all the guards
about it.
They knew
this man
is here for Jesus.
And you know what
for almost all of them
this would be the first time
they ever heard
about Jesus.
This would be
the first time
they got to speak to a Christian
who could explain
Jesus to them!
And it wasn’t just
the entire guard
but also
everyone around him!
Paul says, ‘and to all the rest’.
All these new people
that Paul
spoke to before
got to hear
about Jesus.
That’s God
using evil for good.
The unrighteous imprisonment
of a man of God
into a new opportunity
for more people
to hear the good news.
But the more people
the gospel
is not the only way
God used evil for good.
v.14, ‘and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains,
of Paul’s imprisonment
most Christians
became confident.
Why did they become confident?
It’s because
they saw
how God
used evil for good.
They saw
how Paul’s
marched the gospel
to more people.
They realized
that God
can turn anything
into good.
So what happens
when Christians
become confident?
Paul writes, ‘are much more bold to speak the word without fear.’
It made the Christians
in Rome
more bold.
More confident
more fearless.
To share
the gospel!
What is the biggest reason
why people don’t
share the gospel?
Fear of humiliation
and rejection.
So how
does God deal
with fear?
He allows
Paul being put in chains.
Putting someone in jail
should cause fear.
If you heard
a fellow Christian
be put in jail
for their faith
that should make you scared!
‘I don’t want
to be put in jail too!’
‘What if they catch me
and torture me?’
But what seems
like the worse thing
that could happen
to Christianity
God used for good!
When I went to university
I majored in psychology.
I originally
to become
a psychologist.
But then Jesus
came into my life
and I no longer
wanted to do that.
Close to the end
of my junior year
I wanted to drop out.
I just wanted to work
and make money
because I felt
the degree wasn’t worth it.
My mom
about that
encouraged me
to finish anyway.
So I did
and I graduated.
And I ended up working
in jobs
that don’t require
a psychology degree.
So I regretted
majoring in psychology.
You see
when I tell people
I majored in psychology
they always
act impressed.
They think
I can read
people’s minds.
If I could read minds
from majoring
in psych
then it would be worth it.
But I can’t
read minds!
Years later
God’s call
to be a pastor
I knew I had to go to seminary.
And you know what seminary requires?
A bachelor’s degree.
And you know
what is the majority
of schoolwork
in seminary?
Not reading minds!
But reading
and writing books!
And you know
what almost all my schoolwork
in for my psych degree was?
and writing.
You see
what seemed to be useless to me
actually turned out
to be helpful for me
in seminary!
God used one of my biggest regrets
to move me forward
to become a pastor.
maybe you have regrets.
I hope not.
You bought an Xbox
when you should
have got a PS5
or a PC.
Or you got a high taper fade
when you should have
got a low taper fade.
You got into a relationship
with a boy
or girl
when you shouldn’t have.
Whatever it is
God will use your mistakes
for good.
But what’s not a mistake
is the crucifixion of Jesus.
Acts 2:23–24 (ESV)
this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it.
People often reference
the Holocaust
as the greatest evil
that has taken place
in history.
But as bad as it was
the crucifixion
of the Son of God
is the worse.
And yet God planned it
before it even happened
so that you
could have
eternal life.
If God
could use the greatest evil in the world
for good
how much more
can He use
your mistakes
and the pain
in your life
for good?
was a Christian worker
in Mali.
He was driving
through the Sahara
but then
his truck
broke down.
And he started thinking
about his father
Nate Saint
who was a missionary in Ecuador.
When Steve was 5
his father
and other missionaries
were speared to death
by natives.
As he wondered
his father died
some locals
found him
and brought him to a church.
And he met
a man named Nouh.
Nouh shared his faith
with Steve
explaining how his family
disowned him
to the point
that his mother
put sorcerer’s poison
in his food
to no affect.
Can you imagine
your own mom
poisoning your dinner?
I mean sometimes
mom can put a pretty
nasty plate
on the table
and you feel
like she’s trying
to poison you.
but that’s nothing
compared to actual poison!
So Steve being impressed
by Nouh’s willingness
to sacrifice his family
to follow Jesus
does your courage
come from?’
And Nouh said,
he read books
about missionaries.
And his favorite
was about five young missionaries
who went to Ecuador
and risked their lives
to share
the gospel.
They even let the natives
spear them to death
even though
they had guns
to protect themselves.
told Nouh
that one of them
was his father.
Your father?’
Nouh exclaimed.
And Steve
finally realized
decades later
how God used
what seemed
like a meaningless death
of his father
to help Nouh
hold on
to his faith
against all odds.
God uses evil for good.
Know this.
Remember this.
it will help you
have everlasting joy.
Romans 8:28 (ESV)
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Memorize this verse!
If you know
that God
uses evil for good
then nothing
can stop your joy!
Not even
the bad things in your life
can hurt
your joy!
Because even
the bad
God uses for good!

2. Focus on the kingdom (v.15-18)

Paul’s imprisonment
isn’t the only thing
that was going on.
v.15, ‘Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will.’
There are two groups
that Paul is bringing up here
that both
preach Christ.
But one group
is preaching
with bad intentions
and the other good.
v.16, ‘The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel’.
v.17, ‘The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment.’
This is odd.
On one hand
you have a group that is loving and supportive and know the truth that Paul is in prison
for Jesus.
But on the other hand
you have a group
that is preaching Jesus
but wants
to hurt Paul. How can you
preach Christ
with bad intentions?
Isn’t preaching Christ
But Paul says
they do it out of selfish ambition.
They were preaching
in order
to make money.
To gain praise
and acclaim.
But even worse
they did it
to hurt Paul.
While Paul
was in jail
these people
would be preaching,
see Paul is in jail
he’s not all that.
What kind of apostle
gets put in jail?
God is not with him.
I’m better than him!’
The people
who were supposed to
be there
for him
at his time of need
not only abandoned him
they attacked him!
They betrayed him!
The greatest pain
you can receive
is not
from your enemies.
It’s from your friends.
You think
your friend supports you
but then
you actually
find out
they’re talking
trash about you
behind you’re back.
That hurts.
Even Christians
can be hurtful.
If you ever been hurt
by a Christian or your friend raise your hand. How can you be joyful
when your friend
betrays you?
Paul tells us how
he does
in v.18,What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice.
In the darkness
Paul finds light
by looking
at the big picture.
people are preaching Christ
from good
or bad intentions
Christ is being preached.
People are hearing the gospel
getting saved
from people
who do it
out of greed.
That’s God
using evil for good again.
God can even
use a non-Christian
to share the gospel
and save souls.
And that
is where Paul
finds joy.
He’s focused on the kingdom.
Rather than letting
the his problems
cloud his vision
he sees the bigger picture
that the name of Jesus
is being proclaimed
by everyone
his enemies.
According to AAA
caused by car accidents
are at an all-time
And 50 percent of them
to using their cell-phone
while driving.
They say
that driving at 55 mph
while sending
or reading
a text
is like
driving through an entire football field
with your eyes closed.
Stay focused students.
Keep your eyes
on the road.
Luke 9:62 (ESV)
Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
If you look back
while plowing
you make a crooked furrow. (crooked furrow pic)
You make a mess.
But when you lock in
and focus
only looking forward.
You create this. (straight furrow)
So much pain
we are so focused
on the pains of the past
what someone did to you
in the past. On our problems
troubling us
than Jesus.
If you want to have joy,
to God’s kingdom.
You’re probably asking.
is the kingdom
being advanced today?
Through missions
and service. (missions pic)
There’s a reason
for example
when you go to MFUGE
you are filled
with joy
and satisfaction
It’s not
just the fun
and games
but it’s really
the being a part
of missions.
You enjoy
so much joy
and purpose
when you see
God’s kingdom
being brought
to new places.
When you go on mission
when you serve
you literally
with your very own eyes
God’s kingdom
moving forward.
So I encourage you
come to MFUGE next year.
with us
at Fuge@Home
this summer.
And when you’re not on mission
read about missionaries
in the past
and even today.
There are websites
that you can go to
that talk about missionaries
in places like China
or the Middle East.
and it’s encouraging to see.
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