Wait is over; learning continues

Book of Acts: Deer Creek  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Aim: To look at the outpouring of the Holy Spirit with power.


Hey Wait!

Jesus told them to wait, where to wait and why to wait (Act1:4-5). The wait is about over but it is a has been a journey to this point and at this point everything changes going forward.
Acts 1:4–5 NASB95
4 Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, “Which,” He said, “you heard of from Me; 5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”
From Jesus named the Passover Lamb (Jn1:29); to the Passover (Lk22:14-16)
To the resurrection (Lk24:5-7)
Now to the ascension (Lk24:50-53; Act1:9-11)
Acts 1:9 NASB95
9 And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.
Acts 1:10–11 NASB95
10 And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them. 11 They also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.”
Time line from the Passover where to the Jews it is celebration of their deliverance from bondage in Egypt; to the Christians it is the picture of when Jesus was the passover lamb for our sins.
Then to the feast of first fruits which is a picture of the resurrection of the dead. (1Cor15:20-23)
Fifty days after first fruits on the first day of the week after the Sabbath is the feast of Pentecost. We know it as the picture of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church. To the Jews it was a celebration of the giving of the law and the two tablets.
We gather together on Sunday, the first day of the week in remembrance of the day the Lord rose from the dead and the day that the church was born and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
On firstfruits the priest would wave two sheaves of grain, but at Pentecost it would be two loaves of leavened bread. Leaven in the O.T. represented sin, it was acknowledging that there was no perfection, and even to us today, the church today there is no perfection.
Pentecost was a
Commemoration - Commemorating the gift of the Law (Exo32:28).
Illustration: On the day law given 3000 souls died; on this Pentecost day, 3000 dead souls were made alive (Act2:41).
Many commentators will state that the two loaves represented the two tablets of the law, Jesus fulfilled the Law and the loaves now would mean the two people, the Jews/Gentiles coming together to be one, the church (Eph2:14-15)
Some prophesy and historical events that were fulfilled and transpired on Pentecost.
Holy Spirit came (Act2:2)
Holy Spirit filled them (Act2:4)
Holy Spirit empowered them (Act2:14)
Holy Spirit convicted men from words of Apostles (Act2:37)
Holy Spirit given (Act2:38)
So finally, the waiting is over and the promise is upon them! Now let’s dig into our passage tonight. I’m going to read quickly, briefly so we can see in context then will break it down.
Acts 2:1–2 NASB95
1 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
Acts 2:3–4 NASB95
3 And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.
Acts 2:5–6 NASB95
5 Now there were Jews living in Jerusalem, devout men from every nation under heaven. 6 And when this sound occurred, the crowd came together, and were bewildered because each one of them was hearing them speak in his own language.
Acts 2:7–8 NASB95
7 They were amazed and astonished, saying, “Why, are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 “And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born?
Acts 2:9–10 NASB95
9 “Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya around Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,
Acts 2:11–12 NASB95
11 Cretans and Arabs—we hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God.” 12 And they all continued in amazement and great perplexity, saying to one another, “What does this mean?”
Acts 2:13 NASB95
13 But others were mocking and saying, “They are full of sweet wine.”
What do you see, what do you notice, what sticks out to you?
Now having done this, want to look at three things tonight.
Symbols and proof that the promise has come
Results and proof that the promise has come
Who heard the promise and what were the results
OK, one more thing, the question?

Symbols and Proof

We know the day, we know the location, now comes the symbols and the proof that the promise had come.
We know they were all together (Act1:12-14; Lk24:52-53)
Question about on Pentecost were the in upper room (Act1:12-13); or were they in the temple (Lk24:52-53)
Either way about it they were together, in one accord (Act1:14)
Some believe that there were hiding in the upper room, praying, worried that what happened to Jesus could happen to them.
We know that happened (Act2:2)
Ask the question
We know the proof (Act2:3)
Ask the question
We know the results (Act2:4)
Ask the question
Something to notice the promise came and was proved by sound and by sight. And resulted in filling and proof of the filling.
The Holy Spirit is not someone new to the Bible, to scripture. He has been involved from creation forward
In creation where the Spirit hovered over the water (Gen1:1-2)
In Israel’s history (1Sam16:13) - Holy Spirit came upon david
In Jesus ministry ( Lk1:30-38, Lk4:1)
The Spirits task prior was specific and for specific people to accomplish specific tasks, now what the Spirit will do will change, for the task changes.
Spirit will dwell in people, not just come upon and empower
Spirit will be present permanent not only temporary (Jn14:16-17)
This is not on your outline, but hey, gotta throw it in
John 14:16–17 NASB95
16 “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; 17 that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.
Now we know the spirit made sound, then made sight, the sight was like fire, and fire previously in scripture oftentimes is a reference to the presence of God like to Moses in Exo3, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire. . .
Now going back to the sound came before the sight, I found this little nugget that Jon Courson once said.
“The Word of God always precedes the work of the Lord.”
Man says “If I see It, I will believe it” but God says “If you believe it you will see it.”
2 Corinthians 5:7 NASB95
7 for we walk by faith, not by sight—
So, what we have now, is the Spirit filled the house (v.2) and filled them (v.4) and caused a manifestation that could be seen (v.3). Now more to what was manifested too was heard (v.4) speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Staying to what the entire passage says, the spirit did not cause them to get “slayed in the Spirit” as you may have heard before, they did not speak in some unknown language, as we continue to look at our passage you will see what is meant by speaking in tongues, the scripture will define itself.

Results and Proof of Promise

Crowd inspiring response. Have you ever heard something, or seen something that made you want to stop and check things out more? Look at what happens upon the outpouring of the promise.
Be sure you have your bible turned to the passage for I want us to pull from the passage.
Acts 2:5–6 NASB95
5 Now there were Jews living in Jerusalem, devout men from every nation under heaven. 6 And when this sound occurred, the crowd came together, and were bewildered because each one of them was hearing them speak in his own language.
Acts 2:7–8 NASB95
7 They were amazed and astonished, saying, “Why, are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 “And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born?
Who was together (v.5)?
What brought them together to check things out (v.6)?
What was the response when they checked things out (vv.6-7)?
Look at (v.8) consider, was the miracle in the speaking or in the hearing?
They were amazed, astonished, they were in bewilderment.
Luke is not emphasizing the speaking in tongues, he emphases the outpouring of the Spirit, the fulfillment of what Jesus said would happen (Act1:5; Lk24:49).
Acts 1:5 NASB95
5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”
Luke 24:49 NASB95
49 “And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”
Baptized with the Holy Spirit, empowered from power from on high. From what was temporary before is now filling, fulfilling and permanent (Jn14:2; Heb1:3; Jn15:26-27; Act1:8)
Fulfilled because Jesus went to prepare a place (Jn14:2)
He went by way to the cross
From the cross to the grave from the grave to the sky, all so He could pour out His Spirit!
Fulfilled because He made purification of sins then assumed the throne (Heb1:3)
Fulfilled with power to perform the appointed task (Jn15:26-27)
Help came, the Spirit came so that the apostles could go and testify as a witness of Jesus!
Fulfilled to start local and then radiate out (Act1:8)
God’s global mission was going to be carried out by the church. God’s grand plan had you in mind! For you are the church.
They were bewildered, amazed, astonished all before the gospel message was even preached.
So now look at the passage again who were these bewildered men (v.5)?
Stop, expand on this briefly, devout followers of God that were there to worship, and were amazed, astonished, bewildered by what was going on.
We know many who may be devout followers of God but are missing something, may your life be one that may bring them to want to check it out, to see what is up with you.
Why were they astonished, bewildered, amazed (v.6) in fact in looking at that verse you may notice in some versions it says (confused).
Are there things that you hear, have heard or have seen that amaze you? Maybe it’s a scripture that suddenly comes into a new light to you and you understand it now like you never did before.
GO back and look at (v.7) what, besides how they felt, did they do?
They asked questions, for what they heard, what they saw did not make any sense to them. Questions are good, and if you have them, that is good. I know I do at times, may we always be willing to ask questions and search for answers. Don’t let unasked questions keep you from seeking and receiving the answers.

Who heard the promise and saw results?

We still have a pending question about the speaking and hearing in tongues, now we get to that portion of scripture.
Acts 2:9–10 NASB95
9 “Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya around Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,
Acts 2:11 NASB95
11 Cretans and Arabs—we hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God.”
15 peoples, named, specific people heard and saw
There from from the areas surrounding Israel, Jerusalem, from the Parthians in the Far East, to Rome.
They were all hearing in their own language, not some unknown language, except unknown to the speakers who were speaking them. God had brought them all together for this time to hear with one voice, one language the language of love poured out for all. Previously God scattered and confused the language (Gen11:1; tower of Babel) but now God brings them all back.
Who hears the results from us about what God is doing? Is it Caladonians, how about Mansonites or Fort Dodginites? Are we sharing, speaking the bewildering, amazing, astonishing work of the Lord with them?
What was being spoken on Pentecost up to this time, the mighty works of God and that is all before the gospel is even preached to them.
From waiting for the promise, to the proof of the outpouring, we have seen the results, bewilderment, amazement, astonishment and yes even some confusion by what they heard and what they were seeing, the mighty works of God right before them! Leading to one last question

One last question

Remember there is nothing wrong with questions, questions mean that you are looking for answers. Looking means you are seeking, so don’t stop seeking, asking, looking, it is part of our growth.
Look at their question
Acts 2:12 NASB95
12 And they all continued in amazement and great perplexity, saying to one another, “What does this mean?”
Look at how they were feeling
Look at what the question was
People heard something was going on and they went to check it out, they come inquiring and seeking to find themselves in amazement and great perplexity. The question was a good question, what does it mean? May we be people who ask that question of the scripture too. The meaning to them was about to be explained, so come back next week for the explanation.
We have the answer, we have the bible, we are the living results, proof of the outpouring of the Spirit. It is God’s will and work in us that proves God’s power today!
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