#7 A Stand and A Spirit | Daniel 5:1-17

Africa Trip 24 - #7 PM Thursday (A Stand And A Spirit)  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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#7 A Stand and A Spirit | Daniel 5:1-17

Opening Remarks: Have so enjoyed the week.
I thank all the men that have spoken during the sessions.
Pastor Prince, Pastor Dare, Pastor Frederick today, Dr. Caudill.
It has been extremely helpful.
I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Dr. Caudill and Mrs. Cassie this week.
I’m also thankful to all that have served from Mt. Calvary and other churches. You’ve done an outstanding job as hosts.
And then the Ruckmans - thank you. You’ve made us feel so welcome. I wish I convey it more strongly. You’re a blessing to my wife and I.
I can see why you love Ghana. These are special people.
To the rest of you, thank you for making is bruneys feel so welcome.
Daniel 5
Please turn to Daniel 5. Earlier this year, Pastor Ruckman was in our services in South Dakota and I preached this text. He asked that I consider preaching it this week, so this one is special request by the host pastor. But honestly, it’s a principle that I believe can help us if we’ll let it.
Babylon is under siege and Belshazzar is throwing a party. Then a hand appears out of nowhere and writes a message of judgement on the wall. When no one can interpret it, the name of an old prophet comes up
READ Daniel 5:10-12
Our title tonight is this: A Stand And A Spirit. Daniel had both, and it allowed him to have influence in a culture that needed to hear truth.

I. The Medes and the Persians have Babylon surrounded.

A. And Belshazzar is so full of pride that he decides to throw a giant party.
1. To be fair, Babylon was a strong city with multiple sets of walls protecting it.
2. The Euphrates river flowed right through the middle of the city, so they had resources.
3. But their trust was in the things of men, which always gives a false sense of confidence.
B. Vs. 4 – Instead of seeking the Lord, Belshazzar is defiant.
1. They bring in the Temple vessels from Jerusalem and start drinking out of them.
2. Then they propose a toast to the gods of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, and stone.
3. This was a defiant act. They were saying, “Their God wasn’t strong enough to keep us from taking these vessels. So let’s salute our gods with them.”
4. Vs. 23 says that Belshazzar lifted himself above God. He was shaking his finger in God’s face.
5. And others joined in. This Babylon Bash became a Jehovah Bash. And God noticed.
6. Vs. 5 – The room that had been filled with laughter and revelry suddenly went silent as a giant finger began writing on the wall!
C. The king is scared to death! (v. 6)
1. The color leaves his face.
2. The joints of his loins are loosed.
3. Have you ever seen someone so scared that their legs give out?
4. That’s what happens to Belshazzar. His hips and legs give way. He loses control of himself.
5. His knees smite one against another uncontrollably.
7. Vs. 7 – He’s so shaken that he cries out for his servants to bring in the wise men so they can decipher the message on the wall.
8. Belshazzar promises to make whoever is able to interpret the message third in command.
D. So he calls all of his pagan wise men to give it their best shot (vs. 8-9)
1. The wise men can’t give the answer, so the queen steps in. (Vs. 10-12)
2. When she hears that none of the Babylonians can help, she tells Belshazzar about this old Jewish man named Daniel.
3. We don’t know exactly which queen this was, but she clearly knows who Daniel is.
4. And perhaps Daniel is retired at this point, because it appears Belshazzar isn’t aware of him.
5. Understand, this is years after Daniel came into prominence, and his testimony is so good they’re still talking about him.
6. His reputation gives him another opportunity to represent God in his culture.
7. And tonight I’d like to look at two things about Daniel that allowed him to have influence in his culture.

#1 - Daniel Had A Consistent Stand

A. Notice that they had to call Daniel to come to the palace that night.
1. There was a massive party going on. Daniel had been an important figure. He probably could have been at the party.
2. But the fact that he was called means he wasn’t at the party.
3. Even with all his influence and positions, He was still standing strong.
4. You talk about consistency:
5 He stood alone instead of eating meat and drinking wine.
6. He stood alone in prayer and ended up in a Lion’s Den.
7. He’s an old man at this point, but he’s standing alone, he’s not at the party.
B. You don’t have to be at the party for people to seek your counsel.
1. Sometimes we think we have to do what the world’s doing to have influence.
2. But you have to be different to make a difference.
3. If you are consistent in your stand, when the world needs truth they’ll come looking for you.
4. Daniel was called when all the party goers needed someone to speak the truth.
5. You may not fit in at school or work, but when the world has a spiritual need, they’ll call the person who consistently stands for God.
C. The work of the ministry is largely accomplished by those willing to stand alone.
1. Pastoring can feel like the loneliest job in the world sometimes.
2. No matter what goes wrong in the church, it’s always your fault.
3. And sometimes you stand and preach and it seems like no one really cares.
4. Pastor, keep preaching. Keep plowing. Keep serving.
5. Because your greatest critics will come find you when they have a need.
6. And as we heard today from Dr. Caudill, you may feel alone but you’re never alone.
Daniel made a difference because he had a consistent stand.
But the second truth is just as important.

#2 – Daniel Had A Consistent Spirit

A. This is at least 20 years after Nebuchadnezzar had died.
1. It has been 30, maybe 40 years since the last time Daniel is recorded as interpreting a dream. But he’s still being talked about.
2. Daniel had a special combination – Ability and humility.
3. Most of the time, if someone has special ability in something, they’re full of pride.
4. You see this in pro athletes or famous musicians. Most of them are very proud of whatever skill made them famous.
B. If anyone could have been proud, it was Daniel:
1. He was found ten times better than his peers.
2. He was intelligent in all areas and knowledgeable in every subject.
3. He could interpret dreams. He’d proven it multiple times.
4. He had tremendous discernment and insight.
5. He literally influenced kings as a Jewish teenager.
6. Vs. 11 says Nebuchadnezzar made him master of all the astrologers, magicians and wise men.
C. Notice how the Queen talks about Daniel. (11-12)
1. He clearly had great ability.
2. The Queen talks about his insight (light), his wisdom, his leadership, his willingness to say hard things, and his ability to alleviate fear.
3. But notice that the Queen begins both verses 11 and 12 with the same trait – Daniel’s spirit.
4. Here’s a man who lived among pagans for decades, and yet God’s Spirit was reflected in his life.
5. It appears that of all the things that stood out about Daniel, his spirit was at the top.
6. Even in Daniel 6:3, “Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.”
7. Even with Daniel’s intelligence, ability, influence, and resolve, the most noticeable thing about him was a Spirit.
D. Christian, the most important thing about you as a child of God is not how much you know about the Bible.
It’s not how eloquent your speech is.
It’s not how persuasive your arguments are.
The most important thing about you is how much your spirit reflects Jesus Christ.
1. Jesus said in John 13 that our defining characteristic is love. He said John 13:35, By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
2. Love is a product of the Holy Spirit working in us. It’s the first fruit of the spirit listed in Galatians 5:22–23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
3. When you allow God to work in you, those are the fruits that appear.
4. What sets you apart is your spirit. Your love. Your joy. Your patience. You self-control. Your humility.
5. If we don’t reflect the spirit of Jesus Christ as we minister to people, our positions won’t matter.

CIT: Christians with the greatest influence will find the perfect balance between position and disposition.

A. We must minster with both a Stand like Daniel and a Spirit like Daniel.
1. You need both. You need to do right. Stand strong. Be resolved. Stand up for right.
2. But an effective minister must balance their stand with a spirit reflective of the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. It’s possible to do both. And when you find the perfect balance, that’s when you have influence.
4. Illustration: Two guys standing up back to back. One can’t do it without the other. This represents the balance between a stand and a spirit. Between position and disposition.
5. You’re only as effective as the balance you strike between Position and Disposition.
B. As Pastors
1. We are called to stand for the doctrines of the Bible, but just as important is extending grace to someone isn’t a mature Christian yet.
2. When some falls into sin, we’re not told to write them off. We’re told to restore such an one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself, let thou also be tempted.
3. It’s easy as Pastor to get angry and call out sin, but Jesus Christ knelt down and wrote a message in the sand for the Pharisees, not the woman caught in adultery.
4. Take a stand against sin. But have a Spirit of love toward the sinner.
5. “Let a Christlike spirit everywhere be found.”
6. When someone lets you have it, be like Christ and answer not a word. Commit yourself to Him that judgeth righteously.
7. He can take care of it better than you can!
8. Stand strong, but have a Christlike Spirit while you’re doing it.
9. What you preach matters, but so does how you preach.
10. Too many pastors preach the right things with the wrong spirit.
11. We need Pastors with a Stand and a Spirit. The right Position and Disposition.
C. As Church Members
1. According to Christ in John 13, the mark of a NT church is their spirit of love.
2. How are you interactions with other church members?
3. You may be right, standing strong, and every church needs some watch dogs.
4. But watch dogs shouldn’t attack every person that comes on the porch.
D. As Families
1. We’ve heard a lot about families during the day this week.
2. How balances is our Position and Disposition at home.
3. Dads, rules are good. Make rules and keep them. Practice discipline.
4. But not every act of disobedience is an act of rebellion.
5. Illustration: Older girls were probably 4 and 2 playing in church nursery one day. They got into sink, got water everywhere. I was frustrated by things going on at church, walked in a saw that and just lost my temper. Blew up.
Made them sit in their wet clothes for about 30 minutes. Came back, both were shivering. They looked broken not because of their choices but because of dad’s response. I had to get it right.
6. They weren’t being rebellious. They were being kids. Did they need to be corrected? Yes. But they didn’t deserve that response? No.
7. We’ve all done that. Stand strong, but have the Spirit of Christ.
8. Husbands and wives, have the right Disposition with each other as well.
9. Families need to Stand, but a family with a wrong Spirit won’t be left standing.
As A Church
1. The Queen talked about Daniel in a way she can’t explain. “He has this spirit about him. It’s different than the others. I can’t explain it, but it’s real.”
2. A spirit like that can only be from God. It has a divine source that isn’t easily explained.
3. Your village needs to know that you Stand for truth, but they also need to know you as people that have a Spirit they can’t explain.
4. As you seek to make a difference in your location, strike the balance between Stand and Spirit. Between Position and Disposition. Then watch God give you influence you never thought you’d have.


The world needs truth. People that can say, like Daniel in vs. 17, “Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing and make known the interpretation.”
Someone needs to say that, but they won’t receive it from someone with a Spirit of condescension or hatred.
But they will receive it from someone who speaks the truth IN LOVE.
How’s Your Stand?
As a Christian, maybe you’re doing something you once said you’d never do.
As a Pastor, maybe you’ve allowed things to slip in order to keep some people.
Your stand matters. Don’t compromise it.
Maybe your Spirt hasn’t been reflective of Jesus Christ
Maybe you’re a prophet. You see things in black and white. Right and wrong.
But that’s not excuse not to let Christ be seen in you.
You’ve stopped being patient with people.
You get angry quickly at home with the kids or your spouse.
You speak harshly to those closest to you.
Let me remind you that it’s not only the stand that matters. A spirit of Jesus Christ matters just as much.
If you want to have influence like Daniel, you must ask the Lord to enable you through the Holy Spirit to strike the balance between Stand and Spirit.
Between Position and Disposition.
Let’s do business with God and make sure our Stand and our Spirit are what they ought to be so we don’t miss the window of opportunity that He has opened before us.
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