Ephesians 2:11-22; From Hostility To Hope
Ephesians 2:11-22: From Hostility To Hope
Sermon in a sentence: Remind yourself that you no longer have hostility, but hope!
This passage contrasts the former godlessness of the Gentiles and their exclusion from the people of God with their new experience of closeness to God and inclusion in his people. This change has taken place on the basis of Jesus’ death on the cross, which resulted in the abrogation of the Mosaic covenant and the creation of a new people of God. This new humanity enjoys a relationship of peace with God and peace with one another, especially between Jews and Gentiles.
Human Hostility (vs. 11, 12, 14-16, 19)
In a somewhat shocking turn, Paul denigrates the practice of circumcision by labeling it a practice “done by hand” (χειροποίητος). This was a term well-known among Jews familiar with the Greek OT, where it was used in conjunction with the making of idols. They were figures “made by hand” (χειροποίητος; see Lev 26:1, 30; Isa 2:18; 10:11; 19:1; Dan 5:4, 23; see also Jdt 8:18; Wis 14:8). In an unparalleled way, Paul applies the term to the Jewish practice of circumcision in a way that implies the utter worthlessness of this practice now that the era of Christ has begun.