Fear versus Courage
Fear versus Courage
Text: Numbers 13-14
Thesis: To learn
(1) Do these names ring a bell? Shammua, Shaphat, Igal, Palti, Gaddiel, Gaddi, Ammiel, Sethur, Nahbi, Geuel?
(2) No … how about these names? Joshua, Caleb?
(3) Well, both list of names are from the same account and there is one key thing that sets them apart, i.e., fear versus courage.
(4) Let us look at the account and learn how that we may overcome fear and have courage in the Lord.
I. Why were the 10 overcome with fear?
A. They walked by sight.
B. They focused in on their own strength.
C. They forgot about God’s past deliverances.
II. Why were the 2 filled with courage?
A. They walked by faith.
B. They focused in on their true source of strength.
C. They remembered God’s past deliverances.
(1) As a Christian, you have nothing to fear because you are on the winning side!
(2) Are you a Christian today?