Matter's of the Heart - Part II
Proverbs: Practical Wisdom for Today's World • Sermon • Submitted
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(Slide) Introduction: Bet you have heard that one before. That or have a good day. In this world there are many hurting people, outside of the church and yes even inside of the church (expand on this)
(Slide) When we say “have a blessed day” we mean it don’t we?
Do we have a responsibility to other people? (Slide)
Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.
(Slide) The Distress of the Heavy heart
(Slide) Life experiences
Biblical example ( Pro
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
(Slide) Loss of effectiveness
When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away
Through my groaning all day long.
For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me;
My vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer.
(Slide) Our sin separates us from God and keeps us from being useful for God (Slide) ()
But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God,
And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.
2 But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God,
And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.
Biblical examples (expressions)
Heaviness weighs a heart down ()
Heaviness can result in a broken spirit ()
Heaviness can affect your physical health () II(Slide) Pro12:25
(Slide) Pro12:25
25 Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down,
But a good word makes it glad.
(Slide) Pro15:13
13 A joyful heart makes a cheerful face,
But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.
22 A joyful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit dries up the bones.
(Slide) Evident Causes of heavy heart
(Slide) A Melancholy Temperament -definition is a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause
(Slide) Specific problems - Job, kids, grandkids, financial
(Slide) General circumstances - you know life in general
(Slide) Whatever the causes, the heavy heart is an enormous burden.
II. (Slide) The Cure for the Heavy Heart
(Slide) Sometimes the essential cure lies within - when you hide God’s word in your heart and that can ease the burden, prayer can ease the burden
(Slide) Many times the cure is an external one - maybe professional help is needed; oftentimes it is some spiritual guidance needed to get a godly perspective
(Slide) How about some Bible references?
25 Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down,
But a good word makes it glad.
22 A joyful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit dries up the bones.
III.(Slide) A Christians obligation to the heavy hearted
(Slide) We are commanded bear one another’s burdens (Slide) ()
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.
(Slide) There are some methods that can assist
Give the benefit of the doubt, don’t try to tell people they are wrong, show them what God says is right.
Come with gentleness and respect (Slide) ( )
15 but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;
Then there is the spiritual obligation to help
In the physical way -
14 What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?
15 If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food,
16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?
(Slide) Think about it, should we lessen the care for the spiritual or the emotional of someone?
(Slide) Drawing a conclusion
(Slide) When heavy hearted bring your heart to Jesus for He cares for you
(Slide) When heavy hearted share your burden to someone to help carry it with you
(Slide) When you see someone with a heavy heart be willing to help carry the load for it can lead to someone’s salvation.