A Dangerous Progression
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Bow with me in prayer. Father, we look to your Holy Word this morning as our source of You. Our source of life, our source of strength and our source of hope. Father help us to understand your word, and guide us in all truth, Amen.
We started John chapter 20, on Easter Sunday. We discussed defining our lives by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the following weeks, we looked at the first few people who encountered the risen Lord Jesus, and we looked at their encounters with the Lord Jesus.
On Easter Sunday we asked ourselves if we defined our lives by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Then in the subsequent weeks, we looked at the first few people who encountered the risen Lord Jesus, and we looked at how meeting Jesus changed their lives forever. The first person we looked at was Mary Magdelene. Jesus came to Mary in the middle of her grief. She was in tears looking into the grave when Jesus Christ called her by name. Sometimes, Jesus comes to us in the midst of our pain and our disappointments and our broken hearts. And when Mary met Jesus, she went back to her friends to tell all of them that she had met Jesus.
The first person we looked at was Mary Magdelene. Jesus came to Mary in the middle of her grief. She was in tears, looking into the grave when Jesus Christ called her by name. Sometimes, we find Jesus in the midst of our pain and our broken hearts. When Mary met Jesus, she went back to her friends to tell them the exciting news that she met Jesus.
Last week, we saw how Jesus came and stood among the apostles while they were fearful. Jesus showed them his wounds, and they were overjoyed. Jesus breathed new life into with the Holy Spirit and sent them to tell others about Him. Just as Jesus sent the disciples, he also sends us. We are Christ's Church. Jesus gave us the responsibility of proclaiming the gospel, and just as the Father sent Jesus, so also Jesus sends us.
Last week, we saw how Jesus came and stood among the apostles while they were fearful. Jesus showed them his wounds, and they were overjoyed. Then Jesus gave them the Holy Spirit and sent them to proclaim the gospel. Just as Jesus sent the disciples, the first church, he also sends us. We as part of Christ's Church today take on that responsibility of proclaiming the gospel, and just as the Father sent Jesus, and Jesus sent the disciples, so also Jesus sends us to proclaim the gospel, to proclaim that Jesus died on the cross, and rose from dead.
But what if you missed it? What if you weren't here to hear those messages? What if you weren't here to hear how Jesus changed people's grief and fear, and sin into joy? Did you miss out?
If you weren't here, that's ok, because you picked the right week to come back. I understand, sometimes we can't be here every week, and it wasn't that different with Jesus's disciples either. If you weren't here last week, you are much like our main character in this week's scripture passage Thomas.
But what if you weren't here? What if you weren't here to hear those messages? What if you weren't here to hear how Jesus changed people's grief and fear, and sin into joy? If you weren't here, that is ok, because you picked the right week to come back. If you weren't here, you are much like our main character in this week's scripture passage Thomas.
Now Thomas (also known as Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came.
When we pick up John chapter at the twenty-fourth verse the apostle, John is recording that Thomas was not there when Jesus appeared to the disciples. He is referring to Easter Sunday night. On Easter Sunday night, Jesus came and stood among the disciples, but Thomas wasn't there.
We don't know why Thomas wasn't there. John doesn't tell us. He might have had a good reason for not being there. Maybe, Thomas was feeling too downhearted from the crucifixion to even get out of bed. Perhaps, he stayed home to clean up from the Good Friday earthquake, or the Easter Sunday aftershock. All we know for sure is that Thomas wasn't there Jesus came and stood among the disciples. Jesus then showed everyone in the room His hands and His side, and they were overjoyed! Jesus then said, "As my Father has sent me, I am sending you." SO, naturally, the disciples went to tell the guy who wasn't there, Thomas.
So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”
But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
We don't know why Thomas wasn't there. John doesn't tell us. He might have a perfectly good reason for not being there. Maybe, he was feeling too downhearted from the crucifixion to even get out of bed. Maybe his home was damaged in the Good Friday earthquake, or the Easter Sunday aftershock. Either way, whatever the reason Thomas wasn't there on Easter Sunday night when Jesus stood among them. Jesus came and stood among the disciples and showed them His hands and His side and the disciples were overjoyed!
Can you imagine that for one minute? We all hate missing out on something. It is like that moment when mom is at home with the baby all day, and she leaves for one minute to go to the store. She comes back, and Dad says, "you won't believe it! She finally rolled over!"
Thomas also reminds me of a typical Minnesota fisherman. You know how it goes. You spend a whole day of fishing without so much as a bite, and when you return the resort owner looks at you and says, "you should have been here last week. Boy, they were really biting then."
If it were me, I probably would have been quite irritated. I mean here I am trying to be miserable, trying to focus on the negative, and everyone around me is in a good mood. That is tough to swallow right?
Can you imagine that for one minute? We hate missing out on something, don't we? It is like that moment when mom is at home with the baby all day; then she leaves for one minute to go to the store. She comes back to Dad's eyes wide open, and he says, "you won't believe it! She finally rolled over!"
They are coming up to Thomas, and saying, "We have seen the Lord!"
See that would be me, right there. Not only would I have missed out, but then while I am trying to spend another a week in misery, people would keep telling me it is going to be alright.
Thomas also reminds me of a dejected Minnesota fisherman. You know how it goes. You spend a whole day of fishing without so much as a bite, and when you return the resort owner looks at you and says, "you should have been here last week. Boy, they were really biting then."
"No, Thomas, I'm telling you we have seen him! It is going to be alright."
If it were me, I probably would have been quite irritated. I mean there I am trying to be miserable, trying to focus on the negative, and all my friends are coming up to me, and saying, "We have seen the Lord!"
And how do you deal with God on that one? I know exactly how I would deal with it! I would say, "God, 51 weeks a year I am in church, and the one time, the one time I miss? This happens? Are you kidding me? Are you serious?
Now watch this!
This would be me. Not only would I have missed out, but then when I am trying to spend another a week in misery people would keep telling me it is going to be alright.
God unless you show up for ME. Unless you show ME! The guy who really deserves to see this! Unless you give ME some evidence, I am not going to believe it. I am NOT going to listen what they are telling, unless I SEE IT MYSELF. This is just what Thomas says.
So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”
But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
No, Thomas, I'm telling you we have seen him! It is going to be alright.
Unless I put my finger, UNLESS you show up for me God, just like you did for those fellows, unless I get to actually touch you, I will not believe it!
Wow! That is a dangerous place to be. It seems to me Thomas is taking the first step on a very slippery slope, and unfortunately I can be right there with him sometimes.
And how would you deal with God on that one? I know exactly how I would deal with it! I would say, "God, 51 weeks a year I am in church, and the one time, the one time I miss? This happens? Are you kidding me? Are you serious?
Thomas is in a very dangerous place because guess what Thomas. Whether or not YOU believe does not change the fact that Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus is still Jesus whether you believe him or not. The God of the Universe is not somehow dependent on your belief.
Now watch this!
The God of the universe doesn't need you to believe in Him for his sake. You need to believe in Him for your sake! You should be incredibly thankful that it is by God's Mercy alone that you weren't the one nailed to the cross! He died for you! You don't get the privilege of giving the great I AM and ultimatum!
Think about this for a minute. Now, this blows my mind, Jesus sent the disciples to Thomas to tell him that He rose from the dead. Now Thomas has a choice. He could believe the disciples and spend the next week rejoicing in the fact that God conquered Satan. He could be rejoicing the Jesus conquered sin and set us free from sin and death. Or Thomas could hang on to his pride, and his stubbornness and live in misery for who knows how long? And even after being with Jesus and the disciples for three years Thomas decides that he loves his pride and his ability to have everything so figured out that he is willing to put up with pain and misery, and disappointment, and give God Almighty an ultimatum on top of it.
God unless you show up for ME. Unless you show me! Unless you give ME some evidence, I am not going to believe those that you sent.
Thomas is on top of a very slippery slope, indeed. What if God doesn't show up? What if the disciples telling him was his last chance?
Jesus doesn't HAVE to show up. Jesus could have never show himself to Thomas, and still be completely just.
Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.”
He answered, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Matthew 12:38:40
Perhaps, the disciples telling Thomas that they have seen the Lord was the only chance Thomas was going to get. Maybe that was his moment to believe.
Unless I put my finger, UNLESS you show up for me God, just like you did for those fellows. Wait a minute, unless I get to actually touch you I will not believe! Wow! That is a dangerous place to be. It is the first step on a very slippery slope.Unfortunately, I can see myself going there.
A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
Thomas is in a very dangerous place. Do you know why? Because guess what Thomas. Whether or not YOU believe does not change the fact that Jesus rose from the dead.
Wow, Thomas, you rolled the dice and came up big. You dared the Almighty and did not back down. Jesus came and stood among them. Imagine, Thomas put his whole eternity into the demand that God should do what Thomas wants. And what is so remarkable is that God does it! He does it, Jesus shows up!
Jesus came and showed himself to Thomas. Jesus did this Not because Thomas demanded it; He did it because Jesus loved Thomas. He did it because Jesus knew Thomas because Jesus cared so much for Thomas, he did not want him to spend any more time in misery, He so loved Thomas that He gave Thomas exactly what he needed. Peace be with You! Jesus said.
Wait a minute here Thomas, are you saying, that unless God himself performs a miracle for you, you won't believe? The God of the universe doesn't need you to believe in Him for his sake. You need to believe in Him for your sake! You should be incredibly thankful that it is by God's Mercy alone that you weren't the one nailed to the cross! He died for you! You don't get the privilege of giving the great I AM and ultimatum!
I am not mad you doubted Thomas. I know. I am not only fully God; I am fully man, as well. I know you needed to see me to believe.
Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
Think about this for minute, this blows my mind, Jesus sent the disciples to Thomas to tell him that He rose from the dead. Now Thomas has a choice, he could believe the disciples, and spend the next week rejoicing in the fact that God conquered Satan, and set ud free from sin and and death, or he could hang on to his pride, and his stubbornness and live in misery for who knows how long? Thomas decides that he loves his pride and his ability to have everything so figured out that he is willing to put up with pain and misery, and give God Almighty an ultimatum on top of it.
A feeling of exposure must have flooded Thomas at that point. Suddenly Jesus repeats everything Thomas said to the disciples. Thomas must realize that Jesus must know his thoughts. And if Jesus knows his mind, he must know his heart! The secret things that Thomas keeps to himself are now exposed in the presence of the Holy! No matter how secret, or how devious the sin that is the heart, it stands exposed before the Lord Almighty, Jesus Christ.
Jesus says to Thomas, "See my hand. This hole. This spot right here, this is where I took the nails for your sin of pride, not because I had to but because I love you. See my side Thomas, right here in my side; this is your sin of doubt. Not because I had to, but because I love you."
Thomas is on top of a very slippery slope. What if God doesn't show up? What if the disciples telling him was his last chance? I mean they spent at least 3 years together, would they be lying now? There were ups and downs why doubt now?
"Look at me, Thomas. Fix your eyes on me. Do you trust me now Thomas? Not because I had to, but because I want to. Not because you gave me an ultimatum but because it brings me joy. Because bringing you joy brings me joy.
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Once again Jesus was willing to humble himself to humble a prideful person.
Once again Jesus was willing to humble himself to humble a prideful person.
Wow, Thomas, you rolled the dice and came up big. Jesus came and stood among them. Thomas put his whole eternity into the demand that God does what he says, and God does it. God didn't HAVE to show up. Jesus could have never shown himself to Thomas and been completely just. He could have started Christianity without Thomas; Jesus didn't need Thomas.
And Thomas replies. "My Lord and My God!"
Thomas is face to face with the Holy, and he submits to Jesus. My God! Thomas says. When we recognize Jesus is God, we have no choice but to submit, to lay everything we know aside, and lay it before Him, because He is God. There is o no more ultimatum. Thomas can not say in the same sentence Unless God. No, no it is just yes, God.
But he showed up anyway. WHen someone gives me an ultimatum, the first thing I want to do is not do it. Instead, God showed up. Instead, Jesus came and stood among them.
Jesus did something very special, and unique for Thomas. He did it because he loved Thomas, and he did it to show the disciples, and he did it for generation upon generation of us that would come face to face with doubt, and now in verse 29, Jesus speaks to the generations.
Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Jesus came and showed himself to Thomas, Not because Thomas demanded it, but because Jesus loved Thomas, because Jesus knew Thomas, because Jesus cared so much for Thomas he did not want him to spend any more time in misery, so Jesus came and showed Thomas what he did for Him. Peace be with You!.
Jesus is now speaking through the generations to the subsequent believers. He is speaking to you and me, and Jesus offers a blessing. Not everyone will get the opportunity Thomas had. Some of us will have to get over our doubts without Jesus physically showing himself to us. Jesus understands that. He tells us that we who do not see are blessed for believing without seeing. That is good news for us.
Now a word about the locked doors. Did you see that back in verse 26, Jesus came and stood among them even though the doors were locked? Last week John included the phrase that the doors were locked for fear of the jews. If now they had seen the risen Lord Jesus and he conquers fear why are the doors still locked?
As we walk in faith in the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, we are not to walk in complete foolishness. There are healthy fears, and healthy doubts and the marks of a mature believer is when they can discern the difference between faith in Jesus and foolishness, and still not doubt that the Lord Jesus Christ will sustain them. Perhaps the disciples had the door locked because not doing so would jeopardize the mission, yet even behind that locked door, they can still have full confidence that the church will be established and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
Jesus says to Him the very thing that Thomas required before he would believe. I feeling of exposure must have flooded Thomas at that point. Suddenly evrything he said tp the disciples was know by Jesus! If Jesus could know that he must know his thoughts and he knows my thoughts, he must know my heart! The secret things that I keep to myself are right now exposed in from the Holy! No matter how secret, or how devious the sin that is the heart, it stands exposed before the Lord Almighty, Jesus
It is like this. I have no doubt that I do not need to fear death. I have faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and I do not doubt that I will spend eternity in his presence. Yet, I am prudent enough to operate my vehicle safely so as to continue Jesus's plan for me as long as He wills.
This idea, these thoughts are vitally important for our church leadership to understand. While we are to have no fear to spread the gospel, and while are not to doubt that the Lord Jesus will still sustain his church he has at the same time given us the wisdom to act responsibly. There is no need to challenge and step on the slippery slope, like Thomas.
And Jesus says to Thomas, See my hand. This hole. This spot right here, this is where I took the nails for your sin of pride, not because I had to but because I love you. See my side Thomas, right here in my side; this is your sin of doubt. Not because I had to, but because I love you.
You know that term slippery slope, right? The slippery slope expression means that one event, leads to another event, and to another even worse situation, and then we find ourselves a long way from where we first started.
It is very popular in the political arena. People will say that if we allow a particular behavior, it will lead to even worse behavior, and eventually, the situation will deteriorate, or we will be going down a very slippery slope.
Look at me, Thomas. Fix your eyes on me. Do you trust me now Thomas? Not because I had to, but because I want to. Not because you gave me an ultimatum but because it brings me joy. Because bringing you joy brings me joy.
In actuality, the slippery slope argument is a fallacy. It is simply not true. One event may not necessarily lead to another event. The slippery slope argument assumes that the progression can't be stopped, so we have to avoid the first event.
The truth is the slippery slope argument is a fallacy because it can be interrupted at any one point along the way. At any point, one event does not necessarily have to lead to another.
Thomas was at the top of a slippery slope. But Jesus interrupted the progression. If Jesus did not show himself to Thomas, what belief Thomas did have Jesus puts a stop to the slippery slope that Thomas is standing on.
And Thomas replies.
Sooner or later we all have doubts, sooner or later we all find ourselves like Thomas. We find ourselves in a challenging situation. There was a bad report at the doctor, or we lost a job, or our marriage is failing, whatever the case, we will all find ourselves in a spot where we can't see God working. We start the progression by thinking he can't possibly be in the middle of this. We even pray about it, but God just seems distant. We start to doubt.
We maybe don't say it out loud, or directly but we may place an ultimatum on God. God if you don't do remove this. Or God I really need you to give me this job. Or God I will be able to worship you more, if you remove this obstacle.
My Lord and My God! Thomas is face to face with the Holy, and he submits to Jesus.My God Thomas says.
But what if God doesn't remove it? What if He shows you no more than he already has? The doubt can get worse, the slope can progress. Maybe we pray less. Maybe we stop opening our bibles, while we work on the messs on our own. Maybe we stop coming to church for a while. While God is silent, we are silent.
The slippery slope can be interrupted at any point. We can stop the dangerous progression, just stop doubting.
Jesus tells him to stop doubting and believe and Thomas does proclaiming Jesus as God.
Look to Jesus. Look at his wounds. Is the cross, and the resurrection enough? If Jesus Christ does not remove your problems, wait for a second, what if Jesus Christ not only didn't remove your problems but what if Jesus made your problems worse, is the cross enough, or do you begin to doubt? Is the fact of the resurrection enough, or do you do you still need more?
When we doubt, what we are thinking is that somehow Jesus doesn't love me, or somehow Jesus isn't caring for me right now, or Jesus isn't hearing me or understanding me.
Jesus knows you, and he knows your thoughts, he knows your heart. Jesus hears you, he understands you, and he loves you. Jesus never knew you or understood or loved you more than when he was dying on the cross for your sins in your place.
You may have to lay aside your pride, you may have to lay aside your doubt, and that may hurt. It may hurt to admit that we don't know everything, and it hurts to submit to God. But we must come to the cross.
When we are face to face with the cross of Jesus Christ, it causes within us some sort of a response. You cannot look upon Jesus on the cross; you cannot look upon the wounds of Jesus without some sort of response.
It can cause us grief, and sadness that we have broken a relationship with God. The resurrection of Jesus Christ conquered that. He calls you by name back into relationship with him.
Face to face with the cross we may have fear. Fear that we will lose our life for the sake of Jesus. Jesus Christ by rising from the dead conquered that fear to show us that our life here is temporary and we have life everlasting. We will have to die to our old life, and that won't be pleasant, but he has given us the Holy Spirit to dwell with us to help us put to death that old life of sin and to live a new life.
And today, we saw that the cross will illuminate our doubts and expose our pride, but Jesus Christ conquered that too. For while we were still sinners, before we even believed, while we still in our doubt, Jesus died for us. Look upon the wounds of Jesus. See that He is the only way to Father lay upon him all your pain, all your fears, all your pride, and all your doubts.
You know that term slippery slope, right? The slippery slope expression means that one event, leads to another event, and to another even worse situation, and then we find ourselves a long way from where we first started.
In Jesus name, Amen.
It is very popular in the political arena. People will say that if we make that law we will be going down a very slippery slope. In actuality, the slippery slope defense is a fallacy. It is simply not true. One event may not necessarily lead to another event. The slippery slope argument assumes that the progression can't be stopped, so we have to avoid the first event. The truth is the slippery slope argument is a fallacy because it can be interrupted at any one point along the way, and this is what happens with Thomas. Jesus puts a stop to the slippery slope that he is standing on.
When we are face to face with the cross of Jesus Christ it casues a number of respones in us. It causes us grief, and sadness that we have broken a relationship with God. The resurrection of Jesus Christ conquered that. SOmetimes it illicts fear that we lose our old life, The resurrection of Jesus Christ conquered that, and he had sent the Holy Spirit to dwell with us to help us put to death that old life and live a new life, and like today, the cross can bring us to doubts and pride, but again Jesus Christ conquered that too. FOr while we still sinners Jesus died, look upon the woulds of Jesus Christ See that He is the only way to Father lay upon him all your pain, your fears and your doubts.