Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
On Mother’s Day we read a comic that depicts what many think of when we talk about submission in marriage.
Let me read the comic again. - COMIC = opening illustration.
DOES NOT: When our world hears that a wife is to submit to her husband, this is what they picture.
They believe that we are referring to a patriarchal, authoritarian, sexist, female bashing, repressive mentality.
While it is true that some have used the Bible to teach these things, those people were not Christ honoring, Christ following, and Christ emulating people.
Let me go on in the comic…
Let me highlight some key words that the wife uses here.
“Beautiful, God-honoring, and effective”.
Now let me highlight some key words that depict the man’s responsibility.
“Lay down my life”.
“Give my all”.
“Love, Lead, Serve, Protect, Provide”.
“Work hard”.
When we do things God’s way, it is beautiful, it honors Him, it is effective, and it shows our culture what an incredible marriage obedience to Christ can give you.
I want to emphasize again a point we began with on Mother’s day.
“Do we want our understanding of Scripture to inform our thinking?
Do we want our thinking to inform our understanding of Scripture?”
When something that I want is forbidden by Scripture, what do I do?
Do I yield my will to God’s and obey, or do I oppose God’s revealed will for my life and disobey?
We have a responsibility to obey Scripture even when we don’t like it.
Especially when Scripture runs counter to everything we learn, see, and hear in our culture today.
We cannot serve two masters.
We either obey the Word of God, or we obey culture.
Choose you this day whom you will serve.
This morning we want to begin with a question: “Do we want our understanding of Scripture to inform our thinking?
Do we want our thinking to inform our understanding of Scripture?”
Let me illustrate.
Let’s say I want to get drunk.
I read Scripture and it indicates that being drunk is a sin.
At this point I have Two options.
Option 1: I allow Scripture to change my thinking and I conclude that it would be a sin to get drunk and I choose not to get drunk.
Option 2: I choose to believe that those verses of Scripture were only meant for the people in Bible times, and therefore they do not apply to me, and so I get drunk.
Which scenario is right?
Now let’s take that same reasoning and apply it to gender roles.
Scripture is very clear on gender roles and it is very clear on why.
We either choose to believe and obey Scripture, or we choose to reinterpret Scripture to fit what our culture says.
This is a choice we must make.
We have a responsibility to obey Scripture even when we don’t like it.
Especially when Scripture runs counter to everything we learn, see, and hear in our culture today.
We cannot serve two masters.
We either obey the Word of God, or we obey culture.
Choose you this day whom you will serve.
To help you choose, let me encourage you with this thought.
A proper understanding of God’s design makes these verses beautiful.
It casts the creation purpose of gender roles in a new light!
It removes the apparent sting of these words.
It is our goal this morning to properly understand this passage that we might learn to function in the role God has given us.
When we are living in obedience to His design we will find strength, contentment, and joy like we have never known.
We read the whole section in our Scripture reading.
After giving the conduct, character, and consideration of a Godly wife, Peter addresses the husband.
There are two key words Peter begins with that we need to define before we move on.
The first is “Likewise”.
This is the Greek word ὁμοίως (homoiōs) meaning likewise; in the same way.
In like or similar manner.
In the same way that the wife is to live with her husband in a certain way, the husband must live a certain way with his wife.
We cannot emphasize the responsibility of the wife if we are going to ignore that of the husband.
These responsibilities work together and we cannot be unbalanced in our presentation of them.
The second key word Peter begins with is “Dwell with”.
This is the Greek word συνοικέω (synoikeō) Meaning live with.
To cohabit, to share living quarters.
Peter is going to tell us how to live with each other.
What is important about this word is that it is a participle with imperative force.
This means that what Peter is about to say is not optional.
As men we cannot read this verse and say, “Eh, I don’t feel like it.
Sounds like too much work.”
That is not an option!
Peter explores the three responsibilities of a husband that enable him to be a loving husband and therefore a Christ honoring father.
As we examine these we will find application for every believer.
The first responsibility is impossible, so we will just skip it.
Just kidding.
The first responsibility that we have as men is this…
A Loving Husband Understands His Wife v. 7a
This is one of those things that everyone deems impossible (S).
I want to emphasize something very important here.
God’s commands are always impossible when we rely on self.
God’s commands require that we yield to the Holy Spirit.
When we yield to the Spirit, nothing is impossible!
And so Peter commands husbands to live with their wives in “understanding”.
This is the Greek word γνῶσις (gnōsis) meaning knowledge.
Cognitive content, the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned.
This is how we are to dwell with our wives.
As we read through the rest of the verse this responsibility manifests in three distinct ways.
First, we are to…
a. Understand her emotionally
Peter writes that we are to give “honor to the wife”.
“Honor” is the Greek word τιμή (timē) meaning honor; value; price.
The state of being highly respected or revered.
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