From Head to Toe

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Our vision is to see the lives of individuals, families, and communities transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ as we live together in community, seek to benefit the neighbourhoods we live in, and network together with like-minded churches to be a continually expanding ‘family of families.’
To lose your head means - to become confused, emotional, to lose control - like when someone gets angry and says things or does things that are out of control and often hurtful…
Christian Couple - marriage issues - things were tough - So I began to encourage them to see their marriage the way Jesus sees it - for life - two become one, reflects Jesus and church relationship, what Jesus wants to produce in us - forgiveness, sacrificial love - putting the other person first just like he did by laying his life down for us…
We use the phrase ‘Transformed by the Gospel’ because we want people to continue in the faith, to grow in love and good works, to know the joy and peace that comes from serving Christ… to live fruitful lives
We live in an environment where there are many other ways of thinking, other worldviews, other philosophies and strategies for living, that all promise freedom and fullness of life… Both in the church and outside the church we are bombarded with new strategies, secret wisdom and hidden keys to unlocking a better life…
it seems that more the message of Jesus is increasingly seen as something that is not very helpful in the ups and downs of every day Life…
Christian Couple - marriage issues - things were tough - So I began to encourage them to see their marriage the way Jesus sees it - for life - two become one, reflects Jesus and church relationship, what Jesus wants to produce in us - forgiveness, sacrificial love - putting the other person first just like he did by laying his life down for us…
Christian Couple - marriage issues - things were tough - So I began to encourage them to see their marriage the way Jesus sees it - for life two become one, reflects Jesus and church relationship, what Jesus wants to produce in us - forgiveness, sacrificial love - putting the other person first just like he did by laying his life down for us…
Education & Training, Counselling or Therapy, Medication and Treatments, New techniques and Strategies, maybe….
We live in an environment where there are many other ways of thinking, other worldviews, other strategies for living, that all promise freedom and fullness of life… Both in the church and outside the church we are bombarded with new ideas, strategies, secret wisdom and hidden keys to unlocking a better life…
We live in an environment where there are many other ways of thinking, other worldviews, other strategies for living, that all promise freedom and fullness of life… Both in the church and outside the church we are bombarded with new ideas, strategies, secret wisdom and hidden keys to unlocking a better life…
Christian Couple - marriage issues - things were tough - So I began to encourage them to see their marriage the way Jesus sees it - for life - two become one, reflects Jesus and church relationship, what Jesus wants to produce in us - forgiveness, sacrificial love - putting the other person first just like he did by laying his life down for us…
Began a process of apply these things to the particular issues they were facing in a healthy way.. “YOU KNOW THERE ARE OTHER WAYS OF THINKING ABOUT THIS”
A turning point not just for her marriage but for her faith — — Jesus might be good for Sunday Morning but when it comes to marrage stuff
The assumption behind her statement is that are other sources of wisdom that are just as good or better - She had found another teaching another view of marriage, another philosophy that promised freedom and fullness of life… that suited her better…
The assumption behind her statement is that are other ways that are just as good or better - there was another teaching another view of marriage, another philosophy that promised freedom and fullness of life and was vying for her allegiance…
was vying for her allegiance…
was vying for her allegiance…
was vying for her allegiance…
But we live in an environment where there are many other ways of thinking, other worldviews, other philosophies and strategies for living, that all promise freedom and fullness of life… Both in the church and outside the church we are bombarded with new strategies, secret wisdom and hidden keys to unlocking a better life…
We live in an environment where there are many other ways of thinking, other worldviews, other strategies for living, that all promise freedom and fullness of life… Both in the church and outside the church we are bombarded with new ideas, strategies, secret wisdom and hidden keys to unlocking a better life…
A turning point not just for her marriage but for her faith — — Jesus faded into the background
Education & Training, Counselling or Therapy, Medication and Treatments, New techniques and Strategies, maybe….
We live in this environment were there are many different ways of thinking and
We live in an environment where there are many other ways of thinking, other worldviews, other strategies for living, that all promise freedom and fullness of life… Both in the church and outside the church we are bombarded with new ideas, strategies, secret wisdom and hidden keys to unlocking a better life…
as she continued to incorporate different philosophies and strategies into her way of life — Jesus faded into the background
I am fully aware as I teach from week to week that there are many other ways of thinking, other worldviews, other strategies for living… that are different from what the scriptures teach… we teach from God’s word.
- Christian faith mixed with Imperialism that led to the Crusades
- It was Christian faith mixed with Colonialism that led to slavery and residential schools
- Christian faith mixed with business an Entertainment that led to tel-evangelists and celebrity preachers
Wrongfully assume that
Water as a source of life… it is a gift - without it you die - so you need to take it in, to receive it, to depend on it, to keep drinking it… You wouldn’t think of even trying to live life without water! Yet we often we try to live life without Jesus.
NOT JUST WHAT YOU BELIEVE BUT WHO YOU BELIEVE - WHO your really TRUST - Who you really look up to Matters.
I am fully aware as I teach from week to week that there are many other ways of thinking, other worldviews, other strategies for living that are different from what we teach from God’s word.
It seems to me that what people really want is freedom and fullness of life. I talk to people who have immigrated to Canada, some have come as refugees, some have risked their lives to get here, some have lost everything in the process. Each story is different and unique yet each person is hoping for and looking for a better life - they want freedom and fullness of life.
The average person, as they search for freedom, for the good life, goes about picking and choosing from many different sources. We live city where we we encounter on a daily basis many different philosophies and ideas about living a good life. There are many different religions and cults promoting many different opinions about God and what it means to live a good life.
We live city where we we encounter on a daily basis many different philosophies and ideas about living a good life. There are many different religions and cults promoting many different opinions about God and what it means to live a good life.
What people do is they tend to draw from all kinds of different sources to piece together their basic understanding of how to be free and enjoy a good life. — and that becomes the foundation -
Water as a source of life… it is a gift - without it you die - so you need to take it in, to receive it, to depend on it, to keep drinking it…
Tchividjian, Tullian. Jesus + Nothing = Everything (Kindle Locations 629-631). Crossway. Kindle Edition. You need your head...
To loose your head = expression meaning to become confused, to loose focus, to control of emotions or actions
To loose your head = expression meaning to become confused, to loose focus, to control of emotions or actions
You wouldn’t think of even trying to live life without drinking water! Yet we often try to live life without Jesus.
Ancient city of Colossae a trading center on a main trade route with a mixed population - a place where many ideas, philosophies, and ways of life came together… Much like our City where various cultures come together…
TO firmly establish them in The Faith, adressing spiritual and cultural pressures based on philosophies & teachings that threaten to undermine their faith and turn them away from Christ.
Paul writes to the Colossian church... TO firmly establish them in The Faith, addressing spiritual and cultural pressures based on philosophies & teachings that threaten to undermine their faith and turn them away from serving Christ.
establish= consistent and sincere in the faith, loving more and more, increasing confidence and hope
A Community of Faith, Hope, Love because you are RECIPIENTS OF GOD’s GRACE
Taught to you - the Word (Gospel Message) You received it as from God - Revelation -
Now Qualified for eternal inheritance [Name on the Will]
Free from kingdom of darkness [Pardon/release papers]
Now Jesus for Forgiveness of Sin and new life
Placed in the kingdom where Jesus is king [citizenship papers]
Jesus for Forgiveness of Sin and new life
Step through passage…

He is the image of the invisible God,

the firstborn of all creation.


For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent

And he is the head of the body, the church.

He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent

in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell

through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross

NO higher authority - No greater wisdom - no better solution - HE IS ABOVE ALL - and he is our ‘HEAD’
Nothing can improve this - you don’t need a better message or secret wisdom or
‘Head’ - the term for an actual human head.
‘Head’ - the term for an actual human head.
The OT term ‘head’ was commonly used to refer to positions of political, military, or household authority.
The term was commonly used to designate positions of political, military, or familial authority.
Elwell, W. A., & Beitzel, B. J. (1988). Head. In Baker encyclopedia of the Bible (Vol. 1, p. 935). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.

Greek philosophers used the image of the body to represent the universe. The head of this body—called Zeus or Reason—was considered responsible for the creation and sustenance of the remaining members (celestial beings, humans, animals, plants, and inanimate objects). The universe or “body” owed its existence to the “head.”

Greek medical science came to understand the head as the seat of intelligence. The body was able to operate efficiently only because the brain was capable of interpreting data received from the body (eyes, ears, skin, and so on), and because it was able to send out appropriate impulses to the various members of the body, based upon the data received. The ability of the brain to interpret and direct made the existence of the body completely dependent upon it.

Knowing all this Paul uses the image of a head and body to express the relationship between Jesus and his church - Jesus is our authority our ruler AND he is the dynamic force that moves us and sustains us. The ability of God’s people to exist and live as God’s people in this world depends on JESUS! He is our source of life! He is our source of wisdom and direction! He is our life!!!
Jesus said “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly”
but he also said, “Without me you can do nothing!”
Prayer for HIS WILL - Revelation through the word - to be your foundation for wisdom and understanding - which leads to fruitful living - lives of eternal value
Prayer for His POWER — which give us endurance, patience, joy, thankfulness that comes from being under his direction and authority
All Leads to greater knowledge / intimacy with him!
The source of direction an unity in the church is Jesus is the GOSPEL - the work and activity of JESUS our head
Not our statment of faith or
It is not our music or our
He is our life, our righteousness, our hope, - - Don’t loose your head - without Jesus we’re sunk - spaz
His kingdom, his plan and purpose, is bringing joy and thankfulness and hope to us
No new teaching needed
Remain in Christ (no special secret teaching, not another way of life, freedom from rules)
No new
“Progress in obedience happens only when our hearts realize that God’s love for us does not depend on our progress in obedience.”
Tchividjian, Tullian. Jesus + Nothing = Everything (Kindle Locations 629-631). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
Tchividjian, Tullian. Jesus + Nothing = Everything (Kindle Locations 629-631). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
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