Cultivating The Heart Of Your Youth
I. Introduccion:
A. Thankfulness for and embracing us
I want to take this occasion to thank you for the Christian Love and hospitality you have shown towards my family. When we came here we had decided that would tour different churches to have a wider point of reference before settling in one and as you can see we got blessedly stuck in silver beach
B. Berean spirit in embracing the preached word
1. I trust your gracious reception of the word
I am sure that the same way that you have graciously received us you will graciously and openly received the teaching that I have prepared for the men this morning.
2. Exhort you to have a Berean Spirit
However Id o ask you a favor which I think is very biblical, and that is that this morning you would not received the teaching to be gracious, or even by the fact that your trustworthy leadership have given me the opportunity to open the word but that you would rather have a Berean spirit were you have a receptive attitude but also a biblical filter that you would receive the teaching only to the extent that it is supported by the scriptures.
II. Father’s responsibilityparents of cultivating the heart of his children
I remember the day one year ago this Christmas that I visited the church we talked after the service to a dear sister who was giving us a description of the life and ministry of the church and seeing that I had several youths she when on to tell me rather apologetically and apprehensively that the church did not have a youth group to which I readily answer well that is wonderful
For among other reason I think that often time the ministry of the church has fomented (promoted) a passive headship among the males head of family members of the congregation by usurping that which should distinctively be the role of the heads of home in conjunction and coordination with their wives.
Church contradicts itself
It is funny how sometimes the church contradicts itself shuns the practice of having a day care bringing up what should be the mother’s role but it thinks nothing of providing a “spiritual day care” of their children at the expense of what should be primarily the fathers role.
God given Stewardship of head of home
This morning I want to start establishing the God given teaching stewardships of the Heads of home and then moving up a very important application of that which is the cultivation of the hearts of our youth.
A. From being heads of family
1. The biblical basis
a) The biblical fact of the male headship
(1) No egalitarianism in marriage
Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you. 3 But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.
Paul under inspiration establishes that the relation of man and woman in marriage is not an egalitarian, meaning like and equal partnership but rather a structure were the man is the head, and that this implies authority.(not origin)
(2) The implication of authority
v. 10 That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.
I am not going to get into a discussion of the cultural aspects of the head covering, suffice it to say that it is clear that what the apostle was driving at is that their needed to be a proper expression in the gathered church of the headship of a husband towards a wife and that this headship entails authority.
No male bigotry
Now I must mention that this is no macho trip, or male chauvinist, bigotry because If you and I as heads understood this headship is to be rendered with the same amount of sacrifice and attention that Christ has for his church we would realize that is more difficult to lead a spiritual head that to submit to headship
(3) The theological basis of Paulnot cultural
For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. 9 Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
Notice very importantly that the bases of this headship for Paul is not and ever being according to cultural expectation bue rather by biblical teaching in this portion Paul is basicall giving and inspire exposition of the theology of Genesis.
Same he does when he traces out the implication of this headship on the teaching ministry of the church in timothy he traces his conclusion back to genesis for Adam was formed first and then eve. Likewise in Corinthians he traces it back to the Law. This is not base on the culture of the time, its base on the theology of creation on the order of creation.
b) The establishment of man’s headship on Genesis
(1) Intro
Now a clearer way to see man’s headship in Genesis is separating him for a moment from Eve in that s hort period of history in which God set man up in creation before eve was created, this is precisely what Paul does in Timothy when he asys for Man was created first and then eve.
He is not coming up with a childish argument sayin Man gets to teach because he wasasss first and the woman second, but he is rather pointing to the fact that the beginning of history was not Adam and Eve together, but rather man with God receiving stewardship and even then coming along. And one of the stewardships was the stewardship of words. (explain Gen 1, and then two:detail)
(a) God’s gives instructions to men before the creation
(i) Stewardship of dominion (role) words
(ii) Stewarship of labor words
(iii) Stewarship of Law words
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
The sense is that the lord set him up put a job, the guy coming in is not the definer……….
It is crucial to realize that by the time woman was created the entire creation was already named and defined by the words of God and the words of men.
Stewarship of words
And it is in Genesis that we can see that heaship not only established but also see one of the implications whish is that man was given a stewardship of words, the stewardship of teaching his wife…….
The fact that she is to ask her husband is that he is to instruct her wife…..
B. From being their children’s elders