Ephesians 2:4-5
Sermon Tone Analysis
This epistle to the ephesian is a one of the most profound pieces of literature ever written .Its was written not for the people of the world but for Gods people, it is addressed to the “ saints “. Not for the world and its great learned men but to Christian people ,most of whom were unlearned slaves. But it is they to whom this letter is addressed , and it is they alone who can even begin to understand such great truths. And therefore the truth that must guide our understanding of the things of God This epistle tells us everything about God and the christian life . It tells us about this God in which we all have to do . It tells why we are christian , it tells us why there is tis small group of people on this earth who are called by the christian name and why there are these vast majority of peolpe who completely reject the whole of the christian position .It tells us why this world in which we live in is as it is , with all of its hatred and bitterness , wars, and evils
2 In these two verses the great Apostle puts before our eyes the great mercy and love of God. But surly this brings up a number of questions. How does this lo’ve of God become ours? How does this mercy of God become ours?Are let me put it like this; how do we enter into this mercy and love of God? The common answer would be that we must do something to enter into it , we must take up a decisions. That we take a decision to become a christian and there by doing so we enter in into the mercy and the love of God. Therefore man must take some kind of action before God can do anything. God as it were is just waiting on man to do something in order that God may lay hold of us with his mercy and love
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Our Text
1 But the first thing in which we find in our text is that this great salvation in every respect is the action of God ‘’ but God who is rich in mercy ‘’ says the apostle. And know that we are so soon to forget this in the 6th verse in brackets he put ‘’ by grace are ye saved”