Glorifying God Daily in the Details

Glorify. Grow. Go.  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Glorifying God in our Worship, our Work, and the World

Sermon Tone Analysis
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Glorifying God in the Details -

With Believers - Put On - Tender Mercy, Kindness, Humility, Meekness, Longsuffering, Bearing and Forgiving
Tender Mercy, Kindness, Humility, Meekness, Longsuffering, Bearing and Forgiving
Put on = to be Clothed with, to be imparted with royal garments
Mercy - sympathetic compassion for my fellow believers or do i see them as pathetic
Kindness - gracious attitude that acts toward sinners as Christ would/does
Humility - lowliness of Mind that elevates others above ones self
Meekness - a controlled gentleness - to be “meeked”
To be meeked was to be taken from a state of wild rebellion and made completely loyal to, and dependent upon, one’s master. It is also to be taken from an atmosphere of fearfulness and made unflinching in the presence of danger. Some war horses dove from ravines into rivers in pursuit of their quarry. Some charged into the face of exploding cannons as Lord Tennyson expressed in his poem, “The Charge of the Light Brigade.”
 These stallions became submissive, but certainly not spineless. They embodied power under control, strength with forbearance.
These stallions became submissive, but certainly not spineless. They embodied power under control, strength with forbearance.
When Paul speaks of the “… meekness and gentleness of Christ…” he is describing this kind of obedience. Jesus did not suffer on the cross because he was a doormat. He went to pay a price that had to be paid for all of us, including you and me. He marched into Hell to keep us away from it.
When Paul speaks of the “… meekness and gentleness of Christ…” he is describing this kind of obedience. Jesus did not suffer on the cross because he was a doormat. He went to pay a price that had to be paid for all of us, including you and me. He marched into Hell to keep us away from it. And we, too, are called to demonstrate power under control. Through the Holy Spirit we can forgive those who hurt us. We can withhold our spiteful replies. We can be the first to apologize. We can be a servant to others. We can be meek.
And we, too, are called to demonstrate power under control. Through the Holy Spirit we can forgive those who hurt us. We can withhold our spiteful replies. We can be the first to apologize. We can be a servant to others. We can be meek.
Longsuffering - forbearance in the form of a willingness to set aside judgment
When working through this words usage in the NT, it often is in the context of God extending his mercy in order that those who need to repent will and will not perish.
We are often lacking in this very character trait of God that will set aside judgment for a season in order that one would turn from sin and turn to God. Which transitions us nicely to the final 2 words in our text, Enduring and Forgiving.
Bearing and Forgiving - Enduring graciously and showing favor to those whom are like you.
with family
Enduring is NOT; “I just have to grin and bear it with that person”. The Biblical truth of enduring is persevering through difficult circumstances and character traits so that whatever you do in word or deed you do unto the glory of God.
Am I Clothed in the Royal Garments listed here?
You see that truth transfers the focus upon the details of the circumstance or that character trait - from an earthly focus to a heavenly one in which we are mindful of the splendor and majesty of our Great Merciful, Kind, Humble, Powerful, and longersuffering God who Forgive us.
How much has God forgiven you? Whether it is little or much; we can forgive one another in such a manner.
What Attire do I need to put on more of?
How then can these truths effectively work in our lives today?
Be Clothed in the Royal Garments of God through Christ.
Put on the Royal Garments Daily.
Glorify God in the Details of Christian Character
With Family
Wife Submit to your own Husband
Husband Love your Wife
ii) Husband Love your Wife
Children Obey your Parents
Husband Love your Wife
iii) Children Obey y
Hour Parents
Fathers Don’t Provoke
iv) Fathers Don’t Provoke
Am I Clothed in the Royal Garments listed here?
What Attire do I need to put on more of?

Glorifying God in Our Work - ;

with authority & as an authority
as a worker
with co-workers

Glorifying God in Our World -

with unbelievers
Where am I lacking in my Worship, my Work, and in the World in regards to Glorifying God?