A New Calling: Witnessing
ETS- Witnessing would characterize the apostle’s ministry because of the Holy Spirit.
He would preach in pulpits until they were closed to him, and he would then preach in the open fields. He would preach three times a day, beginning at five AM since workers could stop to hear him as they walked to their daily drudgery.
He sometimes covered sixty miles a day on horseback. Weather conditions made no difference; he made his schedule and kept it regardless. He would flee an angry mob by jumping into a cold pond, swim out and go on to preach again. He had the ability to turn hostile people his way.
He went to South Wales in 1741, the north of England in 1742, Ireland in 1747, and Scotland in 1751. In all he went to Ireland forty-two times and to Scotland twenty-two times. He returned to cities again and again. Sometimes he would return years after his last visit and record that the little society he helped form was still intact and still faithful. He would examine every member of every society personally to search for faith and spiritual growth. The societies thus formed provided the local organization for his movement.
What did Wesley preach? Thrift, cleanliness, honesty, salvation, good family relations, dozens of other themes, but above all, faith in Christ.
He would preach in pulpits until they were closed to him, and he would then preach in the open fields. He would preach three times a day, beginning at five AM since workers could stop to hear him as they walked to their daily drudgery.
He sometimes covered sixty miles a day on horseback. Weather conditions made no difference; he made his schedule and kept it regardless. He would flee an angry mob by jumping into a cold pond, swim out and go on to preach again. He had the ability to turn hostile people his way.