Die Bibel spricht davon, dass wir Priester und Könige sind und sogar prophetische Aufgaben finden im neuen Bund ihren Platz. Wie leben die Ämter des alten Bundes mit Israel in uns weiter. Im ersten Teil der dreiteiligen Minni-Serie beschäftigen wir uns mit Priester. Priester zu sein bedeutet, dass wir ganz nah bei Gott sein dürfen, er uns zum dienst begabt und wertvolle Aufgaben für uns und die Welt um uns her hat.
E. Priester?
E.0 Neue Minni-Serie
E.1 Stellenausschreibungen
E.2 Kerntext: 1. Petrus 2:4-5; 9-12
E.3 Stellenbeschreibung - Priester Gottes
1. POSITION - Kein Ausenseiter, sondern in den inneren Zirkel berufen
1.1 Priester im AT hatten viele Privilegien
1.2 C.S. Lewis, der Innere Ring
1.3 Kein Opfer, sondern der, der opfert ;)
2. BEFÄHIGT - Geistliche Gaben durch den Geist
2.1 Jesus hat uns begabt
2.2 Wir können Gott anbeten
2.3 Umgang mit Kritik
3. AUFGABEN - Einladen dabei zu sein indem wir Gott lieben und verherrlichen
3.1 Wir sind keine Opfer, sondern die, die Opfern :)
3.2 Wie hat das ein Priester im AT gemacht und was können wir davon lernen
3.3 Das Wort verkündigen
Z. Priester!
Z.1 Was dich als Priester ausmacht
Z.2 Wo fällt es dir schwer dein Priester sein zu leben?
Z.3 Du bist Priester!
Father, help us know what it means to come in. I pray everybody in this room will experience the access you have promised to us and that everybody in this room will someday be completely aware of what it means to be part of your royal priesthood. We thank you that that’s possible. We pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.
Bibelstellen- und Zitatsammlung
On this basis and in union with him, the priesthood of Christians is their sacrificial obedience to God; this involves spiritual worship and love of God and compassionate activity and prayer for their fellow human beings. Paul wrote: “Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship” (Rom 12:1). Each Christian offers his whole body to Christ and each local church offers itself wholly to Christ: and Christ offers his whole body (the church) to God the Father. Thus, in and by Christ, the priesthood of believers is exercised and made effectual. In the hearts of believers is the indwelling Spirit and it is in his power that acceptable service and worship is offered. Christ is the pattern of priesthood as well as being high priest.
The Nature of Priesthood. The concrete content of priesthood may be put in the following way:
1. Direct access to God. By faith all Christians approach God directly and personally (Rom 5:2; Eph 2:18) through Christ.
2. Offering spiritual sacrifices to God. The whole life of the Christian is to be a service of love—“a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God” (Phil 4:18). All work, activity, prayer, and praise is to be offered to God.
3. Declaring the gospel. By word and deed Christians are to reveal the love of God in Christ. They are to “declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Pt 2:9), and they are to make sure that even pagans can recognize their behavior as good (1 Pt 2:12).
4. Worshiping as a local church. “Supplications, prayer, intercessions, and thanksgivings” are to be made for all persons (1 Tm 2:1). The sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper are to be administered on behalf of the whole church as the community serves God and extends his kingdom.