He's Not Built For This
He’s Not Built For This!!
Poverty has been described as the one thing money cannot buy. It may also be one thing money cannot fix.
Accumulating wealth and establishing a charitable trust fund may be the most respectable option for people who make it to the top of the heap in Western cultures, but it is far from the solution Jesus put forward.
The rich man who ran up to kneel at Jesus’ feet had some insight into what Jesus had been trying to teach the disciples. His appeal to Jesus as Good teacher may have been a piece of flattery
The comment that Jesus loved him would be out of character if he had detected anything deceptive
what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
Jesus did not ask anything more of this man than he had asked of anyone else. Giving up one’s life for the sake of Jesus and the kingdom of God is a radical thing to do.
All your wealth will then be heavenly wealth.
We might put it this way: if it is so hard for someone with the material tokens of God’s blessing to enter the kingdom, how much harder would it be for those who lack this sign of favor?
Jesus’ answer was both reassuring and provocative:
No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself. Every chance in the world if you let God do it.”