Significant Messianic Prophecies fulfilled during the first advent of Christ

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Significant Messianic Prophecies fulfilled during the first advent of Christ:

  1. He was born of a woman (Gen 3:15: Gal 4:4
  2. He was a descendant of Abraham (Gen 12:3,7; Mat 1:1; Gal 3:16)
  3. He was of the tribe of Judah (Gen 49:10; Geb 7:14; Rev 5:5)
  4. He was o fthe house ofr family of David (2Sam. 7:12-13; Luke 1:31-33)
  5. He was born of a vergin (Isa. 7:14; Matt 1:22-23
  6. He was called Emanuel (Isa. 7:14; Matt 1:23)
  7. He had a forerunner (Es 4l0:3-5; Mal 3:1; Mt3:1-3;Luke 1:76-78)
  8. He was born in Bethlehem (Mic. 5:2;Matt. 2:5-6:Luke2:4-6)
  9. He was worshiiped by wise men and given gifts (Ps. 72:10-11;Isa. 60:3; Matt. 2:11)
  10. He was in Egypt for a season (Hos.11:1; Matt.2:15).
  11. His birthplace was a lace where infants were sloughtered (Jer. 31:15; Matt. 2:16).
  12. He was zealous for the Father (Ps 69:9; Jhn 6:37-40).
  13. He was filled with God’s Spirit (Isa. 11:2;Luke 4:18-19)
  14. He was a mighty healer (Isa. 35:5-6; Matt. 8:16-17).
  15. He ministered to the Gentiles (Isa. 9:1-2:42:1-3;Matt. 4:3-16; 12:17-21).
  16. He spoke in parables (Isa. 6:9-10; Matt. 13:10-15)
  17. He was rejected by the Jewish people (Ps. 69:8; Isa. 53:3; John 1:11; 7:5
  18. He made a triumphal entry into jerusalem, riding on a donkey (Zech.9:9; Matt. 21:4-5).
  19. He was praised by little children (Ps. 8:2: Matt. 21:16).
  20. He was the rejected corerstone (Ps. 118:22-23: Matt. 21:42)
  21. His miracles were not believed (Isa. 53:1; John 12:37-38).
  22. He was betrayed by his friend for thirty pieces of silver (Ps. 41:9; Zech. 11:12-13; Matt. 26:14-16, 21-25).
  23. He was a man of sorrows (Isa. 53:3; Matt. 26:37-38).
  24. He was forsaken by his disciples (Zech. 13:7; Matt. 26:31,56).
  25. He was beaten and spit upon (Isa. 50:6; Matt. 26:67; 27:26)
  26. His betrayal money was used to purchase a potter’s field (zech. 11:12-13; Matt. 27:9-10)
  27. he was executed by means of piercing his hands and feet (Ps. 22:16; Zech. 12:10; John 19:34,37).
  28. He was crucified between two thieves (Isa. 53:12: Matt. 27:38).
  29. he was given vinegar to drink (Ps. 69:21; Matt. 27:34).
  30. His garments were divided, and soldiers gambled for them (Ps. 22:18;Luke 23:34).
  31. He was surrounded and ridiculed by enemies (Ps. 22:7-8;Matt. 27:39-44).
  32. He was thirsty on the cross (Ps. 22:15; John 19:28).
  33. He commended his spirit to the father (Ps. 31:5:Luke 23:46).
  34. he uttered a forsaken cry on the cross (Ps 22:1; Matt. 27:P46
  35. he committed himself to God (Ps. 31:5; Luke 23:46).
  36. He was hated without a cause (Ps. 69:4; John 15:25).
  37. People shook their heads as they saw him on the cross (Ps. 109:25:25; Matt. 27:39).
  38. He was silent before his accusers (Isa. 53:7; Matt. 27:12).
  39. His bones were not broken (Exod. 13:46; Ps. 34:20; John 19:33-36).
  40. He was stared at in death (Zech. 12:10: Matt. 27:36: John 19:37)
  41. He was buried with the rich (Isa. 53:9; Matt. 27:57-60).
  42. He rose from the dead (Ps. 16:10; Matt. 28:2-7).
  43. He was and is a high priest greater than aaron (Ps. 11:4; Heb 5:4-6).
  44. He ascended to glory (Ps. 68:18;Eph. 4:8).
  45. He was and is seated at the right hand of the Father (Ps. 110:1; Heb. 10:12-13).

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