Righteousness of Kingdom-Pt. 1

Kingdom instructions for kingdom living   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God's righteousness explained for kingdom dwellers

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Christ, the Christian and the Law

Jesus has spoken of the kingdom dweller’s character, their influence and not shifts to the righteousness that must surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees.
This is important section with some important contrasts
Righteousness of kingdom dwellers (intro)
Righteousness in Old Testament and the New Testament
Relation of the Law and the gospel
We will draw a couple more contrasts: Christ and the Law and the Kingdom dweller and the law.
This section that we are looking at is very important. Not only does it define the righteousness of the kingdom dweller, it also puts it in light of the relation of the O.T. and the N.T. the gospel and the Law. This also draws two things, Christ and the Law (vv.17-18) and the kingdom dweller and the law (vv.19-20).
Now here is the passage then we will break it down some
Matthew 5:17–18 NASB95
17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
Matthew 5:17–18 NASB95
17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
Matthew 5:19 NASB95
19 “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:20 NASB95
20 “For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Christ and the Law

Christ and the Law

Contrary to what has been implied previously about Jesus, the Law and traditions, Jesus addresses the issue regarding the Law. Did He come to destroy, abolish the Law? Abolish (destroy) or fulfill, let the scripture speak.
From early in ministry Jesus authority has been questioned (Mk1:22) and that they were lawbreakers not keepers (Mk2:24); as well as tradition breaker (Mk1:22-27)
The Old Testament foretold of the coming Messiah, about 330 prophecies regarding that can be looked up and studied at another time. But here is a couple to consider now (Deu18:15-19; Isa53:1-12)
The Old Testament foretold of the kingdom coming too (Dan2:44)
The Old Testament foregotold of the new covenant (Jer31:31-34)
Jesus proclaimed the fulfillment of the prophesies (Mk1:14-15)
The New Testament confirms Jesus brought the new covenant (Heb8:6-13)
Some thought because of Jesus new teaching and painting the law of prophets and the traditions of the elders, Jesus was doing away the Law and from the beginning of His ministry questioned His authority. Let me expand on a few things.
From early in ministry Jesus authority has been questioned (Mk1:22) and that they were lawbreakers not keepers (Mk2:24); as well as tradition breaker (Mk1:22-27)
Mark 1:22 NASB95
22 They were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.
It was later in His ministry that the question was actually asked of Jesus.
Mark 2:24 NASB95
24 The Pharisees were saying to Him, “Look, why are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?”
They thought Jesus and the apostles were law breakers by the Mark passage and add in Mk1:22-27 Jesus healing on the Sabbath (man with unclean spirit)
The Old Testament foretold of the coming Messiah, about 330 prophecies regarding that can be looked up and studied at another time. But here is a couple to consider now (Deu18:15-19; Isa53:1-12)
Deuteronomy 18:15–16 NASB95
15 “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him. 16 “This is according to all that you asked of the Lord your God in Horeb on the day of the assembly, saying, ‘Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God, let me not see this great fire anymore, or I will die.’
Deuteronomy 18:17–18 NASB95
17 “The Lord said to me, ‘They have spoken well. 18 ‘I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.
Deuteronomy 18:19 NASB95
19 ‘It shall come about that whoever will not listen to My words which he shall speak in My name, I Myself will require it of him.
The Old Testament foretold of the kingdom coming too (Dan2:44)
The Old Testament foretold of the kingdom coming too (Dan2:44)
Daniel 2:44 NASB95
44 “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.
In a time when Daniel was interpreting a dream for Nebuchadnezzar was this prophesy told.
The Old Testament foretold of the new covenant (Jer31:31-34)
Jeremiah 31:31–32 NASB95
31 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 31:33 NASB95
33 “But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the Lord, “I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
Jeremiah 31:33–34 NASB95
33 “But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the Lord, “I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 34 “They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the Lord, “for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”
Jeremiah 31:34 NASB95
34 “They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the Lord, “for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”
Jesus proclaimed the fulfillment of the prophesies (Mk1:14-15)
Jesus proclaimed the fulfillment of the prophesies (Mk1:14-15)
Mark 1:14–15 NASB95
14 Now after John had been taken into custody, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
The New Testament confirms Jesus brought the new covenant (Heb8:6-13); We have a lot of scripture to cover today, so you can look this one up yourself.
The New Testament confirms Jesus brought the new covenant (Heb8:6-13)
Though the law was being replaced, a new covenant was being set, Jesus taught the Law was in place and upheld until the law was fulfilled (Mt5:18)
Though the law was being replaced, a new covenant was being set, Jesus taught the Law was in place and upheld until the law was fulfilled (Mt5:18)
So for the kingdom dweller may we know: Christ is the fulfilment of the Law
Jesus had all authority given from above (Mt28:18)
ment of the Law
Jesus upheld the Spirit of the law, whereas the Pharisees were destroying because of traditions (Mk7:8-9)
Jesus by His life displayed fulfillment by pleasing the Father (Mt3:17; Mt17:5)
Jesus fulfilled the law by His teaching
Jesus fulfilled the Law by His death and resurrection (Gal3:13)
So for the kingdom dweller may we know: Christ is the fulfilment of the Law
Jesus had all authority given from above (Mt28:18)
Jesus upheld the Spirit of the law, whereas the Pharisees were destroying because of traditions (Mk7:8-9)
Jesus by His life displayed fulfillment by pleasing the Father (Mt3:17; Mt17:5)
Jesus fulfilled the law by His teaching
Jesus fulfilled the Law by His death and resurrection (Gal3:13)
Galatians 3:13 NASB95
13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”—
Jesus did not destroy the Law by fighting it, He did it by fulfilling it!
Jesus did not destroy the Law by fighting it, He did it by fulfilling it!
(illustration) Think about an acorn, it can be destroyed a couple of ways, one by smashing it with hammer, the other by planting it and letting it die in the ground and it will fulfill itself by becoming an oak tree. such it was with Christ fulfilling His purpose.
Think about these things as we consider did Jesus fulfill the Law, for it not
He failed His purpose for coming (Mt5:17)
If He di
We would be under the law and have to have perfect adherence (Mt5:18-19)
And if Jesus did fulfill the law then
He accomplished His purpose (Mt5:17)
We have a new covenant and everlasting covenant. (Je32:40; Heb13:20; Heb9:15)
And if Jesus did fulfill the law then
He accomplished His purpose (Mt5:17)
Matthew 5:17 NASB95
17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.
And if Jesus did fulfill the law then
We have a new covenant and everlasting covenant. (Je32:40; Heb13:20; Heb9:15)
He accomplished His purpose (Mt5:17)
We have a new covenant and everlasting covenant. (Je32:40; Heb13:20; Heb9:15)
Jeremiah 32:40 NASB95
40 “I will make an everlasting covenant with them that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; and I will put the fear of Me in their hearts so that they will not turn away from Me.
Covenant originally promised to Abraham, then reminded through Jeremiah
Hebrews 13:20 NASB95
20 Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord,
The eternal, everlasting covenant entered by the blood of Jesus
Hebrews 9:15 NASB95
15 For this reason He is the mediator of a new covenant, so that, since a death has taken place for the redemption of the transgressions that were committed under the first covenant, those who have been called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.
Blood shed at his death so the covenant could not be changed, altered and we could be redeemed. So we may receive our eternal inheritance.
Still speaking of Jesus and the Law, one more thing to point out in regards to Jesus fulfilling the law.
How we know Jesus fulfilled the Law.
There have been changes to the priesthood (Heb7:11-14)
There have been changes to the law itself (Heb7:18-19, 22)
Even the Law foretold of its replacement (Heb8:6-13)
How we know Jesus fulfilled the Law.
There have been changes to the priesthood (Heb7:11-14)
Hebrews 7:11–12 NASB95
11 Now if perfection was through the Levitical priesthood (for on the basis of it the people received the Law), what further need was there for another priest to arise according to the order of Melchizedek, and not be designated according to the order of Aaron? 12 For when the priesthood is changed, of necessity there takes place a change of law also.
Hebrews 7:13–14 NASB95
13 For the one concerning whom these things are spoken belongs to another tribe, from which no one has officiated at the altar. 14 For it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, a tribe with reference to which Moses spoke nothing concerning priests.
If there was a priesthood change there had to be a law change.
There have been changes to the law itself (Heb7:18-19, 22)
Hebrews 7:18–19 NASB95
18 For, on the one hand, there is a setting aside of a former commandment because of its weakness and uselessness 19 (for the Law made nothing perfect), and on the other hand there is a bringing in of a better hope, through which we draw near to God.
Better hope, living hope of a better covenant.
Hebrews 7:22 NASB95
22 so much the more also Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant.
Even the Law foretold of its replacement (Heb8:6-13)
Even the Law foretold of its replacement (Heb8:6-13)
If we were to stop and read that passage we would see
Hebrews 8:6–7 NASB95
6 But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, by as much as He is also the mediator of a better covenant, which has been enacted on better promises. 7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion sought for a second.
A more excellent ministry; a better covenant (Heb8:6)
That the second covenant would make a new covenant (Heb8:8)
and this is the fulfillment of Jer31:31-35 as quoted (Heb8:9-12)
Finally the Hebrew writer says this
Hebrews 8:13 NASB95
13 When He said, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.
I know we have spent time in Hebrews, but no better book points out that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law then there.
Jesus filled the Law and the Prophets. When spoken the Law was still in place and the disciples were told to adhere, to follow the Law

Kingdom dwellers and the Law

As kingdom dwellers we can draw a vital connection between the law of God and the kingdom of God.
Matthew 5:19–20 NASB95
19 “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 “For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
As Jesus was alive the Law was to be kept, it was vital to be great in the kingdom of heaven (Mt5:19-20)
John Stott said:
“To disregard ‘a least commandment in the Law is to demote oneself into a ‘least’ subject in the kingdom; greatness in the kingdom belongs to those who are faithful in doing and teaching the whole moral law.”
Not only is greatness in the kingdom comes from conforming not to the world but to the Lord and His righteousness. A better form of righteousness than that of the Scribes and Pharisee’s (Mt5:20)
So under God’s law and man’s interpretation of it that contained 248 commandments and 365 prohibitions, you may wonder how can a disciples righteousness surpass that of the scribes and Pharisee’s?
Let me give you a few points on this. Under the law it was a system of works that did not demand faith, Under the new covenant it demands faith that brings obedience; a better form of righteousness.
Christian righteousness surpasses Pharisee righteousness in kind rather than in degree
Christian righteousness is deeper for it is of the heart not the hands and head (Jn3:3-5)
The Pharisees thought external conformity was be enough righteousness, Jesus looks deeper He looks at the heart, and that is only possible by the one who has a new heart and is born of the Spirit (Jn3:3-5)
John 3:3–5 NASB95
3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 4 Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?” 5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
Jesus does not contradict the Law, He actually endorses it, He insists on it’s authority and supplies its true interpretation. One day, when He went to the cross and became the offering for us, to be our propitiation and the fulfillment of the Law. All this, so that we may know as kingdom dwellers the character we are to have, the influence we have and the righteousness we are privy to.
Today we do not adhere to the law (God’s moral law) out of fear, but out of love!
Next week we will pick up more when Jesus gives us some examples applications of the interpretation of the Law.
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