Am I Really a Gold-digger
God said trust in the Lord, with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your paths. God said the lord is my shepherd I shall not want, God said my God shall supply all my needs, God said ask and it shell be given seek and you shall find knock and the door will be open God said no weapon formed against thee shell prosper God said he will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind stay on Him. God said but seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you. God said I once was young but now I’m old but I never seen the righteous forsaken,
the creator of heaven and earth, Alpha and Omega,
Ancient of Days,The Beginning and the end, Chief Cornerstone, Everlasting Father, author and finisher of our Faith, the first and the last. Omnipresent, all powerfull, El Roi (the God who sees me), El Olam (God Eternal),Yahweh Rophe (the Lord who heals), Yahweh Shammah (the Lord is There) but my personal favorite ABBA Pater (father)
the creator of heaven and earth, Alpha and Omega,
Ancient of Days,The Beginning and the end, Chief Cornerstone, Everlasting Father, author and finisher of our Faith, the first and the last. Omnipresent, all powerfull, El Roi (the God who sees me), El Olam (God Eternal)