Alive To Access (Eph 2:1-10)
Alive To Access
A ‘trespass’ (paraptōma) is a false step, involving either the crossing of a known boundary or a deviation from the right path. A ‘sin’ (hamartia), however, means rather a missing of the mark, a falling short of a standard. Together the two words cover the positive and negative, or active and passive, aspects of human wrongdoing, that is to say, our sins of commission and of omission. Before God we are both rebels and failures.
it is a factual statement of everybody’s spiritual condition outside Christ
So both words ‘age’ and ‘world’ express a whole social value-system which is alien to God.
Spirit’ then becomes an impersonal force or mood which is actively at work in non-Christian people.
The Church will forever be a trophy of God’s marvelous grace.