It’s simple and yet so profound. Do you believe Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth? Will you declare that you believe who He is and what He has done through you obedience to His command?
2. The church obeyed Jesus’ command
Acts 8:34 Philip baptized a eunich
Acts 9:17-19 Saul baptized and received the Holy Spirit
Other examples… Acts 16:15, Acts 22:11
3. What does baptism mean?
Gal 3:27 , Rom 6: 1-4 - It is a statement of a New Identity.
No longer is your main identity what you were, you are now Christ’s.
Jesus Christ and his work in your life is now the most important thing about you.
In Baptism by going down into the waters I’m identifying the Jesus’ death was my death, by coming up out of the waters I am leaving behind my sins and my old life and being raised to new life- the Life that Jesus gives me.