Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Last week, we pointed out the most important relationship that a child has in their life while on earth.
Dad and Mom
We talked about the importance leading our families from the front.
Obedience and Honor towards our parents is an important concept.
it’s the underlying foundation that we lay out for others.
Our children look to us and need us to set this example for them.
I told you that obedience is not something that comes easy for people.
And yet, parents cannot be afraid hold their children accountable.
We must teach them how to move forward.
What are some important guidelines for us?
1. Get in the word today and learn everything you can about the words guidance on parenting.
(We will talk about some today)
2. Get down on your knees with your children and pray for their lives
3. Put the phone on the shelf and turn off the television.
4. Take control of your families schedule.
5. Change your approach if it needs changing.
6. Value the church and what it’s doing more than anything else.
Parent: “You’re gonna have to do some work on __________, he just doesn’t want to get out of bed.”
We can’t accept this.
We have to lead from the front.
This brings me to the subject matter for today.
7% of families will attend church due to reaching a child first.
39% families will attend church due to reaching a mother first.
For dads???? 93%
When you reach a father, you reach a family.
Plain and simple.
Fathers, we have a role in our home that is unmatched.
Don’t allow the feminist movements of today tell you otherwise.
We go as far as the men will take us.
This is by God’s design.
This is why Paul wrote to fathers in verse 4.
It starts at the head.
it’s up to loving parents to exercise obedience early.
Neglecting will only bring disservice to their future.
Roman law gave the father complete authority to discipline his children through any means necessary to him.
Many fathers were dictators of their home and were being incosistent.
Paul wrote to Christian fathers encouraging them not to administer discipline in this way.
Not as the Romans or even as modern day society says.
Resentment is dangerous and can destroy the family.
As a parent, we should often ask the question, “What would Christ do here?”
What are three objectives that a Christian father must teach to their children?
1. Authority
The most powerful aspect of God’s creation was His AUTHORITY.
Notice the name of God used in 15-25.
“Lord God” The Word for “God” is Yahweh
The word Yahweh means “master and absolute ruler”.
Notice how Satan refers to God in .
The first sin of man came when the authority of God was questioned.
When do churches split?
Often times, churches fall apart when they question the authority of God’s leadership.
If they don’t follow His authority, they will never listen to a pastor.
The same is true in schools, businesses, and the home.
The authority of the situation cannot be questioned or everything will fall apart.
Parents, the number one thing our children must learn from our example is that God is the master and absolute ruler of everything.
He is in charge of our home and we live under His leadership and direction.
declares that “the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.”
In that order.
We are the authority of our home.
We rule our homes under God’s authority and direction.
When the father refuses to be authority or his family rejects it, everything is knocked out of rhythm.
Recognizing the authorities in our life means we are living under the pattern that God declares.
Fathers, it is our responsibility to be this authority and teach our children how to recognize every authority in their life.
For young boys, we offer our sons a true vision for manhood.
For young girls, we set an example of how women are to be treated.
We accomplish both when we make God the authority of our homes.
2. Discipline
The Romans disciplined too heavily and modern society rarely disciplines.
The example that Christ sets in place that discipline has a high purpose over the lives of children.
Discipline your child to teach them.
Rod - correction or discipline
Discipline does not take place in order to shame a child or let our anger out on them.
The idea is correction.
Scripture clearly states that a parent who won’t discipline their child might as well hate them.
We are called to lead our children to righteousness.
In order for this to happen, we must set a standard of discipline in our home.
2. Discipline your child in order to spare them from sin.
“Desire” - Causing him to die.
By refraining discipline off of the lives of our children, we are leading them down a path that leads to death.
By holding them accountable, we are set up road signs in their lives to keep their lives from learning from many bad mistakes.
3. Discipline your child to grow your relationship with them.
The assumption that many people make about discipline is that it is negative.
It’s not.
When done correctly and in love, discipline provides our children a security and a way to trust us.
This verse screams the point and purpose of discipline.
We do it out of love.
I want to stop for a second and throw up my hand on this.
For some people, the word father and discipline put in the same sentence makes you cringe.
It reminds you of the times you were disciplined too severely and in anger by your father.
God’s desire for discipline and the way people get it wrong do not need to confused together.
Christian discipline does not work this way.
Christian discipline:
Is out of love and not anger.
2. Is thought out beforehand and not out of haste.
3. Is willing to regroup after a mistake and apologize.
4. Is not an end, but a beginning.
(In other words, it has a point)
5. Is for the sake of Christian instruction.
< .5
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