Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Jesus’ Resurrection Command.
Here we find the true basis of the church’s practice (Mt 28:19).
As already stated, the disciples stopped employing it, so it is here that we see the institution reconstituted as an ordinance based on the death and resurrection of Christ.
It was no longer a forward-looking phenomenon but had now become a realized activity centering on the gospel message, certified by the risen Christ who is exalted to universal lordship.
It also is an essential aspect of the discipling activity, as seen in the use of the participle “baptizing” after the main verb “make disciples.”
Finally we might note that the act signifies the entrance of the believer “into” union with (literally “into the name of”) the triune Godhead.
Baptismal Regeneration:
As a mother there is no greater thing that you can do than to teach your children the word of God.
you can invest many things in the lives of your children but many of those things will fade away.
The truly loving mother will have a passion and a love for truth that they wish to instill into their children.
The heart of the father in proverbs pours out his heart that his children may grow in spiritual discernment, with a love for God that motivates them to holier living.
Any parent would naturally want whats best for their children.
So we must be careful that we do not neglect something so crucial for their well-being.
We live in a day where in our schooling realms they teach confusion rather than fact.
They have now passed that all students must go through a gender identity curriculum that will assign students a gender if they are unsure.
This is the day in which we live where hard facts have become blurry.
All the more for us to not get carried away with the things that busy our days but be intentional on how we instruct and teach our kids.
One of the greatest affronts that has happened on our culture is the blurring of the truth of Christ.
Unsure how a man is truly saved.
Ignorant of the hope found within scripture.
Does Baptism save?
Read Mark 1:1:8, PRAY
Read Mark 1:1:8,
Some of the hottest issues of our day our often are found within our churches on the discussion of where lines are drawn in theological circles, determining whether or not they are true or false.
Some of the hottest issues of our day our often are found within our churches on the discussion of where lines are drawn in theological circles, determining whether or not they are true or false.
As i begin to learn and grow in the word of God and in the theological debates found within our christian circles i find that all claim to uphold truth and biblical authority but very few actually do.
We are so diverse yet claim the biblical stamp of approval.
We all cannot be right.
one of us or many of us must be very from true biblical accuracy.
Many men have their go to verses that they proof text and throw their stones at the other party usually resulting like fuel upon a fire.
This doesn’t mean that we do not preach truth that will pierce the hearts of men that may receive a negative response.
We must make our efforts for truth to be voiced not fearful of what men may say but rather what God was.
We would not have had some of the greatest revivals of our day had it not been for men to go against the populace to stand upon truth.
So let us assure that what we make our hills to die on that they are fully rooted in biblical accuracy and not mans mythology.
Many men do not set out with the intentions of preaching falacies.
I am not saying the people that may find themselves on the other side of where i stand are not genuine in their attempt to Love God and people i just believe that they have veared from biblical truth and need to return.
And saying that i say that in love.
Truth is what sets people free.
We find ourselves in this predicament in our churches for many reasons.
Even Peter says of Paul he preaches some hards things.
Gods ways are higher than our ways and somethings because he is God is past finding out in this life.
some may wonder why i do not enter into a defining group that finds itself very prevalent in the church.
Somethings get lost in translation from greek to english
wording that is strange or words that do not translate properly into our english language
Experience/ Emotions
near death experiences, wigi boards, speaking in tongues
World view
What you have been taught by your culture and upbringing forms this which you use to interpret everythig around you.
First taught
so and so taught me this and they impacted my life greatly so it must be true.
Human reasoning
Human reasoning is great but must be handled with care.
bible teaches us not to lean on our own understand.
how can faith save?
but able to reason by using scripture
a Lack of LOVE for the word of God and a desire to read for themselves.
They truly dont know what the Bible says.
You find this out when you start trying to defend what you believe and you use everything on this list and not scripture.
A lack of pure honest interpretations.
reading into text what is not their.
Mark 1
WE have got to come to a point where i do not care what men think but rather what God thinks.
Jesus’ Resurrection Command.
Here we find the true basis of the church’s practice (Mt 28:19).
As already stated, the disciples stopped employing it, so it is here that we see the institution reconstituted as an ordinance based on the death and resurrection of Christ.
It was no longer a forward-looking phenomenon but had now become a realized activity centering on the gospel message, certified by the risen Christ who is exalted to universal lordship.
It also is an essential aspect of the discipling activity, as seen in the use of the participle “baptizing” after the main verb “make disciples.”
Finally we might note that the act signifies the entrance of the believer “into” union with (literally “into the name of”) the triune Godhead.
And when faced with the biblical truth that i am confident on that i can stand before God and answer for, i need not be ashamed.
I am not saying that men are not saved nor have good intentions but listen biblical truth is not about what we feel or good intentions.
This I say because i love the word of God, His truth and seeking it out.
and i pray that you would to.
I love what it produces in your life.
So what do we do with a day when we all have been raised with a worldview, experience, first taught, lack of knowledge and different denominations on every corner of our streets?
THis is not something new.
This goes all the way back to beginning of the gospels in the letters in revelation.
dealing with all kinds of issues.
I do not way in very much to the great controversy in many churches between calvinism and arminianism.
For this reason.
I do not follow men.
Corinthian church was guilty of this.
I follow apollos, paul, cephas.
Mans theology will fade away but the Word of the Lord will endure forever.
yet paul says
Truth doesnt need me to defend it but can defend itself.
So what is true that calvin taught and arminian will stand the test of time.
I disagree with both men.
you know why.
because they are men.
If i say i follow a man then i approach scripture once again that is difficult to handle instead of using scripture i am thinking through a lense of preconceived notions.
For instance Calvin believed in infant baptism.
am neither a calvinism, nor an arminian nor would i ever categorize myself under such titles as following a man but rather a biblicist.
IF the bible testifies of it then i will adhere my life to it.
There are good men on both sides that God has used in tremendous ways.
I have friends on both sides that i could never gain the rewards that they will have in heaven for their service towards God.
i do understand that their are many things that can be nailed down in scripture and we should, but let us make sure that it is God we seek to honor an
The beautiful thing is even through our short comings God is still able to prevail.
So how do we address the issue?
Not with casting stones, but rather a LOVE for God and His WORD.
And because you have a LOVE for God and HIS WORD then you have a love for people to know Gods truth.
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9