The Great Tribulation
Matthew 24:15-35
In Matthew 24:34 Jesus states: “Assuredly, I say to you this generation will by no means pass away till all these things are fulfilled.” Jesus, of course, was not talking about the generation alive at the time in which He spoke but [prophetically] the very generation that will experience these things.[1] So when Jesus predicts that troubles that will beset them at a later point in this period[2] how will disciples of Jesus in that day know that this period has begun? The answer is found in Matthew 24:15ff.
The Great Travail
This period of Jewish persecution and world evangelization of Gentiles will begin with the events depicted in Matthew 24:15ff.[3] This, of course, refers to Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel 9:27 in which the coming World Ruler will proclaim himself to be God and establish worship of himself in the Jewish temple.[4] When this horrific event occurs,[5] believers are instructed to flee Jerusalem for the mountains.[6] There will be no time to waste – for the World Ruler’s authority will begin immediately and those who remain [or even hesitate] will be killed.[7] In fact, Jesus says, this period of time will be unlike ANY OTHER in history.[8] He calls it the “GREAT TRAVAIL”.[9] After the Great Travail is over the world will seem to be coming to an end, but instead “the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky and all the tribes of the land will mourn”. And “they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory”. [10] In other words, Jesus will NOT appear [even secretly] at any time DURING the Great Travail,[11] but He will appear [openly] at its CONCLUSION.[12] This manifestation will be visible to everyone on earth. The disciples living on earth are to recognize the nearness of the “end of the age” by observing “all these things”.[13] Furthermore, the generation that sees these events begin will also see them end.[14] At this point King Jesus will begin His reign.[15]
[1] This is often true in prophecy where the standpoint of the prophet is in the time period of the events which are foreseen.
[2] Matt. 24:9ff. They were NOT to be troubled by the disturbances early on [verses 6-8] because they were not heralding the “end of the age”.
[3] The Old Testament predicted this period of trouble when Israel as well as the nations would experience God’s wrath. However, God would use these cataclysmic events to “sift” Israel and make them ready as a nation for their Messiah. Cf. Isa. 13:9. Zeph. 1:18, Ez. 38:19, Zeph. 1:15, Amos 9:9, Jer. 30:7.
[4] Matt. 24:15. This is spoken of an number of times in the Scripture. For example, note Dan. 9:27, 11:31, 12:11. Also see Dan. 11:36, 2 Thess. 2:3-4, Rev. 13:15.
[5] At the mid-point of the Seventieth Week of Daniel [Daniel 9:27].
[6] Verse 16.
[7] Cf. Luke 17:31-37 and Matt. 24:28.
[8] Matt. 24:21-22. This should dissuade anyone from thinking that this event has already taken place.
[9] Matt. 24:21. The Greek word θλῖψις thipsis used here can be variously translated. Here it could mean tribulation [as it is usually translated]. But it could also be translated travail [as it is sometimes translated to signify the definitive prolonged labor pains in giving birth to a child (Cf. John 16:21)]. In the light of Matthew 24:8, “Great Travail” would be a good translation.
[10] Matt. 24:29-30.
[11] Note Matt. 24:23-26.
[12] Matt. 24:27, 29-30. This is also spoken of in 2 Thess. 2:8 and 1 Thess. 1:7-8. This is referring to the manifestation [ἐπιφάνεια epiphaneia] of His presence [παρουσία parousia]. For a study of the Greek words used here, see the accompanying article.
[13] Matt. 24:32-33.
[14] Matt. 24:34. In fact, Jesus guarantees it (verse 35).
[15] Cf. Matt. 25:31ff, Rev. 1:6-7, 19:16, 20:1-6.