Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Strong Christians = Strong Marriages = Strong Families = Strong Churches
people who don’t communicate well, don’t grow well – which means they are not going to be as spiritually strong as they could be
Jesus was a PERFECT Communicator !
Words alone are not sufficient for effective biblical communication.
We cannot show love with actions alone because God tells us hundreds of times in the Bible that He loves us.
Godly Communication is a key to building relationships
) Godly Communication is a key to building relationships
“The process of sharing information with another person in such a way that the sender’s message is understood as he intended it.
Unless the sender and receiver have come to a common meaning, they haven’t communicated effectively.”
Wayne Mack, Your Family God’s Way
Rule #1 Be Honest V. 25
Remember honesty is more than just not lying
Honesty is telling the truth (the facts, reality, and being open about it!)
- Honesty is telling the truth (the facts, reality, and being open about it!)
we dont just put off lieing we put on speeking truth
The goal of speaking the truth is not you speaking your mind but SOLVING CONFLICTS in a way that brings glory to God or PREVENTING problems from occurring
The goal of speaking the truth is not you speaking your mind but SOLVING CONFLICTS in a way that brings glory to God or PREVENTING problems from occurring
Rule #2 Keep Currnt
Solve today’s problems today!
Be angery but don’t sin
Lying (V.25 is sin andger (V.26) may not be sin
- Anger itself is not sin (it’s the reason for the anger and the how it’s demonstrated that determines the sinfulness of anger)
Anger itself is not sin (it’s the reason for the anger and the how it’s demonstrated that determines the sinfulness of anger)
God was angery so anger is not always sin
Anger is emotional energy to be used to solve or prevent problems.
Anger is emotional energy to be used to solve or prevent problems.
Anger is sinful when it is used to attack others or self (deep bitterness setting in about the problem).
What does it mean to clam up?
What does it mean to blow up?
Failure to solve problems daily = gives place, or a foothold, to Satan!
Remember the seven questions to ask youself before trying to resolve a problum
1. Do I have the facts right?
2. Should love hide it?
Is it sinful?
Is it hindering growth?
3. Is my timing right?
4. Is my attitude right?
Am I trying to help the other person?
5. Are my words loving?
6. Have I prayed for God's help?
7. Do I need to seek counsel from someone else before I try to resolve this problem?
Attack the Problum not the Person (29 & 30)
Question: What does it mean to attack the person
We are to Put off Words that attack a person’s Character.
-Theese words are the exact oppisate of words that are edifying or building up
-Paul says to not use and words which are corruput
-The word is unwholsome meaning corrupt or foul.
“Unwholesome language should be as repulsive to us as a rotten apple or a spoiled piece of meat.
Off–color jokes, profanity, dirty stories, vulgarity, double entendre, and every other form of corrupt talk should never cross our lips.
-John MacArther
- and WHEN (not ‘if’) it does occur, we ought to
1) repent,
2) confess our sin to God and the appropriate people, and
3) grow as a result of what you did!
1. words that cut down another person
: When you verbally attack a person you are really criticizing God in whose image that person is made!
2. Words that tear down, rip apart or hinder spiritual growth.
These are Words deliberately designed to hurt instead of ‘edify’ (build up!).
These kind of words are dangerous, destructive, and painful:
if we are honest with each other about this, some of us have become pretty adept at cutting words
Question: How would you respond if we played a recording of ALL of your communication in the past 2 weeks?
Remember the Words of Christ
3. Words that cloud-up the issues or by-passes the conflict.
Blame shifting is one of the ways we can cloud up the issue or try to ‘by-pass’ the original problem (which will NOT get resolved)
one of the results of all this is the destruction of unity in the marriage, family, friendship, work place, or the Body of Christ!
4. Words that grieve the Holy Spirit because we are not following His Word and the example of another member of the God-Head, Jesus Christ!
since our goal in life is to please God, we don’t want to make Him angry, and we don’t want to ‘grieve’ Him
our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we should be using our bodies to bring glory to God
This includes our toungue
We need to use edifying comunication that encourges or builds up.
Question: what does this mean?
Words that center on personal responsibility & express solutions in terms of action!
What does it mean to attack the Problum?
To Discuss the problem in God-honoring way
It starts with your heart (inner man)
your words are not the problem, it’s the heart you have to focus on and change
if the heart’s not right, your words won’t be right!
Jesus said, “the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart”
2. Includes your motive (What are you wanting to accomplish?)
Are you really trying to please God or just get your way (being in control)
- if you’re being selfish in your motive, your response to the other person will not be good if they don’t do what you want them to do (you will violate Rule #4: Act, Don’t React)
if you’re being selfish in your motive, your response to the other person will not be good if they don’t do what you want them to do (you will violate Rule #4: Act, Don’t React)
3. Thinking right
· Getting the log out of your eye 1st
· Determining to show love to the other person (try to help them, not hurt them)
· Practicing self-control (God is watching and knows your thoughts)
4. Using biblical terminology
call it what God calls it – then you have biblical solutions to focus on
5. Modeling grace
- even though the person may NOT deserve it, that’s the point of GRACE (unmerited favor)
6. God is glorified in the way the problem was handled
Rule #1: Be Honest
Rule #2: Keep Current
Rule #3: Attack the Problem, Not the Person
Next week act don’t react
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9