5-RF LJ 01 Reference Materials - Definitions

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Definitions, Idioms and Grammar in the Life of Jesus Lessons The meaning of words can change – when they move from one language to another from one culture to another or from one time period to another. Hebrew words and phrases written in the 19th century BC by authors from the Middle East will not always have the same meaning when we read them in English in the 21st century AD. Even the best and most accurate translations cannot always convey the intended meaning. For example, Bible authors often use extreme words for non-extreme meanings. They use picture language to illustrate that which is unknown or less obvious. Idioms or special phrases are based on the Hebrew language and culture of that day. Everyone living in their time period or culture automatically understood the meaning. But we live in the 21st century AD. In the Western world, extreme words are used to describe emotions or actions that are extreme. Anger, for us, means an extreme emotion of someone who is out of control. How then should we think about God when we read of God’s wrath or God’s anger? To put it simply, what the words and phrases of the Bible mean to us, is not always what the authors were meaning. The purpose of this section is to explain their meaning as the Hebrew mind would have understood them some 3000 plus years ago. And with these meanings, may we have a renewed clarity of God, what He is like and His message for us today. Definitions – 1ST century DEFINITIONS Anointed One Title of the Perfect King who would have a Kingdom. In Hebrew it is translated Messiah; in Greek, it is Christ. Apostle Men who was sent by Jesus with His message, His authority & the ability to do miracles. Baptism Identification with a message or belief. This was common to all cultures & groups of that day. Believing Remnant The Jewish minority who remained faithful to God, in what they believed & how they lived, from 400 BC to 31 AD. They were waiting for the promised Messiah & expecting Him to come at any time. Blessed Enriched by the Holy Spirit because of something we have chosen or done. Compassion A Greek word that only the Gospel writers used. Jesus felt emotion in His vital organs - in the core of His being. Curse To bring judgment. Dawn The beginning of a new day. For the Jews this would be dusk, right after literal sundown. Disciple A person who followed, studied and learned under Jesus’ teaching. Hosanna Save now; set up Your kingdom now. Lead us not into temptation Do not let us say “yes” to Satan; but give us strength to say “no” to his offers. Love Agapao Obedience; doing what is right. It is a response determined by the will, regardless of feeling. Phileo Feelings of devotion & loyalty. It is a response determined by feeling or emotion. Magi A special group of men in Babylon, with university training, who were advisors to their rulers. They were known as men of wisdom. Messianic miracles Three specific miracles that could only be done by the Messiah: heal a Jewish leper; heal a person who could not speak because of an evil spirit and heal a person born blind. These miracles would reveal who the true Messiah was. Repentance One Greek word means a change of mind and will - what is needed for salvation & forgiveness. Another Greek word means a change of feeling; remorse because of the consequences. Shechinah – to dwell or live with The visible presence of God, the glory of the Lord. Jesus is the ultimate Shechinah who lived among us. 2 Definitions – 1st century Son of David The national title of Jesus as King of His perfect Kingdom. Tax Collectors & Sinners Jewish men who collected taxes for Rome and Jewish women who were prostitutes. Tempt Satan tempts people to bring out the worst of their human nature; it is to be resisted. It is why Scripture says: God never tempts anyone; God cannot be tempted. Test God tests those in His family, to bring out the best of His nature within us; it is beneficial. JEWISH IDIOMS Bind or Loose To forbid or permit things different from Mosaic law. To declare God’s punishment on people or declare His punishment is removed - example: Ananias and Sapphira. Cock-crow A bell or horn that sounded at midnight, 3 am, 6 am and 9 am to mark the watches of the Roman soldiers. It could be heard thruout the city. Cock did not refer to a rooster in this context. Eating In Jewish literature it means to accept or believe God’s words. Jeremiah - When Your words came, I ate them. Jer. 15:16 Ezekiel & the apostle John were told to eat the scroll of God’s words. Ezek. 3:1; Rev. 10:9-10. Eating the Messiah In the writings of the rabbis it means to receive Him joyfully and devour His words - to accept all of Him; all that He is and says. Hate his father & mother - to not choose If there is a conflict between the wishes of parents & the call of God, then to be a disciple of Jesus & follow Him, the person must choose Jesus & not respond to the desires of the parents. My Father In the Middle East, a father and his first born son’s relationship is horizontal. The character of the father is the character of the son. By calling God, My Father, Jesus is claiming the position of the 1st born son. His character is the same as the character of God the Father. John 5:17 Jesus is claiming deity. Remove mountains Mountain is picture language for a king, kingdom or throne. To remove a mountain can mean to remove or command Satan & his kingdom of angels to leave, so they cannot destroy the work of God. Three days and three nights When used as an idiom, it means any time involving part of 3 consecutive days. It could be a short as 24 hours and 2 minutes (1 minute each on the first and last day). Thirty pieces of silver When used as an idiom, it means next to worthless. GREEK GRAMMAR In sentences with “if”, the speaker or writer reveals his meaning by the spelling and grammar to show… The statement is true. The statement is not true. Something about the statement is uncertain. The statement is only a wish. 3
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