Wise Mean seek Jesus

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Christmas 2019  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  29:26
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Morning Service (191229)

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What could we turn right now? So the scriptures please and to the gospel of Matthew chapter to read from the first verse Matthew chapter to and from this one.

No off the Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king behold wise men from the East came to Jerusalem same. Where is he was being born King of the Jews. With all his star when it Rose and will come to worship Him. But Herod the king heard this he was troubled Jerusalem with him all the chief priests and scribes to be bored. They told him in Beckley had what you did was just written by the prophet. A Jew of Bethlehem in the lion of Judah are by no means least among the rulers of Judah before ovulation, ruler. I will Shepherd My People Israel. Inherit some of the wise men secretly Vanessa saying from them what time the star had appeared? I need something to Bethlehem saying go and search diligently for the child and when you have found him bring me word that I too may come and worship him. I'll finish until the king they went on that way. I behold the star that I had seed when it Rose went before them. Then it came to rest over the place where the child war. When they saw the star they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. I'm going into the house. They saw the child with Mary his mother. I know you fell down of West Shifty then opening that stretches. They offered him gifts gold and frankincense. And myrrh. I've been warned in a dream not to return to Herod The Departed on country by another way. I'm at and we pray to God be pleased to bless up GIF in a dream and said r i State the child and his mother leaves of Egypt and remain that until I tell you where it is about to show us with a child to destroy you on Eros and took the child and his mother by night. I deposited to Egypt remind that until the death of Harriet. They're supposed to reveal what the Lord has spoken by the prophet out of Egypt. I called my son. Then Herod when he saw that you're being tricked by the wise man became Furious and sending healed all the male children in Bethlehem and all that region who were two years old or Honda Accords the time that he has attained from the wise man. I'm also filled with a spoken by the Prophet Jeremiah at a voice was heard in Ramah weeping allowed lamentation Rachel weeping for her children. She refused to become because they are no more. Dwight Howard, I found an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt saved rise take the shot in his mother are going to the land of Israel those assault of child life or dead heroes and took the child and his mother went to the land of Israel and what he heard the Oculus was raining over Judy are in place with Father Herod will try to go to that. I'll be more than a dream. If it's rude to the district of Rock Island A2.

Once again, we looking this morning hosts the scripture that is very Familia at least every Christmas and I know occasions we look at any more tea shop and that's by God's grace is what we are seeking to do today as we consider this message together. It is the account of ghost off the wise men coming to Jesus and bringing those gifts and bowing down to worship here. I want to go through the actual account because I was saying last week things which over the years I've been added to the Christmas account switcher not necessarily in a cold with what the scriptures actually teaches. And that's perfectly sorry. We find in the account. We actually have all of these wise men. Read now off of Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea and the days of her at the cape behold wise men came from the East for these came to Jerusalem saying, where is he was being born King of the Jews who he saw his star when it Rose and have come to worship Him.

Is a very pretty believed and numerous Christmas cards and pictures and saw it that I was free of these wise neck. In fact, the Bible does not give us the number all it says there's more than one cuz it used to plural. They were wise men. We got no idea how many there were three different types of gift with brought but that doesn't indicate that they were just three of them, but we just don't know how easily some of it. and we don't know of a sudden but these men came from It is generally so awesome. It's probably a lot of it. Is it Easter this that I did actually come from Babylon. I'm Daniel if you remember was one of the wise men of Babylon. He was involved in that X all the people of God was taken into Exile. I need any kind of the seated man in the whole of the nation and he was a very wise Matt I need was account cost with those of other wise men men who had a man who had real learning man who had real power man who was able to assist in the complement of the nation? And many of the writings of these Wise Men actually recorded and kept in the libraries in Babylon would make reference to that. It's just like with the parliament a reference could be made to that over a number of years. So I would have had knowledge of those writings of Daniel and Daniel are the Messiah would not Chesapeake for the Jews but also for the Gentile And this would have moved them. I wouldn't I saw this particular event this star that's Wonder in the heavens. That was so unusual. And it's something that I realized was very important that you that I would give direction by the Lord to go wherever that let them I saw the star in the east of so, I followed it. And other things that we need to know who took her since that this was a little off to the time that Jesus was born a guy any of the wise men in the manger with the shade in the stable with the Shepherds and saw that they were not there at that time if Jesus and Mary and Joseph but no longer not stable. I rent a house a normal home and we know as we go on we find what hair it doesn't account tells us what hair it was like Harry was a very Wicked King an evil King very sadistic very cruel with kill members of his family. He would destroy these wise man has come and I told him that that come to worship the one who is the king of the Jews. He was frightened silly because he was so Genesis position. I know the slightest For many to take a position from him was dealt with with facial Islands at what time this actual occurrence took place. When did they see and by implication of goods? How long a day Bean Journey how long as I've been traveling on that as a result to that lights up decrees that you're just out to create. That's the every male child in Bethlehem of two years old and under should be killed. How it seems quite clear as we see those things that Jesus at the time when I was wise mankind would have been a toddler would have been up to two years old price of a sudden but the good thing is that we tight scripture this word and we learn from that Herod and his desire to deal with these wise man hit folder need persuaded that because that he wanted to God worship the same thing, but you didn't and quiet or religious authorities of the time what it is the scribes sort of what the prophecy actually was a night refers quite rightly to that verse in Micah chapter five of the six which in the accounting Matthew to says this I'm New Bethlehem in the land of Judah are by no means least amount. List of Judah for from you should come over it will Shepherd. My people is strapped. They knew exactly what the scriptures say. But the tragedy outside more about this later he is the agent listen. I didn't pay it to walk the scriptures actually sad, but Herod before believe what the scripture said I need you, but I was wise man hot to go to Bethlehem. And so he said he said he was coming self and wash Off. I was wise man had seen how they went out and I rejoice in the fact that the star that that's see they saw a guy game. It's not totally sudden, but I saw that star every motor that Journey. They saw the direction Pratt, but are we going or it could be of kush that I lost sight of the stop when they thought in that we Stern the Devon looking for King it would be born in the palace, but I do not show you the wrong and so it was wise men. I didn't get things quite right but I rejoice when they saw that stop that stop directed them to the very house in Westbury and Joseph to be found with Jesus and I said property at this time and they rejoiced is like And they bow down and they open that Treasures gift gold frankincense and myrrh indication of kush the kingship the priesthood and the death of our Lord Jesus Christ tree, but I would go back another way because Eric was going to kill us a brief summary of the account that we have here and I would seek to tonight the point cuz it is very important that we need to be careful add things to the scripture type use and Salvage not really substantiated today, but just think about this leading line, but should we read? I said, where is he who is born King of the Jews? We saw his star and we saw his star when it Rose tour come to worship him in the lights are in the stead when I saw the star they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy, perhaps I could realize that things were quite right with Eric crash. They had some sense that it was no guy in the right white and indeed is it cuz he's often the case. We see to follow the lord. We don't see a star we haven't looked at the Heavens to see where which way we should go and saw it. We looked at his word and we Guided by his word shall I said we would do it precio de Mayo to frequently where we take her out myself. It was it was that would we start to think the best way restaurant elephant. Having difficulties a problem. So we try to work out. What is the best way for us to deal with us problems and solve the problems rather. I truly seeking the Lord for his guidance and or his Direction which he gets us through his what this is why it's important to know the word and we have Christmas at Patients. We have tremendous advantages that we have to word of God freely available to us. We have our Bibles. We have all the digital divide season, which we could I have the word of God what have we are? We can consult that way that many years ago for the average church member had no access to the written copies of the Bible and I just heard what I said.

This tremendous privilege should we need to be looking in that was important to read that was important to study that word. Word fashion the direct old we do. We don't want to be like these wise man who would not tell a lie of what they should see what that owns things out that is never the why why is always that we were in the why the God has directed and guide service in want to take to Pisa one of us 9 tv read we have the professional word for fully confirmed to which you would do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place. That would it directs all that. We are Jesus in John 1 verse 9 is the True Light which gives lying to everyone it was. In the world and self enjoy Night Bus when he says the lights of the world, but will have the light of life on the very familiar with us sometime 109 seed of us hunting revive. Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my pot. I meet you to learn this. We need to be constantly need to learn this because the devil Royce attract eat Atwood flashing it directed and guided every moment of our life everyday all we are voted all the tree and then falling down from that. We need to see that word in a particular way because when we come to the word of God Victory to his word the word that he is give it now I know that recently that word was in the entry languages Hebrew Holiday Inn and and Greek and therapy Faisal godly man who translated those scriptures over the years ago and is Providence Reserve that word of the word that we have in our English language is the word of God and it is a special Revelation because God has revealed himself in basically in two ways one-week-old General Revelation. And that's what we see around this. That's the Bradley a that we breed. That's the sound that we see the moon that we see the Starbucks on old is around us in the Hall of the creation is all that General Revelation that speaks and gives glory to God. But he's special Revelation. He is what he has spoken to us. We don't need that guy did like you don't need the star. We don't need someone special to bring that we're to us so that we listen to those of his you preach the word but nothing special about that it is so what itself like Giants and what happened with the situation here immediately. What is it? What is what is this all about you prep do something about it, but he wants you to know if it's such a what was said and I said that refer to Micah chapter five of us 6 when they are you I do best rehab in the lion of Judah albino means least among the rulers of Judah for from usual, ruler or Shepherd. My people is Clearly prophesied that was to be bored a bad lip. It was no coincidence in any way whatsoever that at that time the Roman authorities said we going to take a census and every must go back to the town not just have an actual but the time at the town of that particular tribe and the background that's why Mary and Joseph the end of the line of David both of them went to that rehab important. They knew what the Bible actually say. But I didn't need a wee prep. See if I was lost. The question is rhetorical. What is the most horrific thing of this account of the wise man, I would think the chances are that most people would say the slaughter of those babies supposed to infants. It's not as innocent, but you're not really inappropriate, but that I don't believe is the most terrific see the most horrific thing is those who are in the service of God those who teach in God's word the people to follow that would totally ignored it and rejected it themselves. They if I really believe God's word should have been merely going to Beckley app to see who had the board. I like is one of the most horrific thing that happens in our generation happens in our generation is happening in our society. There is a move at the moment for a one group on a particular up Bill that is coming to Parliament two seats with a decent clothes in that the Aloha B+, or should can take place at the moment of birth. We find the word of God in total rejected, but we can understand that in a y e from those who don't order that would for those who don't believe that what you profess to be truly believe has of God's word. What excuses that that we don't actually hate that I'd live Bryant what judgment to come upon those who did this and we know the well just misses it portal to see my grandkids when I save the world lacrosse. It's probably about as you are perishing. To us while being saved. It is the power of God and Russians 360 bull says let the word of Christ dwell in you richly cheat sheet at an orange one another in all wisdom singing Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness to God. Jesus at night or is probably seen recently John 17:14 says I have given them your word and the wildest hated them to the well just as I am not of the world and that world, of course is that living active word of God sharper than any two-edged sword? Then another thing that comes out wrong this account. Is that I would lead to Jesus. This is what the star when it was given in the first instance this or the desire that these wise men hide the baby led to Jesus. And I like those Shepherd sued gone before them and press in a science even more. So with the shepherd's the fact that I sold a shepard's or a newborn by the fact that I was wise man saw a young child. Made no difference Xavier. That that Walt's that he is the true Messiah the promised one of God. The word becomes flesh Emmanuel God With Us that same old says in Philippians 2 and therefore God has highly exalted it beside bestowed on him the name that is above every night that I have the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven out on us under the Earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father. He is the Living Word. He is the one true God he is the one who is the god knows it's not mad as if he would never God. I was about to God he would never mind and all the scripture Jesus to Christ orange hedge. Should always lead us to Jesus Christ is him that we want to see him and we want to know. It's him that we want to say like New Year's resolutions will be doing so this week are always open a bit pointless or Chris but might this be a real resolution that we really seek Jesus Christ to be the one who truly is king of Our Lives that we might serve and honor head and then lastly we see how God speaks.

gardaworld in a tree has he told them that they should go a different way back to that. I don't go back to heaven. How do I say I want Joseph in the tree and I would just hate the Child Jesus into Egypt. Because of heresies on to kill him. destroy

Godus still speak Costco direct. Note intrigues us back to the same point his word. We have the complete word of God. Nothing really to it. Nothing to be attracted attracted from it. That word it will guide us. That's why it's so important that we do read that one. Scotty And he'd that what? Yes, that's how we going to be Crowley. That's how we going to be fed. That's how we going to know that true life. That is in Christ. Raichu the Hebrew size to us chapter one of us one long ago many times in many ways God spoke to our fathers by the prophets. But in these last days he spoke to us by his son whom your points at the end of all things through who was so he created

As Paul reminds the collections. Gospel. That word of God. It was given to him cuz he's so Faithfully an app was not something to eat drink. results of philosophy result It was that was directly given. by God himself that establishes recorded for us. So as we do think about these wise man. May we be truly wise man women? Cuz I wished I know Peter wisdom of the world. The wisdom of God the Father surpasses the worldly wisdom which leads us to it keeps us closer to it. I wish to the neighbors to live lives that a truly glorify to him.

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