Jesus our Living Water
Sermon Tone Analysis
Book Context: John has written this book so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, and by believing that you may have life in his name.
Prior Context: Jesus was with his disciples and they were baptizing more people than John the Baptist. People begin to question John asking if he cares and he says, “He must increase, but I must decrease”. The Son (Jesus) is from heaven, and ANYONE who believes has eternal life, but those who reject him have God’s wrath on themselves.
Prior Context: Jesus was with his disciples and they were baptizing more people than John the Baptist. People begin to question John asking if he cares and he says, “He must increase, but I must decrease”. The Son (Jesus) is from heaven, and ANYONE who believes has eternal life, but those who reject him have God’s wrath on themselves.
M.O.T: Evangelistic
M.O.T: Evangelistic
C.I.T: Jesus is the only source of salvation for everyone, therefore run to the fountain and ask for a drink.
C.I.T: Jesus is the only source of salvation for everyone, therefore run to the fountain and ask for a drink.
Thesis: You can try everything life has to offer, but Only Jesus the Son of God can give salvation and peace with God.
Thesis: You can try everything life has to offer, but Only Jesus the Son of God can give salvation and peace with God.
Proposition: Come to Jesus and ask him for his great mercy and grace and he will give it to you.
Proposition: Come to Jesus and ask him for his great mercy and grace and he will give it to you.
“Jesus our Living Water”
“Jesus our Living Water”
Introduction: Have you ever seen something that was on sale and you had to get it! You know it’s a great deal, it’s 40% off or it’s 70% off and I have a 30% off coupon and you think I have got to buy that. You justify that purchase by saying things like “the deal won’t last, I need that for work, if we had that our lives would be better”. Sometimes when our spouse or parents don’t allow us to get that item, we begin to use the blame tactic. “Well remember when you bought that expensive thing we didn’t need, therefore I deserve to buy this”. We are American people and a mark of being an American is having many material things. We have a bunch of stuff don’t we. Even our homeless here carry carts full of stuff. I am not saying it’s wrong I’m just saying that’s how it is. What if I told you the best thing you could ever have was free? Not on sale, not half off, but a free gift. That’s a good deal isn’t it. What if I told you that gift was Jesus, and you could be satisfied in Jesus forever, and it’s a free gift for you that can’t buy but will cost you everything. There are two downsides to having a lot of stuff, you begin to believe you have it all and need nothing, or you believe you need more and you’re always looking for the net item, the next sale, and you’re never content with what you have. Both of these have a heart full of pride. But Jesus Christ is the only one who can satisfy and provide forgiveness of sins bringing us into right relationship with a Holy God.
Introduction: Have you ever seen something that was on sale and you had to get it! You know it’s a great deal, it’s 40% off or it’s 70% off and I have a 30% off coupon and you think I have got to buy that. You justify that purchase by saying things like “the deal won’t last, I need that for work, if we had that our lives would be better”. Sometimes when our spouse or parents don’t allow us to get that item, we begin to use the blame tactic. “Well remember when you bought that expensive thing we didn’t need, therefore I deserve to buy this”. We are American people and a mark of being an American is having many material things. We have a bunch of stuff don’t we. Even our homeless here carry carts full of stuff. I am not saying it’s wrong I’m just saying that’s how it is. What if I told you the best thing you could ever have was free? Not on sale, not half off, but a free gift. That’s a good deal isn’t it. What if I told you that gift was Jesus, and you could be satisfied in Jesus forever, and it’s a free gift for you that can’t buy but will cost you everything. There are two downsides to having a lot of stuff, you begin to believe you have it all and need nothing, or you believe you need more and you’re always looking for the net item, the next sale, and you’re never content with what you have. Both of these have a heart full of pride. But Jesus Christ is the only one who can satisfy and provide forgiveness of sins bringing us into right relationship with a Holy God.
#1 Jesus is Willing
#1 Jesus is Willing
1. The Samaritans came about in 722 BC when the Assyrians had captured Samaria. They Assyrians had many of the Israelites deported, some stayed behind and when the Assyrians moved in, they intermarried. The Jews considered the intermarried as half-breeds and a disgrace. They hated each other, I would try to use an analogy to help demonstrate how they felt about each other but all I have to say is Ohio state and Michigan and you get the idea. I’m just kidding, it wasn’t that bad. Jesus meets this woman at the well, which is still there today, and he meets her at noon. This is the hottest part of the day and Jesus is on a three-day hiking trip towards galilee by foot. He’s tired, He’s hungry, this shows us his humanity because Jesus was a man and he was God. And so he sits down at this well when this woman comes to draw water and he begins to talk to her. Now his disciples aren’t there, and this woman comes to the well alone most likely because she was a great sinner and outcast to society. The woman in that culture would travel together when they went to the well to acquire water. They would go at times when it wasn’t so hot like early in the morning, or a little later in the evening when the sun was going down. But she comes alone. And Jesus needs a drink because he’s thirsty and so he uses this as an opportunity to talk to this woman. And he asks her for a drink. I mean think about that, the one who created the waters and calms storms asks his creation for a drink. Thank God for the humility and patience of Jesus towards us. The king of Kings has asked his creation for a drink and she responds with “why are you talking to me”. Imagine if the president asked you for a drink, you better bring him that drink. The Jewish Mishnah of purities (This was Jewish man-made customs) had deemed this woman continually unclean from birth because she was a daughter of Samaritans. Verse 9 literally means that “Jews do not use dishes that Samaritans have used”. Have you ever grabbed the wrong piece of pizza at a family gathering? You know you’re all lined up to get some pizza because it’s finally been delivered and it’s hot and ready, and you go up and inevitably you grab a piece of pizza and someone behind you says, “hey I was going to grab that piece”. And you’re like “well here you go you can have it”. That would happen with my sisters when we were younger, and they would say something like “You already touched it; I would rather starve than eat that now”. Well fine I would say and walk off. Because I touched it, she wouldn’t take it, maybe because I was gross, but usually just to insult me. Jews would even use a dish that was used by Samaritans, even if it was washed. They hated Samaritans.
1. The Samaritans came about in 722 BC when the Assyrians had captured Samaria. They Assyrians had many of the Israelites deported, some stayed behind and when the Assyrians moved in, they intermarried. The Jews considered the intermarried as half-breeds and a disgrace. They hated each other, I would try to use an analogy to help demonstrate how they felt about each other but all I have to say is Ohio state and Michigan and you get the idea. I’m just kidding, it wasn’t that bad. Jesus meets this woman at the well, which is still there today, and he meets her at noon. This is the hottest part of the day and Jesus is on a three-day hiking trip towards galilee by foot. He’s tired, He’s hungry, this shows us his humanity because Jesus was a man and he was God. And so he sits down at this well when this woman comes to draw water and he begins to talk to her. Now his disciples aren’t there, and this woman comes to the well alone most likely because she was a great sinner and outcast to society. And Jesus needs a drink because he’s thirsty and so he uses this as an opportunity to talk to this woman. And he asks her for a drink. I mean think about that, the one who created the waters and calms storms asks his creation for a drink. Thank God for the humility and patience of Jesus towards us. The king of Kings has asked his creation for a drink and she responds with “why are you talking to me”. Imagine if the president asked you for a drink, you better bring him that drink. The Jewish Mishnah of purities (This was Jewish man-made customs) had deemed this woman continually unclean from birth because she was a daughter of Samaritans. Verse 9 literally means that “Jews do not use dishes that Samaritans have used”. Have you ever grabbed the wrong piece of pizza at a family gathering? You know you’re all lined up to get some pizza because it’s finally been delivered and it’s hot and ready, and you go up and inevitably you grab a piece of pizza and someone behind you says, “hey I was going to grab that piece”. And you’re like “well here you go you can have it”. That would happen with my sisters when we were younger, and they would say something like “You already touched it; I would rather starve than eat that now”. Well fine I would say and walk off. Because I touched it, she wouldn’t take it, maybe because I was gross, but usually just to insult me. Jews would even use a dish that was used by Samaritans, even if it was washed. They hated Samaritans.
2. Why would Jesus talk to her then? Because Jesus is willing that all might be saved. Remember in Jesus said I have come to seek and save the lost. Remember is “The Lord does not delay his promise as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance”. This woman is lost, just like I was lost when he saved me, Just like you were lost when he saved you, and if you are currently lost today Jesus’ desire for you is that you might believe in his name and call out to him for living water and be saved because he is willing. Jesus doesn’t discriminate and see skin color, height, weight, job status, marital status, criminal, adulterer or whatever. Jesus sees SINNERS in need of a SAVIOR. And if you’ve got red blood in your veins and breathe in your lungs you are a guilty sinner before a Holy God and you need the blood of Jesus to forgive you. The good news is Jesus is WILLING to save you. Verse 10 Jesus responds and says, “If you knew the gift of God. . . If she only knew who was talking to her, this is the one who made her. If she only knew that God had planned since before the foundation of the world to send a savior to redeem mankind who has done nothing but sin against him. If she only knew the kindness and patience of Jesus and his punishment that he would endure later on for her, in her place! She would beg him for salvation for living water that never ends and she would rejoice and serve him in gratitude because she knows what he has done for her. Listen Church member, you who say you’re a Christian but yet show no fruit, I know you’ve been going to church a long time, I know you maybe have signed some card, or prayed a prayer, or got baptized. But if you never have cried out in repentance and faith and asked God for mercy because you never have realized how sinful you are and how deserving you are of eternal punishment. If you only knew the gift of God that is Jesus Christ and his wonderful offer towards you, you would forsake your sins and run to God and beg him for mercy. And He would give it to you! But She doesn’t know who he is yet. And Jesus is so patient. He says if she asks he will give her living water. What is living water? This is the ever-satisfying salvation applied to someone by the Holy Spirit through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross that washes the believer clean and removes all sins granting them eternal life in the presence of God forever because of the savior Jesus. Jesus isn’t talking about anything this world can offer but only what He can offer.
2. Why would Jesus talk to her then? Because Jesus is willing that all might be saved. Remember in Jesus said I have come to seek and save the lost. This woman is lost, just like I was lost when he saved me, Just like you were lost when he saved you, and if you are currently lost today Jesus’ desire for you is that you might believe in his name and call out to him for living water and be saved because he is willing. Jesus doesn’t discriminate and see skin color, height, weight, job status, marital status, criminal, adulterer or whatever. Jesus sees SINNERS in need of a SAVIOR. And if you’ve got red blood in your veins and breathe in your lungs you are a guilty sinner before a Holy God and you need the blood of Jesus to forgive you. The good news is Jesus is WILLING to save you. Verse 10 Jesus responds and says, “If you knew the gift of God. . . If she only knew who was talking to her, this is the one who made her. If she only knew that God had planned since before the foundation of the world to send a savior to redeem mankind who has done nothing but sin against him. If she only knew the kindness and patience of Jesus and his punishment that he would endure later on for her, in her place! She would beg him for salvation for living water that never ends and she would rejoice and serve him in gratitude because she knows what he has done for her. Listen Church member, you who say you’re a Christian but yet show no fruit, I know you’ve been going to church a long time, I know you maybe have signed some card, or prayed a prayer, or got baptized. But if you never have cried out in repentance and faith and asked God for mercy because you never have realized how sinful you are and how deserving you are of eternal punishment. If you only knew the gift of God that is Jesus Christ and his wonderful offer towards you, you would forsake your sins and run to God and beg him for mercy. And He would give it to you! But She doesn’t know who he is yet. And Jesus is so patient. What is living water? This is the ever-satisfying salvation applied to someone by the Holy Spirit through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross that washes the believer clean and removes all sins granting them eternal life in the presence of God forever because of the savior Jesus. Jesus isn’t talking about anything this world can offer but only what He can offer.
3. Now the woman doesn’t understand what Jesus is meaning. She thinks he is referring to the well they are at. She tells him “you don’t have anything to draw with” therefore how can you give me any water? Jacob was the one who dug the well and gave people the water, she mentions he gave it to himself, his family and livestock or resources. Jacob provided water. So she asks are you greater than the one who dug this? Can you give us something he could not? Are you someone whom is greater than Jacob? The reality is Jesus is greater than all.
3. Now the woman doesn’t understand what Jesus is meaning. She thinks he is referring to the well they are at. She tells him “you don’t have anything to draw with” therefore how can you give me any water? Jacob was the one who dug the well and gave people the water, she mentions he gave it to himself, his family and livestock or resources. Jacob provided water. So she asks are you greater than the one who dug this? Can you give us something he could not? Are you someone whom is greater than Jacob? The reality is Jesus is greater than all.
#2 Jesus is Final
#2 Jesus is Final
1. Vs 13 Jesus says that anyone who drinks from the water at the well will get thirsty again. This word thirsty means to have a desire for water, for some sort of liquid to quench the desire to drink. Have a strong desire to attain something. Anyone who takes a drink from this world knows it never lasts. Everything that this world has to offer is temporary and ends at some point. I’ve always told people and try to remind myself when giving people who are homeless things like money and food, that tomorrow they will need more money and they’ll need more food. You fed them a burger and that’s good, but tomorrow they will need something else to eat because it never lasts. But Jesus said that what he provides which is salvation the living water will never end! Anyone who drinks of it will forever be satisfied. So when you give a homeless person food or give your neighbor holiday cookies Give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ that their soul might be satisfied forever because those who drink of the living water by repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus will have peace with God, their sins will be removed because Jesus has paid for them with his blood, they will know Jesus and Jesus will know them, and it will be final once and for all because Jesus is enough He is FINAL! We live in a culture that says the things of real value in this life are the things of this world and you can find salvation anywhere you want to as long as you believe. Money, drugs, fame, sex, health, fitness, cars, houses, sports, pornography, Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism, and all false religions, you name it. That’s why things like abortion killing babies in this country and around the world run rampant because people have bought the lie that life is about them and their wants and desires and therefore if a baby gets in my way of my happiness and comfort I can kill it and move on. People are searching for something to satisfy their souls and cleanse their consciences of their guilt and sin, and they will look for it anywhere and it will always lead to sin sorrow and death if it’s not found in Jesus! He’s the only way of salvation! I’m not saying people are searching for Jesus because we know the Bible says, “no one seeks after God”. That means that when you got saved you weren’t seeking after God and neither was I, but God was seeking after us. Thank you God for Jesus and his great love towards us rebels. This woman didn’t come out to the well looking for Jesus, she came out looking for water. But Jesus the Son of God was looking for her and he met her at the well that afternoon after a long walk in the hot son ready to freely give her living water which is forgiveness of sins. Jesus is looking for you this morning, maybe you came her today last minuet even though you wanted to sleep in this morning. And you don’t know why you’re here, it’s because Jesus wants to save you. Maybe you’ve been going to church, but you know you’re lost, Jesus wants to save you and forgive you. But you have to know he is the only way, He is Final.
1. Vs 13 Jesus says that anyone who drinks from the water at the well will get thirsty again. This word thirsty means to have a desire for water, for some sort of liquid to quench the desire to drink. Have a strong desire to attain something. Anyone who takes a drink from this world knows it never lasts. Everything that this world has to offer is temporary and ends at some point. I’ve always told people and try to remind myself when giving people who are homeless things like money and food, that tomorrow they will need more money and they’ll need more food. You fed them a burger and that’s good, but tomorrow they will need something else to eat because it never lasts. But Jesus said that what he provides which is salvation the living water will never end! Anyone who drinks of it will forever be satisfied. So when you give a homeless person food or give your neighbor holiday cookies Give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ that their soul might be satisfied forever because those who drink of the living water by repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus will have peace with God, their sins will be removed because Jesus has paid for them with his blood, they will know Jesus and Jesus will know them, and it will be final once and for all because Jesus is enough He is FINAL! We live in a culture that says the things of real value in this life are the things of this world. The American dream is still the mark of success and value in our culture, a big house and family that makes a lot of money. And you’ve got all kinds of other areas in life that lie to you, that you can find salvation anywhere you want to as long as you believe. You can find satisfaction in Money, drugs, fame, sex, health, fitness, cars, houses, sports, pornography, Islam, Catholicism, Buddhism, and all false religions, you name it. That’s why things like abortion killing babies in this country and around the world run rampant because people have bought the lie that life is about them and their wants and desires and therefore if a baby gets in my way of my happiness and comfort I can kill it and move on. People are searching for something to satisfy their souls and cleanse their consciences of their guilt and sin, and they will look for it anywhere and it will always lead to sin sorrow and death if it’s not found in Jesus! He’s the only way of salvation! Only he can cleanse your conscience and guilt by removing your sins. I’m not saying people are searching for Jesus because we know the Bible says, “no one seeks after God”. I’ve heard people say and I’ve said it to but it’s not true, we say when sharing our testimony “when I found God”, but we didn’t find him he found us. We were lost. That means that when you got saved you weren’t seeking after God and neither was I, but God was seeking after us. Thank you God for Jesus and his great love towards us as rebels. And like our world this woman is searching, just not for Jesus. This woman didn’t come out to the well looking for Jesus, she came out looking for water. But Jesus the Son of God was looking for her and he met her at the well that afternoon after a long walk in the hot son ready to freely give her living water which is forgiveness of sins. Jesus is looking for you this morning, maybe you came here today last minuet even though you wanted to sleep in this morning. And you don’t know why you’re here, it’s because Jesus wants to save you. Maybe you’ve been going to church, but you know you’re lost, Jesus wants to save you and forgive you. But you have to know he is the only way, He is Final.
2. Now the Woman responds to Jesus and asks for this living water. She still thinks he is referring to physical water like that of the well because of her reply, “give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and come here to draw water”. This is common among people even today, people come to Jesus, they pray a prayer, they join a Church and they declare they are saved all for the wrong reason. They come to Jesus because they think their life will get better. You see this woman thought she would never have to come draw water again because she would never thirst. I mean that’s what Jesus said right? But that’s not what he meant. Maybe she thought he was a magician who could perform this act and make her life better like the genie in a lamp, giving her a never-ending supply of Dasani water. The Church in America at large has many professing Christians who came to Jesus with the same motive they have for going to the mall, to get something they want. They come to Jesus because they heard he’ll make life better. They come to Jesus because they heard he’ll give them a better job. They come to Jesus because it makes them look religious and like a good person. Or maybe it was because they were depressed and they wanted happiness, or they were sick and wanted healing. But Jesus didn’t come as God wrapped in flesh to suffer and die on a cross so that you could have a Camaro, He came to seek and save the lost to purchase sinners by his blood. He came for provide forgiveness of sins so that all who realize their guilt and desperate need will come to him in faith.
2. Now the Woman responds to Jesus and asks for this living water. She still thinks he is referring to physical water like that of the well because of her reply in verse 15, “give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and come here to draw water”. This is common among people even today, people come to Jesus, they pray a prayer, they join a Church and they declare they are saved all for the wrong reason. They come to Jesus because they think their life will get better. You see this woman thought she would never have to come draw water again because she would never thirst. I mean that’s what Jesus said right? But that’s not what he meant. Maybe she thought he was a magician who could perform this act and make her life better like the genie in a lamp, giving her a never-ending supply of Dasani water. The Church in America at large has many professing Christians who came to Jesus with the same motive they have for going to the mall, to get something they want out of it. They come to Jesus because they heard he’ll make life better. They come to Jesus because they heard he’ll give them a better job. They come to Jesus because it makes them look religious and like a good person. Or maybe it was because they were depressed and they wanted happiness, or they were sick and wanted healing. But Jesus didn’t come as God wrapped in flesh to suffer and die on a cross so that you could have a Camaro, He came to seek and save the lost to purchase sinners by his blood. He came for provide forgiveness of sins so that all who realize their guilt and desperate need will come to him in faith. And HE is the ONLY way that a sinner can be justified before a Holy God. Listen Church let me make this clear, in a culture that hates the truth and hates hearing that there is only one way but that’s what Jesus said in “I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the father but by me”. If you go to anyone else is this world, they cannot help you and forgive you before God only Jesus can, and he will forgive you completely and totally every sin you ever done or will do because Jesus is final! The cross needs nothing extra added to it.
#3 Jesus is forgiving.
#3 Jesus is forgiving.
1. Verse 16 Jesus tells this woman to go get her husband and bring him to the well. Why? I’ve got three nephews and one niece, and my niece who is about to be 1 her name is Blake. She is adorable, but she gets mad when her toys don’t do what she wants them to do. She’s got this toy that has the shapes on them, the square, triangle and so on. And this toy comes with blocks that are those shapes, you have to put the shape in the same hole it’s designed for. Well Blake doesn’t know, and she tries to put the square block in the triangle hole, and it won’t go, and she gets mad! She starts banging on it and yelling, and we come over and move her hand to the right spot and it goes in and she’s happy again. Then she’ll do it all over, you know how it goes. Well my nephew who is three, and he knows the shapes now, so if he plays it there is no issue because he knows where they go. Now I know there is an age difference, but what is the difference between them, one has knowledge and the other doesn’t. This woman at the well does NOT have knowledge of her sins that leads her to see her need for this living water which is Jesus. This is why Jesus asks her to bring her husband, he knows it will uncover her sin in her life by using the law. In verse 17 she responds truthfully telling Jesus that she doesn’t have a husband. Jesus already knew that because He is God and this is a demonstration of his deity, but he did it to remove the veil over her eyes, so that she could see her true need was not water, but forgiveness.
1. Verse 16 Jesus tells this woman to go get her husband and bring him to the well. Why? I’ve got three nephews and one niece, and my niece who is about to be 1 her name is Blake. She is adorable, but she gets mad when her toys don’t do what she wants them to do. She’s got this toy that has the shapes on them, the square, triangle and so on. And this toy comes with blocks that are those shapes, you have to put the shape in the same hole it’s designed for. Well Blake doesn’t know, she doesn’t have that knowledge yet, and she tries to put the square block in the triangle hole, and it won’t go, and she gets mad! She starts banging on it trying to force it and yelling, and we come over and move her hand to the right spot and it goes in and she’s happy again. Then she’ll do it all over, you know how it goes. Well my nephew who is three, he has knowledge and knows the shapes now, so if he plays it there is no issue because he knows where they go. Now I know there is an age difference, but what is the difference between them, one has knowledge and the other doesn’t. This woman at the well does NOT have knowledge of her sins that leads her to see her need for this living water which is Jesus. This is why Jesus asks her to bring her husband, he knows it will uncover her sin in her life by using the law. In verse 17 she responds truthfully telling Jesus that she doesn’t have a husband. Jesus already knew that because He is God and this is a demonstration of his deity, but he did it to remove the veil over her eyes, so that she could see her true need was not water, but forgiveness.
2. Jesus responds and says you have told the truth, and then he goes deeper. Verse 18 he shows her her desperate need for salvation that only he can provide. This woman has had five husbands, I don’t know if this means that they have all died and she keeps getting remarried, or if each one was a divorce. Most likely a divorce because she is currently living with someone in sin who is not her husband. Jesus isn’t being mean and uncovering her sin so that he can make fun of her. He is doing it because he is loves her and he is giving her knowledge so that she might see her need for forgiveness. You will NEVER truly repent and trust in Jesus unless you understand your desperate need for his work on the cross and God opens your eyes to the truth. You might ask how can you understand your need? Look at the law of God! God said thou shalt have no other God’s before me, yet time and time again we will skip Church for our God of football, or sleep, or relaxation. God said make no graven images and yet we will worship our phones, our jobs, social media, money, God said thou shall not use my name in vain and yet many of us still in a moment of shock or disgust will drag his name through the mud and say OMG or watch movies and shows that blaspheme God’s name constantly. God said keep the sabbath Holy yet many times even at Crosspointe the attendance on Sunday night and Wednesdays just shows what we really value. God said honor thy father and mother, but we have all disobeyed them. God said do not murder and Jesus said if you even hate someone you have murdered in your heart, therefore we are all guilty. God said do not commit adultery and Jesus said if you even have sexual desires for someone that is not your spouse you have committed adultery; we are all guilty. God said do not steal, or lie, or desire those things which are not yours. We are all hopelessly and completely lost and guilty deserving God’s eternal punishment.
2. Jesus responds and says you have told the truth, and then he goes deeper. Verse 18 he shows her her desperate need for salvation that only he can provide. This woman has had five husbands, I don’t know if this means that they have all died and she keeps getting remarried, or if each one was a divorce. Most likely a divorce because she is currently living with someone in sin who is not her husband. Jesus isn’t being mean and uncovering her sin so that he can make fun of her. He is doing it because he is loves her and he is giving her knowledge so that she might see her need for forgiveness. You will NEVER truly repent and trust in Jesus unless you understand your desperate need for his work on the cross. You might ask how can you understand your need? Look at the law of God! God said thou shalt have no other God’s before me, yet time and time again we will skip Church for our God of football, or sleep, or relaxation. God said make no graven images and yet we will worship our phones, our jobs, social media, money, God said thou shall not use my name in vain and yet many of us still in a moment of shock or disgust will drag his name through the mud and say OMG or watch movies and shows that blaspheme God’s name constantly. God said keep the sabbath Holy yet many times even at Crosspointe the attendance on Sunday night and Wednesdays just shows what we really value, and it’s not God. God said honor thy father and mother, but we have all disobeyed them. God said do not murder and Jesus said if you even hate someone you have murdered in your heart, therefore we are all guilty. God said do not commit adultery and Jesus said if you even have sexual desires for someone that is not your spouse you have committed adultery; we are all guilty. God said do not steal, or lie, or desire those things which are not yours. We are all hopelessly and completely lost and guilty deserving God’s eternal punishment.
3. But thank God that Jesus Christ is forgiving! Thank God that his Son Jesus took my place on that cross and died as if he was Noah Corse, as if he had broken those commandants a thousand times over. Listen you can be forgiven today too! This woman is a picture of us, she is broken, lost, hopeless, and a wretched sinner who needs a savior. That’s you this morning, that’s me. Whatever you’ve done or are currently doing you can be forgiven and changed by Jesus Christ today if you’ll call out to him for mercy and trust in Him. Don’t leave this place until you’ve done that. You see this woman was an adulterer, she was the town reject. And everyone knew what she was about what she had done, and that’s why most likely that this woman came to the well alone in the hottest part of the day. He is the shocking part though; Jesus knew who she was. He knew what she had done, and yet he died for her anyway. This morning Jesus knows who you are, he knows you’re a sinner, he knows how many times you have rejected him, he knows how many times you’ve looked at pornography or blasphemed his name he knows all your sinful deeds you’ve done in darkness when you thought no one was looking And the Bible says in , “God Demonstrates his own love for us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us”.
3. But thank God that Jesus Christ is forgiving! Thank God that his Son Jesus took my place on that cross and died as if he was Noah Corse, as if he had broken those commandants a thousand times over. Listen you can be forgiven today too! This woman is a picture of us, she is broken, lost, hopeless, and a wretched sinner who needs a savior. That’s you this morning, that’s me. Whatever you’ve done or are currently doing you can be forgiven and changed by Jesus Christ today if you’ll call out to him for mercy and trust in Him. Don’t leave this place until you’ve done that.
4. Will you trust in that kind savior today? Christian will you fall on your knees in gratitude today and thank Jesus for what he has done and begin to serve him and live for him. Don’t leave without trusting in Jesus and getting right this morning. Jesus is willing, He is Final, and He is forgiving. Thank God for our savior Jesus Christ.