Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Book Context: John has written this book so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, and by believing that you may have life in his name.
Prior Context: Jesus was with his disciples and they were baptizing more people than John the Baptist.
People begin to question John asking if he cares and he says, “He must increase, but I must decrease”.
The Son (Jesus) is from heaven, and ANYONE who believes has eternal life, but those who reject him have God’s wrath on themselves.
Prior Context: Jesus was with his disciples and they were baptizing more people than John the Baptist.
People begin to question John asking if he cares and he says, “He must increase, but I must decrease”.
The Son (Jesus) is from heaven, and ANYONE who believes has eternal life, but those who reject him have God’s wrath on themselves.
M.O.T: Evangelistic
M.O.T: Evangelistic
C.I.T: Jesus is the only source of salvation for everyone, therefore run to the fountain and ask for a drink.
C.I.T: Jesus is the only source of salvation for everyone, therefore run to the fountain and ask for a drink.
Thesis: You can try everything life has to offer, but Only Jesus the Son of God can give salvation and peace with God.
Thesis: You can try everything life has to offer, but Only Jesus the Son of God can give salvation and peace with God.
Proposition: Come to Jesus and ask him for his great mercy and grace and he will give it to you.
Proposition: Come to Jesus and ask him for his great mercy and grace and he will give it to you.
“Jesus our Living Water”
“Jesus our Living Water”
Introduction: Have you ever seen something that was on sale and you had to get it!
You know it’s a great deal, it’s 40% off or it’s 70% off and I have a 30% off coupon and you think I have got to buy that.
You justify that purchase by saying things like “the deal won’t last, I need that for work, if we had that our lives would be better”.
Sometimes when our spouse or parents don’t allow us to get that item, we begin to use the blame tactic.
“Well remember when you bought that expensive thing we didn’t need, therefore I deserve to buy this”.
We are American people and a mark of being an American is having many material things.
We have a bunch of stuff don’t we.
Even our homeless here carry carts full of stuff.
I am not saying it’s wrong I’m just saying that’s how it is.
What if I told you the best thing you could ever have was free?
Not on sale, not half off, but a free gift.
That’s a good deal isn’t it.
What if I told you that gift was Jesus, and you could be satisfied in Jesus forever, and it’s a free gift for you that can’t buy but will cost you everything.
There are two downsides to having a lot of stuff, you begin to believe you have it all and need nothing, or you believe you need more and you’re always looking for the net item, the next sale, and you’re never content with what you have.
Both of these have a heart full of pride.
But Jesus Christ is the only one who can satisfy and provide forgiveness of sins bringing us into right relationship with a Holy God.
Introduction: Have you ever seen something that was on sale and you had to get it!
You know it’s a great deal, it’s 40% off or it’s 70% off and I have a 30% off coupon and you think I have got to buy that.
You justify that purchase by saying things like “the deal won’t last, I need that for work, if we had that our lives would be better”.
Sometimes when our spouse or parents don’t allow us to get that item, we begin to use the blame tactic.
“Well remember when you bought that expensive thing we didn’t need, therefore I deserve to buy this”.
We are American people and a mark of being an American is having many material things.
We have a bunch of stuff don’t we.
Even our homeless here carry carts full of stuff.
I am not saying it’s wrong I’m just saying that’s how it is.
What if I told you the best thing you could ever have was free?
Not on sale, not half off, but a free gift.
That’s a good deal isn’t it.
What if I told you that gift was Jesus, and you could be satisfied in Jesus forever, and it’s a free gift for you that can’t buy but will cost you everything.
There are two downsides to having a lot of stuff, you begin to believe you have it all and need nothing, or you believe you need more and you’re always looking for the net item, the next sale, and you’re never content with what you have.
Both of these have a heart full of pride.
But Jesus Christ is the only one who can satisfy and provide forgiveness of sins bringing us into right relationship with a Holy God.
#1 Jesus is Willing
#1 Jesus is Willing
The Samaritans came about in 722 BC when the Assyrians had captured Samaria.
They Assyrians had many of the Israelites deported, some stayed behind and when the Assyrians moved in, they intermarried.
The Jews considered the intermarried as half-breeds and a disgrace.
They hated each other, I would try to use an analogy to help demonstrate how they felt about each other but all I have to say is Ohio state and Michigan and you get the idea.
I’m just kidding, it wasn’t that bad.
Jesus meets this woman at the well, which is still there today, and he meets her at noon.
This is the hottest part of the day and Jesus is on a three-day hiking trip towards galilee by foot.
He’s tired, He’s hungry, this shows us his humanity because Jesus was a man and he was God.
And so he sits down at this well when this woman comes to draw water and he begins to talk to her.
Now his disciples aren’t there, and this woman comes to the well alone most likely because she was a great sinner and outcast to society.
The woman in that culture would travel together when they went to the well to acquire water.
They would go at times when it wasn’t so hot like early in the morning, or a little later in the evening when the sun was going down.
But she comes alone.
And Jesus needs a drink because he’s thirsty and so he uses this as an opportunity to talk to this woman.
And he asks her for a drink.
I mean think about that, the one who created the waters and calms storms asks his creation for a drink.
Thank God for the humility and patience of Jesus towards us.
The king of Kings has asked his creation for a drink and she responds with “why are you talking to me”.
Imagine if the president asked you for a drink, you better bring him that drink.
The Jewish Mishnah of purities (This was Jewish man-made customs) had deemed this woman continually unclean from birth because she was a daughter of Samaritans.
Verse 9 literally means that “Jews do not use dishes that Samaritans have used”.
Have you ever grabbed the wrong piece of pizza at a family gathering?
You know you’re all lined up to get some pizza because it’s finally been delivered and it’s hot and ready, and you go up and inevitably you grab a piece of pizza and someone behind you says, “hey I was going to grab that piece”.
< .5
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> .9