A Life Well Wasted

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We are glad you are here today!
We have a big day today!
In between services, we will have baptisms - so stick around for that.
Today is our Mission Sunday!
We are going to be digging into God’s Word and asking Him what it is that He has called us to - as a church and how we can obey Him in that calling.

Today’s Text

We will be in the book of Amos this morning - which is nestled in among the minor prophets.
If you are using an archaic version of the Bible where you have to flip there, instead of scroll there, it is about 2/3 the way through the Bible - if you find Ezekiel, keep going right and you will get there pretty quickly.
Before we dive in, I want to pray - asking the Lord to meet with us and move our hearts for His glory!

Pray - to open service


- It is likely that you have no idea who this man is -
- William’s father had made a fortune mining silver in Colorado.
College pastor - asked to lead college students onto the field - Blind leading blind…
- William and his siblings lacked nothing that they needed…
- He was a brilliant student and graduated high school at the age of 16.
- He went on to attend Yale university where he excelled in his studies.
- When he graduated, as a graduation gift, his parents sent him on a trip around the world - where he visited places throughout Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
- It was on this trip where Borden began to develop a deep burden for the lost and hurting around the world.
- He wrote a letter to his parents informing them of his desire to serve as a missionary overseas, working with Muslims in China - knowing that he would receive resistance
- One of his friends, after hearing about this, said that Borden would be “throwing his life away as a missionary”
- Knowing that this decision would cost him a life of opulence and plenty, he wrote the words “No Reserves” in his Bible.
- Knowing that this decision would cost him a life of opulence and plenty, he wrote the words “No Reserves” in his Bible.
- After graduation from Yale, and after turning down multiple high paying job opportunities, he wrote the words “No Retreats” in his Bible.
- We went on to graduate from Princeton Seminary and then boarded a boat headed for Cairo Egypt where he intended to study Arabic in preparation for his ministry to the Muslim world.
- Just four months into his studies in Egypt, Borden contracted meningitis and within a month, Bordon’s 25 years on this earth came to a close.
- In the days before his death, he wrote the words “No Regrets” in his Bible.
- There were many back here in the United states that would have said that William wasted his life… And perhaps, in man’s economy, his life was wasted, but it was beautifully wasted for the glory of God.
On his grave stone are inscribed these words: "Apart from faith in Christ, there is no explanation of such a life."
No Reserves, No Retreat, No Regrets
Never been on a mission trip like that - no idea what to expect -
I knew: it was Africa, doing something with Bible stories and students, and there would be a safari.

On his grave were inscribed words suggested by Charles Erdman: "Apart from faith in Christ, there is no explanation of such a life."
What is it that compels people like Borden to walk away from everything that they have known, to risk it all, and to offer their lives up to the Lord like a blank check?
We will spend much of our time in the book of Amos this morning - which is nestled in among the minor prophets.
If you are using an archaic version of the Bible where you have to flip there, instead of scroll there, it is about 2/3 the way through the Bible - if you find Ezekiel, keep going right and you will get there pretty quickly.
We already read our passage but I want to read it again, and let’s try and pick up on what Amos is saying…
After all, this was written by a shepherd about 2800 years ago… so we may have a very difficult time connecting the dots to what Amos was actually saying…
Not only that, will there be anything in here that we can actually relate to?
Amos 6:4-6a
Amos 6:4–6a ESV
4 “Woe to those who lie on beds of ivory and stretch themselves out on their couches, and eat lambs from the flock and calves from the midst of the stall, 5 who sing idle songs to the sound of the harp and like David invent for themselves instruments of music, 6 who drink wine in bowls and anoint themselves with the finest oils, but are not grieved over the ruin of Joseph!

4  “Woe to those who lie on beds of ivory

and stretch themselves out on their couches,

and eat lambs from the flock

and calves from the midst of the stall,

5  who sing idle songs to the sound of the harp

and like David invent for themselves instruments of music,

6  who drink wine in bowls

and anoint themselves with the finest oils,

Perhaps this text speaks more specifically to our culture than we might have realized before.
There are many aspects of life for us, in 2020 that mirror what was going on in Amos’ day
We live in a day where we are told we need to replace our mattresses every 8 years and to do this, we have to sell a kidney or mortgage our house.
The centerpiece of our home is our couch where we spend countless hours watching TV and lounging around.
As Americans, we will eat on average 224 lbs of meat this year.
We are a culture that is saturated with music - and it’s always playing - whether through earbuds, in our car speakers, or over the speakers in the store, there are always songs that are feeding information into our heads - created by people who are looking for new ways to communicate their message.
We live in a time where we have the option to buy a wine glass that will hold an entire bottle of wine - because apparently someone needs that.
And some of us are spending our children’s college funds on essential oils.
This is slightly disconcerting because this whole thing begins with WOE to those who do these things!
Is Amos saying that it is a sin to own a Tempurpedic mattress or that if we enjoy lamb chops that we are somehow breaking faith and covenant with the Lord??
Before you decide to get rid of your mattress and sleep on a cot or renounce meat and go vegan, this is NOT a prohibition against these things.
Amos isn’t going after the things that the people enjoyed, but rather after the arrogance and false sense of security that the people had in their lifestyle
They derived their identity from their lifestyle which was
It’s about the WHY we pursue these things that becomes the problem.
First, he is attacking the arrogance and false sense of security that the people had in their lifestyle
The Lord was angry at the things that these people were pursuing because these things were where they were placing their affections and devotion…
Instead of pursuing the Lord’s calling, they pursued their own comfort, satisfaction, security, and meaning.
It was also coming at a very steep cost to others- which we will talk about in a few minutes.
It was also coming at a very steep cost to others- which we will talk about in a few minutes.

1. Am I pursuing Comfort or a Calling? vv. 4-6

Amos’ words were aimed squarely at people who were unrelenting in their pursuit of worldly pleasures and comfort.
They were living in a peaceful time, they were stable politically, they had a strong military, and they had come into a season of prosperity
There was a fair degree of political stability - and there wasn’t a
They had a robust military and were not living in constant fear of being overrun by hostile nations.
The result was that they entered into a season of great prosperity.
They had this mindset that if things were good, then the Lord must be pleased with them - and perhaps even approved of how they were choosing to live.
IT even went a step further into them believing that the Lord
Because of this, they assumed that whatever they did would be blessed by Him.
But they were neglecting their worship of the Lord and elevating their devotion to their own comfort and indulgence.
They were still religious, offering sacrifices at the temple, but it had zero impact on their hearts.
To get a better idea of who we are talking about - these are church people who can say the right things, and even do the right things, but their hearts have not been transformed by God.
They’re counterfeits.
They were simply going through the motions and their hearts were far from God
yet they were so deceived that they believed that they were living lives that were pleasing to God.
If we are not careful, we can find ourselves beginning to walk down that same road.
In a deep tragedy, they
I think that this has happened to a large degree within the western church.
Our hearts are endless pits of desires - surrounded by people telling us we need this or that…
If you buy this, it will improve your life and enrich your heart…
If you own this, it will make your life safer and things will be more predictable…
If you take this, it will make you a better version of you.
College students, this is something that many of you are wrestling with right now - as you face the next steps of perhaps entering the marketplace!
You gotta get that good job!
Find that solid internship
Make sure you are weighing your options and getting the best offer possible from the best company you can…
After all, you are building your resume and people are going to see that.
I understand that there are things that we need
It’s so bad that if I mention to Cammy that I think it’s time to buy new shoes, guess what ads pop up on my facebook feed… New Balance.
I understand that we need stuff…
But when these things become catalysts to create the most comfortable, safe, and predictable life possible, then we have crossed the line into idolatry of self
At it’s core, it’s idolatry of self.
And the idolatry of self will cause you to sacrifice anything necessary to achieve your desires - forcing us to live as though we are the center of the universe.
This is why I ask the question, are you pursuing comfort or calling…
It is one or the other - but not both.
It is impossible to pursue both comfort (safety, predictability, security) AND God’s calling on your life.
It just isn’t how the Lord works and the pursuit of both are incompatible
They take us in opposite directions… it’s like trying to right and left at the same time.
The pursuit of Comfort is meant to terminate on us
The pursuit of Calling is meant to terminate on God
The pursuit of Comfort places us as the central figure
The pursuit of Calling places the Lord as the central figure
Because we live in a culture that is all about self - we are continually and aggressively told to pursue comfort and to find our identity in things
Unfortunately, the

Comfort at the cost of others

One of the things that we fail to recognize in the pursuit of comfort is that it usually comes at the expense of someone else...
Comfort will aggressively assert itself on us… targeted advertising.
Why is this so bad?
Look at the last part of v. 6…
These people are all about these things…
Amos is addressing people who are pursuing all of these things…
This is part of what the Lord was so upset about - look at the last part of v. 6 here
- but are not grieved over the ruin of Joseph!
And the idolatry of self will cause you to sacrifice anything you have to in order to achieve your desires - including other people…
This is part of what the Lord was so upset about - look at the last part of v. 6 here
These people are all about these things…
- but are not grieved over the ruin of Joseph!
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). (). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.

2. Am I grieved for those who are ruined? v.6

This reference that Amos is bringing up goes all the way back to
Do you remember the story?
Joseph is the youngest child of Jacob - and the target of his brothers’ wrath.
They overpowered him, stripped off his robe, threw him in a pit and sold him as a common slave
Why? Because he threatened their own comfort and exaltation.
And when their opportunity comes, they sell their brother into slavery - because their own comfort and exaltation was their highest aim.
As they are eating, the devise a way to get rid of him AND make some money with the deal - they sold him into slavery.
John Piper - “When God ceases to be the treasure of your heart, more than likely your heart will fasten itself on the pleasures and comforts of this life. And unless God graciously intervenes, your addiction to comfort will make you indifferent to honesty and hardened against the poor.
When God ceases to be the treasure of your heart, more than likely your heart will fasten itself on the pleasures and comforts of this life. And unless God graciously intervenes, your addiction to comfort will make you indifferent to honesty and hardened against the poor.
Self-centeredness, the pursuit of comfort, and the exaltation of self will numb us to the struggles of our fellow man - perhaps to even use them to get what we want.
Have we become people who are experts at loving ourselves that we are blind to the ruin of others?
Have we completely missed the command that Jesus spoke in that the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself?
It is really hard to be grieved by something that we refuse to see…
people in Amos’ day were so absorbed in loving themselves, that they had no care for those whose lives were being ruined on the altar of their comfort!
people in Amos’ day were so absorbed in loving themselves, that they had no care for those whose lives were being ruined on the altar of their comfort!
Sadly, the Church (at least from my perspective) seems to have refused to see the reality of what is happening around the world.
It’s reflected in what churches spend their time doing…
Programs to keep their people busy but no discipleship to launch them out
Multiple services with different styles of music so that you can worship Christ in the way that you want to
Buildings that cost millions of dollars and filled with the necessary accoutrements to keep people happy
We have become so inwardly focused that we have missed the ruin of other people - people who are image bearers of God.
We are not grieved over the ruin of other people - people who are image bearers of God.

What is it that we should be grieved by?

There are over 5 billion people on the planet who do not claim Christianity
3.19 billion of those are what we call Unreached - meaning that there is no significant Christian movement happening among their people - and statistically they will never even walk past a Christian.
Billions of people who when their lungs stop transferring oxygen to their blood and their brain function ceases, they will enter a Christ-less eternity and any hope, however small, that they had on this earth will have vanished.
The natural question is about missionaries - right?
Aren’t the missionaries taking care of this?
There are roughly 400,000 “Christian missionaries” serving in the world today (this includes Catholics and protestants).
Of these 400,000, only 3% are going to that unreached portion of the world
There are roughly 400,000 “Christian missionaries” serving in the world today (this includes Catholics and protestants).
Of these 400,000, only 3% are going to that unreached portion of the world
For every 30 missionaries who deploy this year, only 1 will go to somewhere that is Unreached with the Gospel.
For every 30 missionaries who deploy this year, only 1 will go to these places.
Currently, there are about 13,000 workers attempting to reach 3.19 Billion people…
Currently, there are about 13,000 workers attempting to reach 3.19 Billion people…
If you are doing the math, thats about one missionary for every 245,000 people.
If you are doing the math, thats about one missionary for every 245,000 people.
In other words, the odds aren’t good
We could redeploy every one of the current 400,000 cross cultural workers to these people and there would still be only 1 missionary for every 8,000 people.
This should grieve us!!
There is a need for literally hundreds of thousands of more workers.
Let’s talk for a moment about a specific place - Take for instance Indonesia…
Take for instance a place like Indonesia…
It is the largest Muslim nation - with approximately 234 Unreached People Groups
these 234 people groups represent around 170 million people who have little chance of hearing - much less responding - to the Gospel.
What is it like for an Indonesian Muslim? Listen to these words from a friend of mine who serves there…
“Life for an Indonesian Muslim is in many ways, hopeless. They believe that their best chance to get to heaven is by fulfilling all of the rituals and requirements of Islam - saying the Shahada, praying 5 times per day, fasting during Ramadan, giving to the poor in hopes their charity will be returned to them, and going on a pilgrimage to Mecca if they are able. They have been raised to think that this is the way to heaven. Their life is one of rote ritual even though most don’t really know what the Quran actually says, only what they’ve been told that it says. Most will go to witch doctors and follow old ancestral animistic beliefs in addition to their Islamic rituals. It is common to see amulets (good luck charms) and fetishes (little idols to spirits) being worn or hanging somewhere in their homes. Because there is no assurance of heaven, people are fatalistic (everything is predetermined and therefore inevitable) and so they only live for today. Their faith is about doing, without any inward change. Because of this, hypocrisy is rampant, corruption is found at all levels of society, divorce is common, and trust is almost impossible to find. It is a truly dark lifestyle in which they live.”
Life for an Indonesian Muslim is very hopeless. People believe their best chance at heaven is to do all the rituals and requirements of saying the Shahada or Islamic statement of faith, doing the 5 daily prayer times, fasting during Ramadan, giving to the poor in hopes their charity will be returned to them, and going on the Hajj (pilgramage) to Mecca if they are able. They have had this training since they were children. They think their religion is God’s way to heaven. Their life really is all about doing these rituals. In fact most Indonesian Muslims don’t know what the Quran says, only what they’ve been taught it says. Most go to witch doctors and follow old ancestral animistic beliefs along with doing the Islamic rituals. It is common to see amulets and fetishes worn or hanging somewhere in the homes. Because there is no assurance of heaven, people are fatalistic (everything is predetermined and therefore inevitable) and so they only live for today. People don’t commit, or be honest, using God as an excuse saying Inshallah (if God wills it) for everything even as simple as do you want to meet later today?
Islam is very outward, about doing. There is no inward change, and therefore is very hypocritical by nature, explaining the high rate of corruption at all levels of society, high rates of cheating and divorce, untrusting nature of people, etc.
Try to imagine that life, paired with the fact that you have no knowledge of Christ.
Women who are trying to raise their children and
You do not know that the God of all creation wants you to know Him.
You don’t know that He sent His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life!
You don’t know that Jesus died a death that you deserve to give you a life that you couldn’t earn.
You don’t know that He rose from the dead three days later - effectively conquering Satan, sin and death to set you free.
You don’t know that He is coming back one day to deal finally and fully with the brokenness of this world.
And somehow, even though Christ told His followers that “All authority in heaven and earth” had been given to Him, and commanded them to “go and make disciples of all nations”, you have yet to hear this life-altering, eternity changing truth.
Matthew 28:18 ESV
18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Matthew 28:18–20 ESV
18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Mathew 28:18
Which is a little bit shocking considering that there are 2.2 billion people who claim to know Him.
Can you understand why the Lord was so upset with Israel in Amos’ day?
His people were choosing comfort, indulgence, and self-gratification over the redemption of their fellow-man.
Here’s a news flash...
The Lord is heartbroken over the lost people of the world today
He grieves the fact that there are billions of people who have very little chance of ever hearing Jesus’ name.
And this should grieve us as well.

How do I know if I am grieved for those who are ruined?

I think the question is - what will change as a result of me seeing the plight of people around the world?
Will my spending habits change so that I can leverage my resources for the expansion of the Kingdom?
3.19 billion of those are what we call Unreached - meaning that there is no significant Christian movement happening among their people - and statistically they will never even walk past a Christian.
Will I alter my life in such a way that I can play a part in these 3.19 Billion Unreached People being given the opportunity to hear the gospel?
Will my prayer life change to be more globally focused?
Will I be one of those that the Lord has called to GO!
What would our lives look like if we were grieved over those who are ruined?
In 1903, a 16 year old boy by the name of William Borden was on a trip that had been gifted to him by his very wealthy parents for his graduation from high school.
- William’s father had made a fortune mining silver in Colorado.
- William and his siblings lacked nothing that they needed…
- he visited places throughout Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
- He was a brilliant student and graduated high school at the age of 16.
- When he graduated, as a graduation gift, his parents sent him on a trip around the world - where he visited places throughout Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
- While traveling, he developed a deep burden for the lost and hurting around the world and decided that he was going to devote his life to mission work to help these people find hope in the Lord.
- He wrote a letter to his parents informing them of his desire to serve as a missionary overseas, working with Muslims in China - knowing that he would receive resistance
- One of his friends, after hearing about his decision, remarked that he would “throwing his life away as a missionary to those heathens.”
People said that his life would be wasted, but what a well wasted life it would be!
- Knowing that this decision would cost him a life of opulence and plenty, he wrote the words “No Reserves” in his Bible.
- After graduation from Yale, and after turning down multiple high paying job opportunities, he wrote the words “No Retreats” in his Bible.
- We went on to graduate from Princeton Seminary and then boarded a boat headed for Cairo Egypt where he intended to study Arabic in preparation for his ministry to the Muslim world.
- Just four months into his studies in Egypt, Borden contracted meningitis and within a month, Bordon’s 25 years on this earth came to a close.
- He had to answer the Call of the Lord...
- In the days before his death, he wrote the words “No Regrets” in his Bible.
- There were many back here in the United states that would have said that William wasted his life… And perhaps, in man’s economy, his life was wasted, but it was beautifully wasted for the glory of God.
On his grave stone are inscribed these words: "Apart from faith in Christ, there is no explanation of such a life."
No Reserves, No Retreat, No Regrets

3. Will I answer when He calls?

William Borden answered that call…
And Amos answered that call.
Take a look at

“I was no prophet, nor a prophet’s son, but I was a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore figs. 15 But the LORD took me from following the flock, and the LORD said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’ 16 Now therefore hear the word of the LORD.

Amos 7:14–16 ESV
14 Then Amos answered and said to Amaziah, “I was no prophet, nor a prophet’s son, but I was a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore figs. 15 But the Lord took me from following the flock, and the Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’ 16 Now therefore hear the word of the Lord. “You say, ‘Do not prophesy against Israel, and do not preach against the house of Isaac.’
Amos was not a religious leader…
He had no influence to speak of...
He had not been trained in religious studies...
He wasn’t from a family of means…
He was a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore figs.
God called him and look at his response…
God says: “Go, prophesy to my people Israel”
And without a word of argument, Amos says: “now, hear the word of the Lord”
This is Simple obedience - the Lord commanded, Amos obeyed.
When William Borden experienced the call of the Lord, He obeyed
In one of his journal entries, he recorded these words: “Say “no” to self, and “yes” to Jesus every time.”
In fact, in one of his journal entries, he recorded these words: “Say “no” to self, and “yes” to Jesus every time.”
He even rejected the opportunities he had back home to make a TON of money...
Because he was grieved over the fact that there were Chinese Muslims who were perishing apart from the saving knowledge of Christ.
So, after graduating from Princeton, in December of 1913, William Borden boarded a boat bound for Cairo, Egypt where he intended to study Islam and Arabic before embarking for China to minister to the Kansu people.
On April 9th, 1913, just four months after arriving in Egypt, William Borden died after contracting Spinal Meningitis…
He was never able to step into mission that he had dreamed about, but there is no doubt that he had answered the Call of the Lord.
Written in the back of his Bible, his family read these words:
No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets
William Borden exemplified what it looked like to pursue God’s calling over his own comfort.
On his grave stone, these words are inscribed: “Apart from faith in Christ, there is no explanation of such a life.
Will this be said about us?
Will others look at the people of RCB and say, “Apart from faith in Christ, there is no explanation of such a life!”
Or, will we simply be another church, settling for the status quo, planning lots of events that kept you busy but never impacted eternity?
I am unwilling to give myself to the status quo…
I don’t think that Pastor Jonathan or Pastor Kevin want to give themselves to that either…
I pray that is not what you want…
I pray that the life-blood of our church would be found in the bold

Music starts

Church, He has called us to MORE!

Restoration Church Bryan is not, and will not, exist as an end unto itself.
Restoration Church Bryan is not, and will not, exist as an end unto itself.
We will pursue the calling that the Lord has for us and reject the pursuit of comfort!
WHAT does that call look like for us as a church?
We will spend ourselves boldly on the calling of the Lord to make disciples and plant churches...
WHY? because there are billions who do not know Him and He has called us to action.
We will be grieved over the ruin of these billions of people
We embrace the pursuit of a calling that is so much bigger than simply catering to people and assimilating the largest crowd that we can.
We will
We embrace the pursuit of a calling that is so much bigger than simply catering to people and assimilating the largest crowd that we can.
We refuse to ignore the plight of our fellow man, both here in Bryan and beoynd.
We will answer when the Lord calls
His call will lead us outside of these four walls and into the world around us - to the ends of the earth.
Up until now, the Lord has allowed us to invest ourselves in places like:
The Middle East
We have seen the Lord move in some pretty amazing ways - but this is just a drop in the bucket!
We have only just begun!
We believe that the Lord has called us to look for ways to make disciples and plant churches in Indonesia.
We do not know exactly what this will look like, but we want to be faithful to what He has said.
We are praying that we would get to be a part of seeing some of those 170 million unreached people, reached.
We are praying that we would get to be a part of seeing some of those 170 million unreached people, reached.
If the world wants to look at us and tell us that we are wasting our lives, then so be it, we will have lives well wasted!
But they will be lives wasted upon the alter of the Lord - which is no waste at all, but rather the most dignified and meaningful use of our life possible.
THAT is the big picture…
But that begs the question...

RESPONSE TIME: What is YOUR role in this?

Here is where the proverbial “rubber meets the road...”
- After graduation from Yale, and after turning down multiple high paying job opportunities, he wrote the words “No Retreats” in his Bible.
I am going to ask you for a response - but this is not going to be one of those silently reflect and respond things.
Sorry, if you were going to use that time to figure out where to go for lunch…
I am going to ask you to boldly and confidently respond - much like William Borden or Amos.
When I make these calls, I am going to ask that you respond by standing up
I will walk through several levels of engagement with missions for our church


- We went on to graduate from Princeton Seminary and then boarded a boat headed for Cairo Egypt where he intended to study Arabic in preparation for his ministry to the Muslim world.
Before we begin, I need you to know this… Not everyone will be called to each of the areas that I am going to mention.
Please do not feel pressured or manipulated here -
Please do not feel manipulated or pressured from me to stand up.
But if the Lord is telling you to explore that possibility, then I want you to respond.

If you feel that you might be Called to GO… stand up

- Just four months into his studies in Egypt, Borden contracted meningitis and within a month, Bordon’s 25 years on this earth came to a close.
- In the days before his death, he wrote the words “No Regrets” in his Bible.
Before you get up, I want to explain a couple of things…
First - the Lord has NOT called everyone to go… You do not need to feel manipulated or pressured to stand up. But if the Lord is telling you to explore that possibility, then I want you to respond.
Second - what do I mean when I say GO?
There are opportunities open right now to go spend the summer of 2020 in Indonesia, working alongside seasoned workers, making disciples.
- There were many back here in the United states that would have said that William wasted his life… And perhaps, in man’s economy, his life was wasted, but it was beautifully wasted for the glory of God.
If you would say - yeah - I will spend my summer doing that.
On his grave stone are inscribed these words: "Apart from faith in Christ, there is no explanation of such a life."
But this could also be a declaration that you want to go for longer - perhaps becoming a career missionary joining the effort to make disciples among the Indonesian people.
No Reserves, No Retreat, No Regrets
If this is you, I want you to stand up now…
Now, I want you to stay standing…

If you feel that you are called to SEND… stand up

Not everyone is called to actually go… because if everyone was called to go, there would be no one to send them.
What do I mean by called to send?
This means that you will give financially above and beyond your tithe, to see these “Goers” go.
It does not necessarily mean that you will give hundreds of dollars a month to support them - although some of you might - it means that you will support them faithfully through your ongoing support (even if it is small)
I also understand that for some, this is not a possibility. Again, there is no need to feel pressured or manipulated, and the Lord isn’t going to be mad at you for not doing what you cannot do.
I also understand that for some, this is not a possibility. Again, there is no need to feel pressured or manipulated, and the Lord isn’t going to be mad at you for not doing what you cannot do.
If this is you, I want you to stand up now.

If you think you are called to PRAY

Finally, there are some in this room who are called to commited prayer on behalf of those who are called to GO.
You may already be standing and also be called to Pray - and thats great! You can do both!
But if you would say - yep, I will commit to faithfully praying for these people, asking the Lord to protect them, provide for them, and make them fruitful in the harvest
If that is you, I want you to stand up…
Look around church…
You are not alone - your church family is standing with you!
You have each been called by God to be a part of His story to redeem peoples from every tribe, nation, and tongue.
Lord-willing we will get to see a rich harvest brought in as the Lord saves people in Indonesia!
We are excited to walk alongside you in order to sharpen you and embolden you in your calling.
Just think about what He is going to do through this sweet little fellowship in Bryan, Texas!!
Before we move on in worship, I want to ask you to do something…
There are cards that are stapled to your worship guide - and they are so you can let us know what you feel the Lord calling you to do.
These are not commitments, but rather letting us know that it is somewhere on your radar.
If you are called to GO - then we want to touch base with you
There are some resources that we can leverage right now that can begin preparing you for what might be next - but we cannot leverage these resources if we don’t know who you are.
If you are called to SEND - then we want you to be paying attention to when the ones who are called to GO begin moving forward. We want you to be ready to launch them into the harvest.
If you are called to PRAY - then we will be leaning on you as we send our people out onto the field.

Closing Prayer

Thank God!!
Ask that He would glorify Himself
Ask for Him to equip the Goers
Ask for Him to Provide for the senders
Ask for Him to quicken the hears of the prayers
Ask Him to draw people to Himself through the ministry of RCB
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