The longest day ever
Seventh-day Adventist perspective of the Atonement of Christ
12 Then Joshua spoke to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel,
“O asun, stand still at Gibeon,
And O moon in the valley of Aijalon.”
13 aSo the sun stood still, and the moon stopped,
Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies.
Is it not written in bthe book of Jashar? And cthe sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.
Dealing with personal sin
Type Meets Antitype
Later, Jesus came to this earth to live as a person among human beings and show them what God was like, what redemption was all about, and how everything relating to salvation in the Old Testament pointed to Him. He was God, whose nature it was to carry the sins of humanity (Exod 34:5–7; Isa 53:4), and He had come to set man free from the bondage of sin.
This was difficult for the early Christian believers to accept. The sanctuary with its sacrifices and rituals, which had been the center of Jewish religious life for about fifteen centuries, was about to be declared meaningless. The book of Hebrews informs its readers that the sanctuary with its sacrifices never really cleansed or purified anyone (Heb 10:4, 11).
Rather, it had been set up as a “parable” to teach a lesson (Heb 9:9)19—a visual aid of the process and cost of salvation.
Thus, our pioneers came to understand that in 1844—the close of Daniel’s 2300 year prophecy—Christ entered the Most Holy Place to begin the second phase of His priestly ministry as foreshadowed by the Day of Atonement ritual. At the completion of this additional ministry, He will return the second time for His people. From this beginning our pioneers went on to discover a whole series of interlocking truths and the prophetic reasons for the rise and mission of a remnant people in the end of time.
Thus, our pioneers came to understand that in 1844—the close of Daniel’s 2300 year prophecy—Christ entered the Most Holy Place to begin the second phase of His priestly ministry as foreshadowed by the Day of Atonement ritual. At the completion of this additional ministry, He will return the second time for His people. From this beginning our pioneers went on to discover a whole series of interlocking truths and the prophetic reasons for the rise and mission of a remnant people in the end of time.