What to do while waiting?
Christ baptizes with the Holy Ghost, for the destruction of sin, the illumination of the mind, and the consolation of the heart.… Christ’s baptism established and maintained the kingdom
His baptism is now past and He is about to cast Himself upon earth in the unrestrained and unlimited fiery baptism of His disciples by the Holy Spirit.
Just as the resurrection vindicated Jesus’ death on the Cross, so too His indwelling in His followers gave them the power to believe what He had done and tell the world about it. Actually, there could not have been Good Friday without the advent of Christ we celebrate at Christmas, and Good Friday would have been a meaningless martyrdom without the victory of Easter. But Pentecost engenders the gift of faith by which we can know that Christ’s birth, death, and Resurrection were for us! Christ was not finished when He arose from the dead, or ascended to be glorified with reigning power. He came back to give the greatest gift of all—His own Spirit to live in us
The Fulton Street prayer meeting that sparked a revival in America in 1858 began with six people. Within six months there were ten thousand businessmen gathering daily for prayer in New York City, and within two years one million converts were added to the American church (Orr 1953:13). A. T. Pierson said, “There has never been a revival in any country that has not begun in united prayer, and no revival has ever continued beyond the duration of those prayer meetings” (quoted in Orr 1937:47). We must prepare for any fresh outpouring of the Spirit by united, persistent prayer.
So often we are reluctant to assume responsibility for our preparation for Pentecost. The Lord wants to bless us with His Spirit. Prayer and reconciled relationships with ourselves and the people of our lives are the place to begin and then begin again and again all through our Christian adventure.