Desperation to Liberation

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Are we waiting for our liberation to come by the hands of other, or by the power of God?


Desperation to Liberation

The Fourth of July—also known as Independence has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution. On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson. From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, and liberation from Britain. With festivities ranging from fireworks, parades and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues.
What a great way to celebrate a liberation. Today we are going to look at a different type of liberation. One that will be sure to draw a sharp contrast for us on how we should see the bondage that we may have, to the freedoms that Christ has for us. I have to ask the following questions before we read the account in John 5.
Why is it that Christians who believe in the Blood of Christ and the finished work of the cross so often live with blinders on? It’s if they do not understand that Christ has released them to live in victory.
Most believer resist the freedoms that Christ has for them. In the story we will read today, Jesus delivers a man that was paralyzed and set him free to experience life much differently. I would like to offer to you today that he had only watched from the sidelines, now he will be in the starting lineup.

Desperate To Be Free v.3-5

John 5:3–5 NKJV
3 In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had. 5 Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years.
Tied to the environment
He is surrounded by sick people.
I’ve heard it said before that we become slaves to our environment. If that environment includes an atmosphere bondage, then our life will reflect the chains of slavery.
2. Held by chains
He is paralyzed.
His chains, while not self-inflicted, dictated who he was. The Bible calls him a paralyzed man.
How do people see you?
3. Conditioned to his affliction.
38 years of the same.
It’s natural for a person to be so conditioned to their circumstances that they overlook their bondage. What is not seen is the hold that it places on persons mind.

Grasping For Victory v.6-7

John 5:6–7 NKJV
6 When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” 7 The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.”
Longing for the liberation
The pool was in sight.
It’s often that a person can see the victory in front of them without a real understanding of how to walk in it.
Anticipating the outcome.
No one to help him to the pool.
Many times the paralytic, whether that be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual don’t believe that they deserve to step into the waters.
It can be said that it’s easier to live in defeat than it is victory. Allow me to remind you that is a trick of the devil. God wants you to walk in victory!
The water is inviting.
The stirring of the water is drawing.
The water is enticing. Everybody else is walking in victory, why not me. The waters of victory are luring and should be experienced by every believer.

Unexpected Liberation v 6b, 8-9

John 5:8–9 NKJV
8 Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” 9 And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked. And that day was the Sabbath.
His attention is diverted.
Jesus draws his focus away
Your attention to the mission and victory you desire may need to be diverted away from your expectation of the victory. God may be up to something different and just need you to be open to the change.
Freedom from an unexpected source.
Jesus becomes the liberator.
Sometimes how we expect to walk into the troubled waters has never been God’s plan. Keep your options open for you never know how God is going to escort you into liberation.
A circumstance change derailed his bondage.
His Liberation helped him explore life in a new and profound way.
Your liberation and newfound freedom in Christ will take you to places that you could only dream of. It’s only when we walk in the fullness of his deliverance that we see the beautiful plan that he has for us.
Child of God take up your bed and walk for your victory is at hand!
Today I do not know where your heart is, I do not know what defeats you. Could it be that your victory has not come because you have been too focused on how you, yourself will get to the pool?
Let Jesus Deliver you from Desperation to Liberation!
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