Goal, Malady and Means
Goal, Malady and Means
March 19, 1998
PAM 143. Homiletics I
Reverend Luther Strasen
Mark Berlin
1817 Glenwood Ave.
Fort Wayne, In. 46805
The goal of this sermon is to give the congregation assurance that Jesus is with them, in his Spirit, which richly dwells within them, and has equipped them to boldly proclaim his gospel of reconciliation. This would be a faith goal. Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirits guidance and empowerment to his disciples still applies in 1998.
Lock jaw! Are we still in the upper room feeling despondent over our lack of perceived power and authority to proclaim the Good News? Are we still in despair over what we perceive to be our abandonment -- “where is God for us anyway”? Is doubt about Christ’s promises to be with, and guide us, or our ability (which we shouldn’t be trusting in) inhibiting our witness and confession of Christ.
Jesus did send his Spirit of Truth to guide and empower us to be his witnesses. This Spirit, his Spirit, not only guided his disciples but it guides us now into the same truth. What is the truth that Christ’s Spirit guides us to? His Spirit convicts us of our sin and then brings us to the cross and the empty grave. What means does his Spirit use? It uses the Word and the Sacraments, the same holy things that were given to Christ’s disciples. This same Spirit now uses us to boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus.