Living Sacrifices to God
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
The more I see and hear the more solid my conclusion to the state of Christianity in America today. And it is this: In some areas we have accepted a way of life that is contrary to scripture. Where righteousness and holiness are more situational states of being and not the fabric of our lives. Meaning that people have picked and chosen what aspects of Righteousness and Holiness they accept. And reserving this for certain occasions like when we pray, during church service, etc. The life of many in the church has become a hodgepodge of christ-like living and the worldly living. I promise you hat is not the life that Jesus died for us to have.
If you read chapters 10-11 you will see Paul discussing his concern for Israel, how they rejected Christ. Paul clearly understands their situation, himself having had a zeal for God found himself witnessing the stoning of Stephen, a servant of God. Paul even persecuting the Church. Phil 3:4-6
He goes on to say in chapter 11 that God has not left them. That Israel’s rejection meant the acceptance of the Gentiles. Rom 11:1
Then he says that them being cutoff because of unbelief allowed us to be grafted in. But their rejection isn’t final. Paul makes a great analogy. Paul says something interesting here about how Israels rejection was for our benefit and also the importances of us keeping true to the faith. (Holy => Greek Hagios) Romans 11:17-24 ; 2 Cor13:5-6
Pauls suggests that our own heart and desires can cause us to fall away and that we need to constantly evaluate ourselves. What have you allowed in your heart or life that is ungodly. Identify it and remove it. Elder Wes gave a great example of authority and I saw it when I was in the military. When the Chief or officer comes in all nonsense stops. When a person is speeding and sees a cop they slow down. What have you accepted that you know wouldn’t be acceptable if God was right there? Identify it and remove it because if you are a child of God He is there.
As a result of what God has done, granting us salvation, Paul is pleading that the Roman church to endeavor to be living sacrifice, one that is holy, acceptable to God, and he says that this is reasonable. Then he went to say that conformation to what the world says is OK is not acceptable, but by the renewing of our minds, through the word, we can prove the will of God. This will that is good, acceptable and perfect. What Paul is saying is that our life (our thoughts, words, and deed) should communicate to the world the will of God. This means that anything outside of the will of God should be crushed. No wonder he said that he dies to his flesh daily. 1 Cor9:24-27
One of the key words here is sacrifice (Greek word Thusia, meaning offering or to give), and we are giving to God to be used by Him. This means that we give up our life and it becomes His.
He then goes into more on how we are supposed to live as Christians. As a matter of fact, Chapters 12-15 talks about how a Christian should live.
Romans 12:3-8 talks about using our spiritual gifts to serve God. He gave us those gifts to serve Him for the edification of the Church.
Romans 12:9-21 goes deeper into the life of a christian. I’m not going to expound on this much. For the most part it is self explanatory.
The life of a christian is a wonderful thing. While not exempt from its share of challenges we benefit from having the power of God in our lives. His favor opens doors that no man can shut, His protection is better than anything man could offer, His provision is always adequate, His peace goes beyond understanding, His love is everlasting. He grants us His Holy Spirit to comforts us and always leads us in the right direction. Its simply amazing and I wouldn't trade it for the world. For what He’s done for me, I gladly present my life a living sacrifice to Him. I gladly give up my life (will, desires, ways) so that I can have the life that He wants for me because I want to live a life that proves His will. I hope that you do too.