Prophet Priest King
Sept 30, 2001
Faith United –Men’s Day
Prophet, Priest & King
The Prophet
-The office of the Prophet was to be the messenger of God. He was to prophecy.
-The purpose of prophecy was to communicate the message of God.
1. Foretelling - Telling of Future Events.
2. Forth telling - Telling of what God has already made clear in his word.
2 Peter 1:21
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost
-Prophecy, not by the will of man.
1. Man can’t force God’s hand and make Him say something he wants him to. This would make us a false prophet of the home.
a. You use the scriptures to say something that backs what you want.
2. The leader of the home should not be imposing his will on the family, but God’s will. We are tempted as men to do this.
-Holy men of God.
1. God uses Holy men in the home.
a. Men who are holy, not perfect. His perfection is found in Christ.
b. Set apart --Santified
c. Set apart from sin – An example of Righteous living.
d. Set apart from the influence of the world. He can’t be getting his direction from God and this world.
e. Set apart for the purposes and use of God.
2. Men of God
a. Dedicated to God and the things of God.
b. Committed to God on behalf of his family. Love God more than any.
1. To communicate what thus says the Lord.
a. Prophecy- Not foretelling, but Forth telling. Lead the family in the future base on what God is showing.
b. Proclaim the Word. Preacher of the Home.
c. Teach the Family in the ways of God. Prophets were responsible for teaching the meaning of the ritual plan of God
I. Tithing
II. Church
III. Prayer & Devotions
-Filled with the Spirit.
a. Most important thing a man can do in his home.
b. This is the only way to properly hear from and be used by the Lord.
c. Not optional
1. Takes yielding, and submitting oneself to God daily.
d. Hardest Challenge of the Prophet.